
The constellation Ofsa Nishi (2.21-2.27) | the last week of February

The new week is coming, let's take a look at the specific horoscope of the zodiac signs this week;

February 24 Mars six points Neptune

When Mars, which represents action and competitiveness, and Neptune, which represents dreams and ideals, form a harmonious phase, from a good point of view, it will make us more able to understand the hardships of others and stand in the position of the other party for the sake of others;

It should be noted that this phase is also easy for us to be easily swayed by emotional emotions, blur boundaries, and easily be instigated by other people's views or words, contrary to the original intention.

Venus on February 25, Neptune

When Venus, which represents feelings and interpersonal relations, and Neptune, which represents dreams and ideals, form a harmonious phase, it will bring a more romantic atmosphere to life, which is conducive to drawing closer or repairing interpersonal and emotional relationships;

During this time, it should also be noted that the Jinhai phase is also easy for us to overly idealize someone or something, ignore objective reality factors, or make impulsive decisions under the influence of others.

On February 25 Mercury killed Uranus

When Mercury, which represents thinking and communication, and Uranus, which represents change and reform, form a discordant phase, it will make our ideas more changeable, and there will be many creative and innovative ideas.

Rising or Sun for Aries

This week's change in the position of the sun will make you think more worried, but also easy to encounter problems from interpersonal aspects, and friends get along, colleagues communication and cooperation are not so smooth, but also easy to have a little irritable and anxious emotions, but also pay attention to adjustment in time;

At the same time, your Mars is still stuck in the career palace, the career luck is still very good, your action is strong, efficient, and energetic, which is conducive to solving career problems, breaking through bottlenecks, and making important decisions that affect future development;

Under the influence of the sea of fire and the sea of gold, there is also a chance to meet nobles at work, or secretly help, and the things that are having a headache suddenly turn around, clear the clouds, and the road ahead is clearer and clearer, which is suitable for the stage of fighting for a good career;

Emotionally, your relationship in love is stable, pay more attention to future development, common planning, etc., encounter problems and solve them together, which is also conducive to warming up feelings;

Single you peach blossom luck this week is ordinary, easy to meet crush or ambiguous but not indicated, or not single peach blossom, the relationship has not made significant progress.

Rising or Sun for Taurus

This week's change in the position of the sun will bring more opportunities to participate in social activities such as parties and team building, meet new friends, integrate into new circles, show their strengths and strengths, and attract like-minded friends or lovers who appreciate you and are willing to grow together;

This week's focus is on future life, career and academic development, choices and other things, and will also think more deeply about which path is more suitable for you and whether it can bring about the ideal future;

Jinhai and Huohai phase are also suitable for contact with new things, new information, new friends, will bring you unexpected help, or new choice opportunities, for you to clear the current confused or uneasy emotions;

Emotionally, you will discuss more future life and career development, common planning, and consider important decisions involving all aspects of life;

Single you this week peach blossom luck is not bad, easy to meet through parties, team building and other social activities to meet the new peach blossoms that can be chatted and have a good feeling.

Ascending or Sun for Gemini

The change of the position of the sun will bring you new opportunities in your career, and the small partners who want to jump jobs or be promoted must grasp this time well, and be able to win a larger platform, better treatment, or responsible for more important content for themselves;

At the same time, the phase of jinhai and fire will also bring better fortune and partial fortune, especially if you have a part-time job, side business, performance salary, or doing business by yourself, the improvement feeling will be more obvious, and you can more easily and smoothly negotiate cooperation, improve performance, expand new open source channels, get more opportunities, etc.;

Emotionally, in love, your feelings are sweet and stable, and it is very suitable for dating to spend a sweet and romantic two-person world;

If you are single, your peach blossom luck this week is ordinary, and it is easy to meet peach blossoms that do not clearly express their favorites or are not single.

Rising or Sun for Cancer

The change of the position of the sun will make you busy, consider more about future development, choose the direction, etc., may also arrange training, learning, or business trips, travel, etc., have the opportunity to learn more experience skills or new knowledge, belongs to the stage of speeding up and running ahead, rapid progress;

The golden sea of fire phase will enhance your interpersonal and emotional fortunes, treat interpersonal and emotional horoscopes more proactively, and also have the opportunity to repair relationships, restore contact, meet new friends, and be conducive to expressing inner feelings with ambiguous peach blossoms, or making the relationship go further, considering marriage, seeing parents, etc.;

But at the same time, this week Neptune energy is heavier, but also easy to drive your emotional ups and downs are more obvious, especially in interpersonal and emotional relationships, it is easy to listen to the words of others, or too sympathetic, originally to blame each other, but in the process of communication unconsciously forgive each other, back to the previous mode of getting along, there is no way to really solve the problem;

In love, your relationship is stable, and occasionally you will have some disagreements or small conflicts with your other half, and more communication can be successfully resolved;

If you are single, you have better peach blossom luck this week, and you have the opportunity to participate in study and training, or travel on business to know the favorite peach blossom.

Ascending or Sun for Leo

This week's change in the position of the sun will enhance your cooperation luck and fortune, you are emotional, energetic, strong in action, efficient in the direction of your career, can get more people's support and recognition, quickly deal with problems, get new opportunities, and achieve career progress and returns;

The golden sea of fire phase will also enhance your career fortune, career help more opportunities and more opportunities, especially for small partners doing business, the improvement of feeling will be more obvious, you can also seize the opportunity to try new directions;

Emotionally, in love, you have to deal with family, responsibility, finance and other related things with your partner, and it is easy to turn over old accounts to cause contradictions or unhappiness, and you must communicate with each other in time about recent feelings and ideas, jointly plan the development of future life, understand and support each other, and is more conducive to the long-term and stable development of feelings;

Single you peach blossom luck this week is ordinary, it is easy to get to know the new peach blossom through the introduction of others, but there is no obvious progress.

Rising or Sun for Virgo

This week's change in the position of the sun will enhance your interpersonal and emotional fortunes, and will also improve the mode of getting along with friends and lovers, and bring you closer;

Jinhai Fire Phase will also make you more creative, more unique ideas and directions in your career, the workplace atmosphere will be more relaxed and pleasant, and the communication with colleagues will be smoother, which is very suitable for exchange and discussion together, and collide with new sparks and ideas;

In love, your feelings are stable and sweet, spend a sweet and beautiful time together, very suitable for arranging dates, and creating romantic and sweet memories;

Single you have a good peach blossom luck this week, and it is easy to meet the favorite peach blossom, or sweet and romantic dates, parties, etc.

Rising or sun for Libra

This week, the sun enters your workplace, which will strongly enhance your overall career fortune, more clearly understand the direction, goal, good news and new opportunities for future career development, get along with colleagues more smoothly and easily, have a good platform and good opportunities to fully display their advantages and strengths, get more recognition and support from more people, and strive for better treatment or promotion opportunities;

At the same time, the sun will also make you pay more attention to health and exercise, more conducive to developing good work and rest and eating habits, listening to the body's preferences, and changing bad living habits;

In the relationship, you have a sweet and stable relationship with you, and it is easy to complain about unhappiness because of family, family or daily trivial things and the other half, but they can be solved quickly;

If you are single, you are prone to meet blind dates introduced by your parents or family this week, or meet new peach blossoms through work relationships.

Rising or Sun for Scorpio

This week's change in the position of the sun will significantly enhance your inspiration and creativity, which is very suitable for small partners engaged in writing, art and other directions, and can come up with professional and eye-catching works;

The Golden Sea of Fire Phase will also make you more thoughtful, clear thinking, methodical and logical expression, and be able to look at problems from a different perspective, easily break through the past cognitive barriers, which is conducive to focusing on immersion in learning, overcoming problems, improving achievements, making results, and communicating and cooperating with others in life and work will be smoother, and can get the support and recognition of more people;

Emotionally, in love, you will pay more attention to communication with the other half, enhance understanding, warm up feelings, and be very suitable for solving existing problems in feelings and planning the future together;

This week's single you peach blossom luck is better, there is a chance to meet the new peach blossoms you can talk about.

Rising or Sun for Sagittarius

The change of the position of the sun will make you pay more attention to the family, houses, etc., and family and relatives to contact more, care about each other's recent situation and mood, etc., some people will consider buying and selling rental houses, moving, decoration, etc., to create a more suitable living environment for themselves;

The phase of the golden sea and the sea of fire will also make it easier to spend money for the family or living environment, and it is also easy to be attracted by the beautiful aspects described in the advertisement, impulsive consumption, or large amount of consumption, easy to unconsciously flow out a lot of money, be careful;

Emotionally, in love, you will face very practical and trivial things such as chai rice oil and salt, responsibility, finances and other very practical and trivial things with your partner, some shooters will consider entering marriage, meeting with parents on both sides, planning the future, etc., and a happy and sweet life will also be accompanied by some anxiety and pressure, and more communication will be overcome together;

If you are single, you have good peach blossom luck this week, and it is easy to meet new peach blossoms through the introduction of parents and relatives, or family gatherings.

Rising or sun for Capricorn

The change of the position of the sun will bring you more party activities, the opportunity to meet new friends, but also become the focus of the circle of friends, you have the initiative and intelligence, the thinking is clear and logical, the expression is rigorous and organized, and the friends are willing to listen to your suggestions or want to discuss with you;

This week's workplace team atmosphere is also very smooth and pleasant, with the same goals with each other, mutual trust and support, no excessive interference or urging, and a more relaxed and free working environment;

Emotionally, in love, you will plan the future direction of life, make choices, discuss and analyze the problems or opportunities encountered now with each other, and there is an additional layer of responsibility and stability in the relationship;

If you are single, your peach blossom luck is good, and you have the opportunity to meet peach blossoms who can talk and actively express their good feelings.

Rising or sun for Aquarius

This week's change in the position of the sun will make you pay more attention to finances, income, etc., the overall financial fortune will be better, there is a chance to increase income, get new opportunities to make money from open source, want to be promoted and raise salaries, or more money-making small partners can seize the opportunity;

At the same time, the phase of the sea of fire and the sea of gold will bring new opportunities for your career, and the small partners who want to jump ship and seek employment will have good opportunities, but at the same time, it should be noted that there will be some colleagues who have no sense of boundaries to set your words, or repeatedly inquire into private information, making you feel irritable and embarrassed to tear your face;

Emotionally, in love, you are easy to encounter because of the pressure of life or work, and the other half said that there is no good solution, but in vain to increase the troubles of the two people, the heart is more heavy, the relationship is also easy to be slightly alienated;

Single you have an ordinary love fortune this week, and it is easy to meet people who are very enthusiastic about introducing people.

Ascending or Sun for Pisces

The sun enters your life palace, the birthday month opens, and I wish the Big Pisces a happy birthday in advance

This month, you will pay more attention to your inner thoughts, the goals you want to achieve, not be restricted by others, have the courage to fight for yourself, and there will be many new opportunities and help to help you quickly solve the existing contradictions or problems in life, bring new opportunities and changes, rapidly improve, and make great strides forward;

At the same time, the phase of the sea of fire and the sea of gold will help you to have more courage, courage and noble people in your career, and bravely try to achieve your ideal goals;

Emotionally, your feelings in love are sweet and stable, but sometimes each other will be busy with work or life, there is not much energy and time to take care of each other's emotional feelings, and there will be a little dissatisfaction, but it is not a big problem, and more communication can be solved in time;

Single you peach blossom luck this week, it is easy to become the focus of attention in the circle of friends or in the workplace, attracting the favorite peach blossom.

The constellation Ofsa Nishi (2.21-2.27) | the last week of February

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