
【Weekly Fortune】Weekly Horoscope of Qipa (3.14-3.20)

【Weekly Fortune】Weekly Horoscope of Qipa (3.14-3.20)

(Reference ascending and solar constellations)


The full moon in the workplace and health house in the mid-week is accompanied by the six phases of Mercury and Uranus in the hidden palace, and the work in the two weeks can see the progress and results of the news, and can see some relevant insider information, exciting or unexpected information. Some say there may be a possibility of work-related income. The full moon meets Neptune, the work state is slightly tired, the work environment may be leaky, forgotten, and the full moon may also bring news about health and pets or physical examination results. Venus and Uranus are punished and put into phase with Saturn, and there may be difficult objects in the workplace, and the degree of cooperation is difficult to complete your needs, and it may also bring delays, try not to let the work be completed too much to rely on the progress of others. On the weekend, the sun enters the Aries, and comes to the Aries Birthday Month, and first wishes all the Great Aries a happy birthday. Astrological significance at the beginning of a new year, uplifting the spirit to reload. Physical energy and willpower remain at a high level throughout the year, and it is time to act on the things previously planned.

Emotionally, someone may make your feeling fresh, different from the people you have met before, attracted by the other party (or you attract to each other) a certain temperament, there are quite a lot of topics, and suddenly the distance has become closer. But this does not mean that two people can get along well, and it needs to be tested in practice. Venus and Uranus sometimes indicate a temporary separation on a psychological or physical level (geographical) level.


A full moon means seeing results, progress, and progressing in this matter makes people feel happy, satisfied, and enjoy it. The full moon is in the fifth house of Taurus, it is related to creative activities, such as creative activities at work, more efficient working methods, solving new proposals for a business, the embodiment of your personal work ability; such as cooking, dance, boxing, broadcasting, painting and other life of a skill learning; followed by love and children, this full moon may bring a certain feedback in the emotional relationship, is a node time in the relationship, or Taurus parents find some effective ways to deal with their children's affairs. There may also be more gatherings between friends and colleagues this week. Venus and Uranus in the Career Palace are in phase and merged into saturn, and there is some impatience with someone's attitude at work, thinking that the other party is not sincere enough or is being a good old man. For yourself, it is recommended to avoid defaulting on things that have been promised, or confirm whether they can be successfully fulfilled before making promises to supervisors or other colleagues. There may be a relatively important task waiting for you next. The sun enters the hidden palace on the weekend, which is a good time to slow down the action and mentality, give yourself a buffer, and is most suitable for reviewing the study and work life of the past few weeks and correcting the deviation.

Emotionally, the full moon of the love palace and Neptune may have a topic about trust, or on some issues, how to balance the contradiction between personal interests and the interests of this relationship.


The Gemini's guardian planet Mercury, who is six points with Uranus in the career palace, brings exciting news at work and impresses with conversations with supervisors, colleagues, or someone in the work environment. Or in the work environment, there are new discoveries and new people to meet. It also represents a clear-headed and clear-headed way of thinking, as well as the possibility of finding new ways to solve a certain business. The full moon is in the home house, the progress of the progress, the result of the news progress and related to the family, real estate, living environment, due to the addition of Neptune, is a good time to maintain family relations, but not a good time to deal with documents, cooperation, documents, finances. If you have plans to arrange a family trip, there may be unexpected factors that disrupt the established arrangement. The Venus and Uranus punishment in the migration palace mean that there are fresh and interesting experiences in entertainment and entertainment life, such as viewing exhibitions, appreciating art performances, etc., and this angle also indicates that there will be consumption impulses.

Emotionally, the angle between Mercury and Uranus represents the organic ingenuity of gemini this week, while the torture of Venus and Uranus means emotional freshness, exciting experience. Intentional and unexpected gifts or a date at some interesting venue may be options to consider to bring the relationship closer.


In a busier week, the full moon in the third house, discussing and confirming something with someone, giving feedback to someone, copying the contract agenda, etc., and making new adjustments to the current progress and results. Some people are related to teaching, training, and learning, planning teaching content, participating in training, and having more coursework to complete. There are more meetings in the running of work, and it is quite difficult to sit in the office safely this week. This week may also be the time for some people to depart or return. Venus and Uranus in the treasury are punished, and there may be new news about finances in the two days of the weekend, but this is not a sign of stability, so be more cautious about opportunities that seem good on the surface. Uranus does not have much auspicious meaning, but more means "unexpectedly, surprised, and unconscionable". If you're waiting for the outcome of a certain money transaction, there may be more conclusive news from the end of March to the beginning of April. The last day of the week, the sun has entered cancer's career palace, which means that the next few weeks will be more energetic in the work, such as dealing with an important project, taking on greater responsibility in something, more trusted by the supervisor, and the performance of the work is easier to be seen by those around it.

Emotionally, the golden fire falls in the palace of control and has an angle with Uranus, which often means a vivid and interesting intimate relationship between the opposite sex, and may create surprises for the other party such as receiving a gift.


The full moon falls in Leo's money house, and the full moon usually means to bring news about the progress of the relevant field, the result, or to make new adjustment decisions in this field according to the current progress. So, this week is mostly a decision to make for a certain amount of money. Maybe it's your salary, bonuses, commissions, reimbursements, part-time income, maybe it's dealing with financial accounts, insurance, taxes, etc., and it also includes business capital transactions at work. In the harmonious phase of Mercury and Uranus, there may be an opportunity to make financial profits by trying to win it. In the cooperation project (between customers or colleagues, between departments), it may not be possible to unify opinions, the implementation of the final cooperation intention is roughly at the end of March and the beginning of April, this week may put forward some new cooperation intentions, new needs. The Sun enters the Migration Palace on Sundays, and the next few weeks will focus more on academics, travel, publishing, trade, and legal affairs.

Emotionally, unless you want to argue, it is best not to be impatient with the person you like and ask the other party to meet one of your needs. It's also a good day to discuss something openly and honestly. The punishment of Venus and Uranus, often representing flirtation, a momentary arousal of interest, it does not necessarily mean not serious or will definitely bring harm, but at least does not indicate long-term.


This week's full moon is in Virgo, the moon is in charge of emotions, the full moon amplifies emotions, and the full moon falls on its own sign with things like "Am I satisfied with my current state of life?" How do you see how you perform at work or in relationships? Is it time for me to really relate to myself? "Something like that. If you have compromised too much on some things before, you will now try to restore balance as much as possible. So it is a time of vipassana, a time to adjust the mindset and daily routine and appearance to impress others. The full moon is also very close to the money house, so for some special ascending Virgos, this full moon may also bring news of the progress and results of money matters such as salary, bonus, insurance, reimbursement, and financial management. You may also become more assertive about something or gain more authority in a job. On Sunday, the Sun enters a finance-related position, and the next few weeks are likely to deal with financial loans and other related matters.

Emotionally, if you've been following someone closely in previous weeks, or in a fast-moving relationship, this week is a good time to pause and let the pace slow down. This week is a good time to review and reflect, and perhaps to find problems that have been overlooked before.


This week there is a full moon, in the hidden house of Libra, and the full moon is also located at the midpoint of the angle between Venus and Uranus, and Venus and Uranus also have a penal phase. First of all, the full moon of the hidden palace is easy to bring emotional ups and downs, and recently the stars are mostly concentrated in the house of libra work, workplace, health and children, so the emotional ups and downs may also come from the problems encountered in these areas recently, the emotions of the full moon of the hidden palace have the characteristics of self-blame, reflection, introspection, and even guilt, if you have the characteristics of why you can't insist on it, why you can't have a better arrangement in something, especially push yourself too tightly, you must remind yourself to relax appropriately, Give yourself a buffer time. Moreover, others and external circumstances also affect everything, and not everything can be carried out exactly according to their own plans. It's a horoscope to dry the mood, slow down the pace, and allow compromise. The overall horoscope this week is a little impetuous, and in other cases, avoid being too optimistic or dismissive about something, and be prepared to plan for adjustments at any time. At the weekend, the Sun enters the relationship house and has a harmonious perspective with Pluto, or will meet with an important person, or some important cooperation will be on the agenda.

Emotionally, there are many ideas, slightly entangled, slightly impetuous, and I want to have fun, but I am also easy to feel unreliable.


The full moon appears in the interpersonal palace, bringing progress and results to the movement of the team, the community, the cooperation, and the interaction between people. For example, the progress of colleagues in the department on a certain work, or the coordination of a certain business in other departments, some people may involve personnel adjustments or department shutdown and transfer of news, or the environment of circle relations has changed slightly. Of course, this full moon also means more social activities, socializing and participation in various types of activities. If you are in the entrepreneurial stage, or running your own company, this week's horoscope may be related to the recent company's capital flow, investment and financing of new trends, Jupiter is now close to Neptune, the next few weeks and next month, there may still be good news. On weekends, the sun enters the workplace, moving from a relaxed state to a working state, which means that the next 2-3 weeks will be in a busy state of work, focusing on solving a certain job, being responsible for something or taking more leadership.

Emotionally, in social activities, there may be an intersection with each other's circle of friends, and this week's Scorpion may also show an objective and generous side in the relationship. The attitude in a relationship is to play the role of "lover" or "partner" rather than the role of "me" that is too subjective.


At some point in the workplace this week, you may be in the spotlight, such as a public speech, a presentation, or a decision on a certain work business, or a debriefing to the supervisor, if you have been preparing for something before, then now you must publish the progress and results of this matter, so that everyone around you knows the progress. Because the full moon is in the Career Palace, the full moon in the Career Palace will also make some people review their recent work environment and work status, and are they satisfied with their current selves? How can I adjust my actions to go more smoothly? How can I make greater progress and grow more? For some, this week may also discuss or decide on things related to moving, relocating, living or working environment changes, new opportunities, or better solutions than before. Under the execution phase of Venus and Uranus, in the study, teaching, training, travel, and daily work meetings, writing, consultation and other work arrangements, maintain an open mind, that is, there may be a situation where the plan is suddenly disrupted, a temporary installation of the itinerary, etc., but there may also be a surprise moment.

Emotionally, venus and Uranus clash over the weekend, bringing fresh people and things, interesting people and interesting conversations, in a social situation, or in your daily circle of life, but this does not mean that there will be a real further emotional development.


The news of progress and results brought by the full moon this week is related to academics, which course to apply for, which academic degree and skill certification to take; and related to travel, is the trip planned two weeks ago so far smooth? It may be necessary to make some adjustments; related to investment and financial management, and or related to law, publishing, writing, editing, interviewing, etc. This week, you may also have anticipated and unplanned expenses in the above things, ad hoc expenditures to solve something and make it go more smoothly. It is recommended to manage the money bag in the next two weeks, it is easy to have presumptuous and risky consumption and investment behavior. This full moon astrology also tends to bring a sense of "restlessness in the room" to Capricorn, with a strong desire to get out of daily life or leave somewhere. This is an emotion, of course, there are many ways to deal with this "leaving", mentally can also be physical, such as reading, studying, or absorbing spiritual nourishment in something else, or meeting friends to meet, outing, and so on. On weekends, the sun enters the home, and things related to family, real estate, and living environment will attract energy.

Emotionally, it is possible to have contact with a friend in a different place. Or meet new people in travel arrangements or social software.


"Discovery" and "discovery" are one of the themes of the meaning of this week's full moon, that is, to understand things like "why do people see me this way", "why do people object", "what considerations do I make decisions about this matter", "why I like someone and why someone likes me (like can be replaced by hate)", etc., to find the truth (inner emotional feelings). Secondly, the full moon may also bring financial progress, results of the news, about loans, financing, financial management, business cooperation or partnership, etc., I believe there will be some good news, but do not rely on personal judgment to make any risky financial decisions this week, may wish to ask the opinions of the people around you, learn more about it. Recently looking for a new job, talking about salary or looking for a water bottle for part-time earnings, there may be some opportunities this week. On weekends, the sun enters the third house of the water bottle, responsible for daily communication, schoolwork, running, etc. So from the end of March, the water bottles began to be a little busy, focusing on a cooperation, contract, or academic exam goal, and needed to discuss and meet with other people to make something more efficient.

Emotionally, there may be some interesting experiences, such as new meetings and chats, but emotions change quickly and are unlikely to have accurate judgments about any relationship.


This week's full moon means that during this time, a relationship (relationship, partnership, co-worker, family) becomes more important, such as your other half, a very important person, a customer you work with, or a competitor in the workplace, and if you want to balance between you, there must be compromises and negotiations. So it usually means that it is the time to see progress and results in cooperation, contracting, discussion, partnership, and emotional relationship. Because the full moon is very close to your eighth house, for some Pisces (mainly ascending Pisces), it is also a period of time to see progress in finance, loans, financing, insurance, taxes, etc., or to make relevant decisions. Bias is positive progress and results. In the coming weeks, there will also be many financial positives, and money matters will be the focus areas. Of course, in addition to material and money, the current astrological signs also represent values, and how you think you have achieved value in something can be measured by material income or other standards by your values.

Emotionally, it may be necessary to make a decision on the emotional relationship, or it may require a meeting and a conversation. Some may seem a little distracted or hesitant.

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