
【Weekly Fortune March 14-20】A week full of "struggles and accidents", Gemini water bottles need special attention

Weekly Fortune March 14-20

This is a week full of "fighting", the stars Pisces continue to threaten, releasing the atmosphere of tolerance, love, forgiveness, and romance, but also releasing the signal of grievance, dissolution, confusion, and wandering, and the golden fire water bottle is torturing the King of Heaven, on the eve of the full moon of Virgo, will be dissatisfied and obedient to the peak.

Note that next week it is easy to encounter a situation where feelings suddenly fall apart, of course, it may also be in love, love at first sight, and be willing to be an enemy of the world for love.

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the sudden loss in investment and financial management, and the recent prudent financial management is not a good time for investment.

It should also be noted that Mars is torturing the King, although it will not be officially punished until the 23rd, but from next week, this restless and disturbing energy has begun to manifest. The situation in the world is uncertain, but ordinary people's lives should pay great attention to accidental injuries, be careful of cuts, burns, and traffic accident injuries will be more serious than other times.

Focus on celestial phenomena

【Weekly Fortune March 14-20】A week full of "struggles and accidents", Gemini water bottles need special attention

Water and sky liuhe

On the 17th, this phase gave us agility, intuition and a creative mind, and the creative ideas were more realistic.

Virgin full moon

On the 18th, the full moon will easily trigger our emotions, and the Virgo full moon will make us more likely to become calculating and nagging and picky, and we need to learn to let go of harsh responsibilities and only feel and accept everything about ourselves and others.

The energy of the sun

On the 19th, the Sun Pisces and Pluto Capricorn Liuhe brought us firm confidence, good at introspection and self-affirmation, and firm willpower.

On the 20th, the sun entered the Aries The sun Aries brought a sense of conquest, a strong sense of purpose, like to compete for the first, do things in a fiery way, but also simple and rough, energetic, love to pursue excitement.

Golden Heavenly Punishment

Venus Aquarius and Uranus Taurus Torture, in our lives, there may be some sudden passion that excites us. In the relationship, it is easy to encounter situations where the feelings change greatly, and sudden infatuation or sudden abandonment may occur. Because of the energy of the Venus Aquarius, this instability is even more pronounced.

Anyway, you still have to keep trying to live! Please keep up the good work!

The following will analyze the key issues of life that may affect the next week's weather, and remind yourself to have a mental preparation and not to follow the script.

Please exert your subjective initiative and say "roll" with things you don't want to happen!

Areas that are not written, then prove that there is no need to worry, and it will go as usual!

Please refer to the Rising Sun Constellation

【Weekly Fortune March 14-20】A week full of "struggles and accidents", Gemini water bottles need special attention


Advantages: Although the full moon on the 18th will bring a certain emotional tension, so that Aries encounters some small troubles in daily life or workplace work, but at this time, the moon is forming a big kite pattern with the Sun Pisces, the North Crossing Taurus, and Pluto Capricorn, Aries may get the secret help of the family or the secret support of the nobles at work, and some Aries are deeply aware of life and have been spiritually enhanced.

Disadvantages: The first half of the week Aries will be a little unable to strengthen themselves, ideas and value judgments can not be unified, always change, especially in the face of team organization, may also be easy to encounter temporary events in the organization team, so that you are unstable. Some Aries may become a little radical, rebellious psychology is very heavy, and even have the impulse to make reforms, in fact, you yourself may not understand what to do, but the temper has come up, and it seems that you are a little indifferent. It is easy to be anxious on weekends and have an unpleasant quarrel with a partner.

Love: The first half of Aries in love is easy to argue with lovers because of friends' things, there are situations of value discord, or it may be that friends always have temporary needs to disrupt your love date, causing lovers to be dissatisfied. The full moon may make Aries in love quarrel over trivial things in life, but it can still be reconciled on the weekend! Married Aries may have some temporary parties to bring their partners to attend, the first half of the week may be a little emotional uncomfortable, some Aries should pay attention to ambiguous situations! Single Aries has a bad love fortune this week, may have a love at first sight drama, or suddenly hit by love, but is likely to fall into an underground relationship.


Advantages: Taurus will still have some opportunities in his career, although the golden burning of the King of Heaven, may be your unexpected surprise, and suddenly there are problems that require you to solve with the courage to break the boat. And the energy given to you by the Stars Pisces makes you inevitably able to use the advantages of the team to create momentum for yourself.

Disadvantages: Taurus will be easily emotional in the first half of the week, and very stubborn, their own ideas are changeable but do not listen to the advice of others, it is easy to encounter temporary tasks at work, or suddenly they will be arranged for business trips, easy to do stupid things. Some Taurus are confrontational with their parents and are easily emotional. Under the influence of the full moon, Taurus is more likely to have unpleasant troubles with lovers and friends. Be aware of the fire on Sundays!

Love: Taurus in love this week's fortunes are not very good, the first half of the week is not suitable for taking lovers home to meet their parents, easy to produce antagonistic emotions, or it may be that two people have more mouths for family affairs. It is also easier to argue with lovers before and after the full moon, which may be too many parties, more distractions in love, or it may be that the temporary situation at work disrupts the rhythm of love. Married Taurus are more likely to have sudden quarrels, suddenly very impulsive, or may suddenly have to separate the two places. Single Taurus attends parties a lot, and may meet someone who makes you fall in love at first sight!


Advantages: Gemini because of the energy of the stars Pisces, still shines in the career, has a positive working attitude, is willing to coordinate turnover, has its own plan for things at work, is suitable for systematic year-round arrangements, and enhances the ability to understand and express. Some Geminis may have plans to travel far, wanting to travel to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

Disadvantages: Gemini this week in the first half of the week is easy to encounter interpersonal problems, communication with others is not smooth, but also easy to encounter unexpected changes, temporary situations will disrupt your rhythm. There are also some long-distance Geminis to pay great attention to, this journey will be very bumpy, may surprise and frighten mixed, pay more attention to their own safety. Before and after the full moon, Gemini should pay attention to the relationship with their families and leaders, it is easy to commit too much, and some grievances!

Love: Gemini in love this week is not stable feelings, may be two people will travel together, to a walk on the go free, but this journey is pleasant and satisfied, but also test the resilience of both sides. Some Geminis may suddenly become infatuated with someone, have ambiguities, or may just be playmates for one-night stands. Married Geminis may be a little aggrieved in the middle of the week, or they are overly emotional, bringing quarrels that will ease on the weekend. Single Geminis may have love at first sight, or there may be underground romances!


Advantages: Cancer may take advantage of the Virgo full moon this week to have a chance to learn training and improve, although the process is not so pleasant, or it may be ready, depending on whether you are always working hard and ready. Some Cancers may have the opportunity to travel or travel! The second half of the week is more capable of learning and is suitable for research.

Disadvantages: Cancer may have unexpected financial losses in the first half of the week, or it may be a sudden red bomb, or personal expenses, in short, financial fortune is not ideal. Some Cancers may say goodbye to someone or an organization because of different and unrelated circumstances. In interpersonal communication, Cancer is also prone to misunderstandings because the words are not up to the mark, affecting their own image, or doing impulsive and stupid things for the sake of a common good. When things are not going well, don't forget that family is your harbor, and you can get comfort and satisfaction when you go home on the weekend.

Love: Cancer in love may try new ways of getting along this week, or learn new knowledge to enhance the interaction between the two parties. But there are also people who are secretly making mistakes and staying away from underground romance! Married Cancers may be unhappy in mid-week due to financial problems, with intimacy hindered, and weekends may be frizzy and more controlling because of family matters.


Advantages: Leo may have an investment opportunity around the full moon Oh, may take some risks, but you have great hopes for it and are willing to give it a try. Pisces does bring good business opportunities to Leo, whether you can grasp it or not also refer to many factors, and actively mobilize the resources that can be integrated around you is also a must-do. Some Leos may have part-time jobs to find, and it is also good to develop side businesses!

Disadvantages: Leo is easily emotional in the first half of the week, self-stubborn, as if his temper will explode at any time, no one is happy, ready to raise the bar to quarrel, some are righteous, some may be stupid, so it is very important to stabilize their mood this week. The contract should not be finalized this week, it is easy to change, some Leos may have business trips, or there are organized deployments to change the working environment, and there will be more places to run in during this period.

Love: Leo in love still cares about emotional flow this week, may "throw a thousand dollars" for love, or may hinder face to accept things outside of their own ability, which is not a wise move! Some Leos should pay attention to the sense of proportion in their interactions with the opposite sex, and do not blur the boundaries they should have. Married Leos can bump and bump this week, each looking at each other unfavorably, and someone should pay attention to the situation of cheating. Single Leo has a bad love fortune this week, and opportunities still need to wait.


Advantages: Although the Virgo full moon has a greater impact on your mood, it also paves the way for cooperation negotiations, and the contract or negotiation signed on this day (18th) will have a good development. Some Virgos may have the urge to talk about marriage, and it is a good choice to imagine marriage with their partners and learn the essence of marriage and the way of management together.

Disadvantages: The first half of the week Virgo may be a little out of state, the mood is not open, and do not want to do active and effective communication with people, more often may make their own arrangements. Some Virgos have conflicts with colleagues and superiors and subordinates, some people wear small shoes for you, or no one wants to do errands that fall on your head (such as business trips), and some people may be disrupted by business travel plans, and life is always in a variety of situations, not very smooth.

Love: Virgos in love may have some novel ideas or unrealistic ideas that make lovers feel a little surprised, may not be able to accurately keep up with your rhythm, the relationship between each other before and after the full moon is somewhat tense, and there are words in the heart that cannot be clarified to each other. Married Virgos are more likely to argue, you may be very dependent on each other and appear entangled and unsystematic, and the relationship will ease on the weekend. Single Virgos may suddenly have an office romance, love comes suddenly, and you need to be careful.


Advantages: Libra is still very busy this week, there may still be overtime situations, some behind-the-scenes work, or auxiliary work, will make you feel more handy. Some Libras have very strong creative inspiration and are very suitable for artistic creation! Around the full moon, Libra inspiration reaches its peak this week, so experience and document it!

Disadvantages: Libra will still feel very tired after busy life and work, some Libras may have escape, laziness, drunkenness, and others are not in good physical condition and are prone to fatigue. In terms of betting horoscopes, Libra this week is a roller coaster rhythm, up and down people are overwhelmed. Also pay attention to unexpected situations when going out to parties or leisure, especially to adventure games or projects, of course, it may just be that you suddenly want to challenge extreme sports.

Love: The first half of the week of Libra in love has a very unstable relationship with a lover, it is easy to quarrel, and someone may face a breakup situation. Some Libras may have ambiguity or sudden empathy. Married Libras may also encounter cheating and splitting their legs, of course, some people just live apart. Single Libra love horoscopes are not stable, there may be a situation of love at first sight, but also be careful of underground relationships.


Advantages: Scorpio is happy to speak out for the public around the full moon, represents a position, is also innovative, and the stage for individual performances has been set. The Stars Pisces still bring scorpio a good artistic creation ability, suitable for artistic creation, and some Scorpios are talented in sports. Scorpio horoscopes are stronger in terms of leisure and entertainment. Some married Scorpios have recently been pregnant, and those who have ideas can work hard!

Disadvantages: Scorpio in the first half of the week career fortune is not good, especially cooperation, public relations things, there are many accidents, temporary situations emerge in an endless stream, people are very big, may not be the leader is not very cooperative with your ideas, some Scorpio will have business trips, but the road is not smooth. This week, be careful not to talk big in front of lovers and friends, and promise what you can do. There are also Scorpios who may have to solve internal conflicts in the family, don't impulsively do stupid things.

Love: Scorpio in love because the stars Pisces in the love palace, love is of course still sweet and thick, although the Virgo full moon will bring some impact, but it will not be very fierce, this week is not suitable to take lovers home to see their parents Oh! Married Scorpios are more likely to quarrel "upside down", for the family's affairs have to fight to win or lose before stopping, making the family home restless, there is no need. Single Scorpio love horoscopes may have to rely on the help of their families this week, and blind dates may meet someone who will make your eyes shine.


Advantages: Sagittarius has better career opportunities around the full moon! It may not have been very smooth due to the tension of the full moon, but it was eventually supported by reliable and solid support, and the emotional struggle of that day or two was nothing compared to that. This week Sagittarius is more suitable for doing the work and affairs that you are familiar with!

Disadvantages: Sagittarius's life and work status this week is actually not stable, whether it is communication with colleagues or there will be a situation of dispatch, it is easy to encounter unexpected situations, and misunderstandings, which requires you to use your past experience to solve problems in the scope of work you are familiar with, otherwise you are easy to panic. Some Sagittarius should pay attention to travel safety, easy to encounter traffic accidents, or accidental injuries!

Love: Sagittarius in love may have some novel ideas to share with each other, but whether the other person can catch it is a question mark. Your thoughts are changeable this week, it is easy for people to keep up with your pace, and it is easy for you to think that the other party does not meet your emotional needs, and there is a possibility of quarrels and even breakups. Married Sagittarius is more suitable for doing family affairs with their partners, this week may be a little more unexpected, don't complain about each other! A joint solution is the recipe. Single Sagittarius may encounter the object of his heart during the outing, but don't rush to act, you may overturn.


Advantages: Capricorns have strong learning ability around the full moon, are willing to actively improve themselves, and may also have opportunities for further training. The Pisces still brings Good interpersonal skills to Capricorn, treating people and things comfortably, and always thinking about others. Some Capricorn text editing skills are very strong at the moment, suitable for good creation!

Disadvantages: Affected by the full moon of Virgo, Capricorn should still pay attention to traffic safety issues during travel. The first half of Capricorn's financial fortunes are very poor, there will be sudden losses, or debt situations are a headache. Some Capricorns who want to seek help from the connections around them in the first half of the week are likely to encounter such a stunned situation as "the cooked duck flew away". Bet on bad luck Oh, don't bet lightly.

Love: Capricorn in love this week and the relationship with the lover is not very good, intimate relationships have estrangement, a lot of ideas but are stuffy in the heart do not say, on the surface can not see the waves, the heart does not know how many points to the other party lost! Some Capricorns may still encounter breakups. Married Capricorns will also have situations where the relationship between the sexes is not intimate, and when the other party wants to be more intimate with you, they will feel your indifference! Single Capricorns have a bad love fortune and may have a sudden sense of infatuation, but this relationship does not last long.


Advantages: Aquarius may have good investment opportunities around the full moon, or the possibility of money being paid. Pisces makes Aquarius care about his sense of value and is more eager to be recognized and accepted, so he will also do a series of work to enhance his sense of existence. Some Acacias may receive financial support from their families!

Disadvantages: Aquarius in the first half of the week may be easy to quarrel with family, spouse, your emotions are more obvious, may also be very sensitive, so the relationship with close people is unstable, or there are unexpected situations at home that you need to deal with, so you are very headache, don't be too impulsive to raise the bar! Some Aquarius should pay attention to the traffic safety problems of travel, or cuts, burns, inflammation, etc., take care of your body!

Love: Aquarius in love is very concerned about each other this week, but things must be reversed, because of this care and easy to feel insecure, some Aquarius may be more egotistical and do not care about each other's feelings, the emotional communication between the two people is somewhat estranged. It is best for two people to do things that they would not normally do together to increase the freshness and excitement! Married Aquarius has many quarrels with their partners, is not emotionally stable, and is easily impulsive. Single Aquarius is full of charm, peach blossoms are still the same, there is a possibility of flashing love!


Advantages: Pisces may understand the meaning of cooperation better before and after the full moon, although your recent ideas are more self-sufficient, but the tension of the full moon will make you understand that a person's ability is limited, and cooperation can achieve a win-win situation. Some Pisces may want to travel far and broaden their horizons, while others are willing to do research and improve their learning ability.

Disadvantages: There are still many temporary accidents in pisces life in the first half of the week, which require you to actively deal with them, and some Pisces travel safety is still not guaranteed, and it is easy to bump and accidental injury! Some Pisces are in poor physical health, and pay attention to the possibility of recurrence of old diseases. During the midweek, Pisces may have an impulse to shop or lose money.

Love: Pisces in love has a lot of verbal conflicts with lovers this week, on the one hand, you think about yourself, fall into the self-world, can not do limited communication with lovers, and may have ex harassment, ambiguous situations, etc., bringing relationship instability. Married Pisces should also pay attention to the quarrel before and after the full moon, and some people may be in the stage of ambiguity and underground love, which needs to be guarded. Single Pisces has a bad love fortune this week, be careful of underground romance.

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