
People infected with AIDS, these 1 manifestations are the most easily ignored, be vigilant!

Author: Zhang Wei (Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University)

1. Why do HIV-infected people/AIDS patients feel tired easily?

People with HIV are often prone to fatigue and fatigue, especially AIDS patients who have been living with the virus for many years.

Severe fatigue can affect normal work and life, and even lose the ability to take care of themselves.

In addition, it may also cause psychological problems such as depression, once found, you should actively look for the cause, timely medical treatment, must not be ignored.

Why are AIDS patients prone to fatigue? There are many reasons for this, so let's take a look:

The damage of the virus itself to the human body leads to a decline in the body's immunity, and the weak body cannot withstand the test of cold, heat and rain.

Side effects of antiviral drugs, almost every drug will have toxic side effects, leading to physical discomfort.

Other medications taken at the same time, including painkillers, antidepressants or anxiety medications, medications to treat neuropathy, medications that lower blood pressure and high cholesterol, etc., may also have side effects that can cause fatigue.

anaemia. Anemia is due to a decrease in the amount of red blood cells in the blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in the ability of the blood to carry and carry oxygen.

The lack of oxygen in the cells, tissues and organs of the body can make people feel tired and weak.

People infected with AIDS, these 1 manifestations are the most easily ignored, be vigilant!

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

Opportunistic infections. AIDS patients due to the destruction of their own immune system, resulting in reduced immunity, so more susceptible to pathogen invasion and attack, increase the chance of disease, some normal cases of non-pathogenic pathogens will also "take advantage of the void", resulting in infectious diseases in the human body.

Negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, or psychological stress can lead to feelings of exhaustion.

Being in physical pain and mental pain for a long time will itself consume people's will and make people feel tired.

Androgen (testosterone) or thyroid hormone levels are too low, leading to tiredness, apathy, and lack of interest in things.

Lack of sleep, insomnia.

2. How to find out the "culprit" that causes fatigue?

Since the causes of fatigue in AIDS patients are complex and diverse, for a specific person, to find out which situation or situation causes his or her fatigue, it is necessary to cooperate with the doctor to collect relevant information and do some necessary tests.

Blood tests to assess for anemia and whether hormone levels are within the normal range.

Comprehensive examination of kidney, liver, and blood electrolyte levels.

Chest x-ray and lung function test.

Depression or other abnormal mental state assessment to determine whether the mind is normal.

Thoroughly check the medications used to see if there are any medication-related side effects that are causing fatigue.

Self-assess sleep and daily exercise.

People infected with AIDS, these 1 manifestations are the most easily ignored, be vigilant!

3. What should I do if AIDS patients are tired?

Based on the symptoms presented and the results of the examination, the doctor will find the specific cause of fatigue and develop a targeted treatment plan. If it is caused by a drug, it may be necessary to change the drug.

If it is caused by anemia or low hormone levels, doctors can prescribe the right medicine to solve the root cause of the problem.

Moderate physical activity can increase strength, increase energy and vitality levels, reduce stress, relax yourself, and lift your spirits.

If you haven't done regular exercise before, consult your doctor to make a workout plan together, such as starting with running, or finding an exercise program that interests you and is physically competent.

Consistent exercise can also make the heart, lungs and muscles stronger and more energetic, making the whole person more energetic. At the same time, long-term adherence to exercise will improve immunity and reduce the risk of opportunistic infections.

Make sure you get enough sleep each day, and if you have frequent insomnia, ask your doctor for help.

Eat more high-protein foods to ensure daily energy intake.

If other infections are concomitant, the drug should be used rationally under the guidance of a doctor and effective treatment should be carried out against the pathogen.

Stay away from drugs, which may bring a momentary excitement, but then worsen fatigue or insomnia.

It is best to allocate energy reasonably, make a ranking according to the priorities of things, and spend more energy on important things, rather than forcing yourself to take care of everything and do everything.

If you still feel tired after the above adjustments, consider that it is caused by psychological factors, and if necessary, see a psychologist to give psychological counseling.

People infected with AIDS, these 1 manifestations are the most easily ignored, be vigilant!

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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