
You can find your own coach! From next month, the "self-study direct examination" will be officially implemented, are you willing to try?

Since April 1, the new version of the "Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses" has been implemented, and the relevant content of "self-study direct examination" has attracted the attention of many people.

You can find your own coach! From next month, the "self-study direct examination" will be officially implemented, are you willing to try?

It is understood that the self-study direct examination refers to the use of small cars, small automatic car driving license applicants can use self-prepared motor vehicles equipped with safety auxiliary devices, under the guidance of personnel with safe driving experience and other conditions, in accordance with the public security organs traffic management department designated route, time to learn driving skills, in accordance with the provisions of Article 23 to apply for the corresponding quasi-driving type of driving license.

Xiao Wang, who is choosing a driving school, told reporters that her friend told her that her driver's license can be self-taught immediately, and after in-depth understanding of the self-study direct test, she is still more inclined to register at the driving school: "I think that the matter of taking the driver's license is still handed over to a professional driving school and coach to be more at ease." Self-study to find teachers, find vehicles, find venues, too much trouble, if you sign up for driving school, they will be uniformly arranged. ”

You can find your own coach! From next month, the "self-study direct examination" will be officially implemented, are you willing to try?

For the new regulations that are about to be implemented, driving school instructors have different views.

Yang Bo is a professional driver in Taizhou with 10 years of driving school experience, compared with the driving school learning car and self-study direct test, he believes that the driving school will learn to pass the test will be a little higher, and self-study, practical may be stronger. He said: "The coach only uses the method of coping with exams to teach the car, if you teach yourself, it is not necessarily for exams, but he can cope with various situations on the road." If the coach teaches, the pass rate of the exam is high, and if it is self-taught, the pass rate of the exam is not high, but the practicality is definitely strong. For example, the intersection traffic lights, need to pay attention to what matters, the coach will talk about a little more comprehensive, but 5 years of driving experience of the driver, the precautions will not be so specific, comprehensive, 5 years of driving age of the old driver to drive their own no problem, but to teach a person, there may be some problems. ”

Tang Yongxian, a senior coach, said that self-study direct examination has advantages and disadvantages. "The advantage of self-study direct examination is that the learning time is flexible and the learning content is diverse. Especially for some old drivers who have drunk driving or have a minor accident, they have a certain driving foundation and experience. Learning in a driving school, the procedures are relatively complicated. If you can pass the self-study direct examination, the time will be much shorter. The fastest trainees can get their driver's license again in a week. ”

You can find your own coach! From next month, the "self-study direct examination" will be officially implemented, are you willing to try?

To say that the drawbacks, mainly reflected in the novice learning car "little white" and the elderly. Now many people who learn to drive are older, fifty or sixty years old, sixty or seventy years old are learning, for this part of the people, or should be handed over to professional driving training schools and professional coaches. "Learning in driving school will take longer. Learning to drive is a process of accumulation in order to achieve a certain level of driving.

Unlike Coach Tang, Song Jianqiang, coach of Hangzhou Huanglong Driving School, believes that it is difficult to truly implement the self-study direct examination. Coach Song told reporters that as early as 2016, when Ningbo began the pilot, it was paying attention. First of all, in terms of tuition fees, the two costs of vehicle modification and venue rental are added together, and the price of studying at driving school is not much different.

Shi Xiaobo, principal of Jintong Driving School, also believes that the self-study direct examination is difficult in the operation process, and it will not have much impact on the enrollment of the driving school in the short term, he said: "Because our driving school car matches the car of the examination room, what car you learn to test what car, but if you say that you learn to borrow a car from a friend, this car may have a difference." The pass rate of the exam is the most intuitive, and if you are not sure, the student will certainly not try it easily. There is also the problem of school hours, self-study and self-examination, he did not study hours, the Ministry of Public Security did not recognize. ”

You can find your own coach! From next month, the "self-study direct examination" will be officially implemented, are you willing to try?

In Jiaxing, the reporter learned that the C1C2 driver's license in the driving school is basically around 4,000 yuan, and although the self-study direct examination is not charged, it involves vehicles, fuel costs, venues, etc., and it is likely that 5,000 yuan cannot be stopped. Zhang Zhengqi, vice principal of Jiaxing Traffic School: "The regulations for self-study direct examination are to take one, and there is a regulation in the early pilot, a car can only be carried by one person, and it can only be brought one in a few months, it is better to report a name in the driving school, I paid the money you give me the whole service." ”

In addition, he also mentioned safety issues, regular driving schools have coach cars, venues, insurance on the road, in case of accidents are borne by coaches, and these are not clear in the mode of self-study and direct examination, he said: "The economy is not clear, driving school learning then coaches are fully responsible." For example, if I learn from you, in case of an accident, this money will cost you ah? Surely I'll pay for it, and confiscate your money myself. ”

【Source: China Blue News Client】

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