
A man chooses a license plate, the screen appears 20 "888" dumbfounded, netizens: looking for a relationship, right?

There are thousands of worlds, there are no wonders. When something is beyond their own cognitive range, they feel that it is false, and when others have done something beyond their expectations, they feel that others have gone through the back door or found a relationship. Others want you to live well, but do not want you to live better than him, when you have achieved success in your career, most people will wait for you to fall to the bottom, rather than a heartfelt blessing, those who bless you, often strangers. Therefore, when you change a new house and buy a good car, do not send a circle of friends, showing off will stimulate the evil thoughts in the bones of others, not everyone sees others good, especially the people around them. As long as you learn to keep a low profile, it means that you are mature.

A man chooses a license plate, the screen appears 20 "888" dumbfounded, netizens: looking for a relationship, right?
A man chooses a license plate, the screen appears 20 "888" dumbfounded, netizens: looking for a relationship, right?

Today, we will talk about a very strange thing, a man in Wuhan, Hubei Province, bought a Toyota Corolla, and when he went to the vehicle management office to select the number plate, a stupid thing happened. Friends who have chosen the license plate know that when we choose the number, 20 numbers will appear randomly on the screen, we want to choose 1 of 20, and the result is that this Friend of Wuhan is not calm when he looks at these 20 numbers, and the surrounding is also a surprise, because these 20 numbers have three numbers of "888", although it is 888 + two letters, but the probability of randomly selecting the "leopard" is very little. At this time, someone around whispered, "Find a relationship?" That's outrageous! "Not scientific at all!" "Definitely going through the back door!" Does this mirror my opening point?

A man chooses a license plate, the screen appears 20 "888" dumbfounded, netizens: looking for a relationship, right?
A man chooses a license plate, the screen appears 20 "888" dumbfounded, netizens: looking for a relationship, right?

The license plate is the "ID card" of the vehicle, it is different from our ID card, the license plate can be seen by everyone, and our ID card is very private, I believe that no one will take their ID card everywhere for others to see, right? After all, it has its own birthday and home address. Because of the high visibility of the license plate, this has caused some people to "spend a lot of money" to buy special license plates, such as 5 8s, which is said to sell for more than 1 million, after all, a city only has an 88888 license plate, which is even higher than the "face" of the model. Of course, we ordinary people naturally do not care about this kind of license plate, but some big guys are very concerned, they feel that this kind of license plate can represent their "status" and "identity", although this is a wrong value.

A man chooses a license plate, the screen appears 20 "888" dumbfounded, netizens: looking for a relationship, right?

Speaking of license plates, let's talk about some of the wrong applications of license plates. Some people feel that their driving skills are good, and the speed limit measures of the highway limit their own driving skills, will cover the license plate, so that even if they violate the law or speed, the camera can not shoot their own license plate, do not know, cover the license plate is to deduct 12 points, which means that your driver's license is not, do not doubt the determination of the traffic police to combat this behavior, when you are indulging in the highway, you may be stopped by the traffic police at the next intersection, to know that the camera system on the highway is very leading, When your behavior is "detected" by the system, you will call the police, and the traffic police will "see you at the next intersection" with you.

A man chooses a license plate, the screen appears 20 "888" dumbfounded, netizens: looking for a relationship, right?

Then the wrong application of this license plate involves breaking the law. For various reasons, some people may desperately buy smuggled cars, and smuggled cars have no formalities, in order to get on the road, there is only one way, that is, "decking". Their deck technology is very sophisticated, will choose the same model of regular models for "decking", such as others have a Range Rover, you have a Range Rover smuggling car, if the deck of other people's license plates, the camera system is not recognized as fake, who will know? The one who was "decked" by you! If you have a violation, the system will send the violation record to the mobile phone of the person you "played", people think, that time, that place, I did not drive ah, must be "deck". Then it will call the police, after the "Sky Eye" system inspection, what is waiting for you? Needless to say you know.

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