
Why are more and more people not sending circles of friends?

When a person gradually begins not to send a circle of friends, it is not that there is nothing to say, not that it is sluggish in recording, but that it grows silently and matures in a low-key manner.

Don't live in the eyes of others


Why are more and more people not sending circles of friends?

Life is originally to be felt by yourself, so why live a refined template for others in the circle of friends.

Don't live in the eyes of others, you have to live in your own life script.

Don't live in comparison with people

Why are more and more people not sending circles of friends?


"Life is your own

It has nothing to do with others.

Everyone has their own rhythm of life, and finding their own love is far more important than following the love of others.

The comparison in the circle of friends is just a false social game, not only falling into the vortex of consumerism, but also letting his life be deeply immersed.

In the adult world, living your own life is far more important than comparing with others.

When a person gradually stops sending a circle of friends, it is because he has found his own rhythm and lived a life that he likes.

In living your own life


The circle of friends that you want to send has been sent to the people who care in the form of private messages.

Why are more and more people not sending circles of friends?

At a certain stage, no longer chasing the colorful circle of friends, but returning to life itself, is the meaning of living.


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