
Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

As for the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, it has finally stabilized for the time being.

The two sides have held three rounds of negotiations so far, and although they still do not give in to each other in the overall situation, they still have to talk about important issues such as humanitarian affairs.

I hope that Russia and Ukraine can find a solution that does not require the use of knives and guns in the follow-up negotiations.

In addition to the military conflict, the sanctions imposed on Russia by well-known technology companies and organizations in various countries have not stopped.

Not only are economic and political sanctions imposed, but now even game companies are starting to take sides, like EA announcing the removal of the Russian club in FIFA22...

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

Microsoft is even more ruthless, directly suspending the sale of all new products and services in Russia.

The so-called "products and services" contain hardware and software, and this wave of sanctions directly makes all of Russia's inactive Windows computers pirated.

Although pirated copies can be used, but the security is far less than the genuine, combined with the previous sanctions of technology giants such as Apple and Google, the impact on Russia is still quite large...

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

At this difficult moment, Xiao Lei saw a message from the Internet, saying that Russia was going to release the "beast" that had been banned for a long time, and the reversal moment came!

Ah, isn't that better than the Bo people?

But then again, this so-called "beast" is not actually a strong regular army.

It's just a website called RuTracker, and it doesn't contain ulterior secrets, but it's just cracking resources that benefit netizens around the world.

To put it simply, websites are engaged in piracy.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

At first, this information was not fully confirmed.

But in the context of Game Companies such as Sony, Microsoft, EA and Ubisoft sanctioning Russia, many netizens believe it without thinking too much.

After all, you sanctioned my game, and I unblocked my biggest pirate resource website to deal with it, which is not quite reasonable?!

But Xiao Lei always felt that things were not simple, because I had not found the official source, so I went to check a wave myself and found that the Russian authorities had not lifted the ban on RuTracker.

But to talk about the whole thing, we have to first figure out where RuTracker is sacred, and why it can attract the attention of netizens around the world.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

The era of piracy is back?

In fact, in the early traditional Internet era, piracy and genuine copying were not as "incompatible" as they are now.

On the one hand, netizens don't care whether the resources they are using are genuine, as long as they can be used and easy to use, it doesn't matter how much he has...

On the other hand, copyright owners who stand on the opposite side of piracy have not yet started a comprehensive "encirclement and suppression" of piracy.

Therefore, the piracy environment at that time was still quite relaxed, and netizens only needed to find a pirate website with complete resources and fast updates to achieve the coveted freedom of resources.

Since then, it has become a resource extraction machine in the eyes of students, and its status in the school is comparable to that of "hackers".

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

Like RuTracker mentioned by Xiao Lei today, it is such a resource site, but it is different from ordinary download sites, and it is essentially a PT site.

Cough, talking about this seems to expose age...

Many young netizens may not have heard the word PT, but in fact, it is a form of resource dissemination based on BT servers.

Technically rely on BT, but the PT station takes the "registration invitation system", in which users are strictly screened and have a strong spirit of sharing.

This helps a lot with the download speed of BT.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

Usually everyone has also used BT download bar, the speed of popular resources is not bad, but if you encounter the cold dead species, there is a few kb a second is good...

The PT station is different, the users inside are all living bodhisattvas, after downloading the resources and uploading seeds to others, in exchange for BT seeds of exceptionally high quality.

Any BT torrent resources can be fully squeezed by the upper bandwidth limit, and the download experience hangs those open BT stations outside.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

However, the Development of the Internet for decades, during which many well-known BT stations were born, why is RuTracker from Russia so popular?

The most direct reason is undoubtedly that there are many resources to crack first-hand, and finding resources is as simple as drinking water.

Friends who often tinker with cracked and pirated resources can recall that when looking for such resources in the past, did they often find the "Russian version"?

For example, the ravely acclaimed multi-threaded download artifact IDM, often not long after the release of the new version, was cracked by the Russian god at the speed of light and uploaded to RuTracker.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

If you think that IDM+ is too dish, it was simply cracked by Lao Maozi, then what about the "old man ring" that was recently launched?

Bandai front foot launched the game, the Russian god back foot cracked overnight, and released resources and tutorials to RuTracker together, which was outrageous.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

There are even Jay Chou's songs available for download, not only the album is complete, but even the sound quality is lossless.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

Xiao Lei was curious to visit the comment area and found that there are many Russian netizens who like to listen to Zhou Dongge.

However, because Maozi's computer does not have a built-in Chinese, the file names downloaded to the local area have become a pile of garbled code.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

Even so, the enthusiasm of the majority of Russian netizens for Chinese music is still undiminished.

Perhaps in such pirate websites, we can see the real "art without borders".

Cough, far away, let's talk back to the main topic.

The reason why RuTracker is popular, in addition to the fast release of cracking resources, the low requirements for sharing rates are also a major reason for attracting users to settle in.

The sharing rate is a hard requirement for all PT sites for users, which is actually the upload/download ratio.

The general PT station requires users to have a sharing rate of 1 - 2, if the sharing rate is 1, it means that the user downloads 100G files, and it has to return 100G traffic to the PT station.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

So what is the share rate requirement of RuTracker? The answer is 0.3...

This limit is lower than most PT stations in the industry, and the resource limit is low, and it is no wonder that so many users are willing to go to this site to play.

Some friends may ask, then I have to be a white prostitute, does it have a way for me?

Quite simply, the PT site administrator will directly kick you out of the door and block the IP, and then you must not step into the website for half a step.

A world where one person is for me, and I am for everyone, there is no room for any white prostitutes.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

However, we must also recognize the fact that RuTracker is a pirated website, and it is destined not to be recognized by the intellectual copyright owners.

More and more copyright authors are starting to take notice of the site and file lawsuits in court.

In the end, RuTracker could not resist and was permanently banned by the Moscow court in 2015.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

Blocked, but not completely blocked

However, Little Ray had to say but.

Russia's method of blocking is not a global blockade, and it does not have so much power.

In fact, Russia only used technical means to ban domestic netizens from visiting Rutracker, while netizens in other regions were not affected at all.

Oh, Xiao Lei can directly access this website, except for a slightly slower loading speed, nothing.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

In other words, as long as you're not inside Russia, RuTracker is alive and well.

In this case, whether it is unsealed or not has any impact on us.

What's more, the Russian official did not unblock RuTracker, and the reason why the news was spread was because some netizens found that the website had disappeared from the Russian prohibited register.

"RuTracker is not on the list, the beast is out, the free Internet era is back."

The netizens who found this thing probably thought so in their hearts...

In fact, the website is still lying in the banned list, but this netizen searched for the wrong posture and did not search, which is really white excitement.

Harm, think about it from another angle, perhaps there are too many Internet restrictions now, so that netizens will be so excited to hear that Rutracker unblocked.

Turn back the time to more than ten years ago, "anything can be searched" is the norm of the Internet, what songs you want to listen to, you can go to Baidu music search; you want to go to BT Paradise to download.

Unblocked Russia's largest pirate resource station? Fake

It was the era of rampant piracy, and it was also the happiest era for netizens.

With the awakening of copyright awareness among netizens and the beginning of the crackdown on piracy by copyright owners, most of the resources we can access now are genuine versions that need to be paid.

Cough, Xiao Lei did not say that the genuine version is not good, but in some special cases, the experience of the genuine version is not good enough.

Who can you tell about this?

Of course, perhaps netizens just want to find an excuse to complain that "Western sanctions against Russia are self-inflicted."

As for whether RuTracker has been unblocked, everyone may not care so much.

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