
Morning Post: iPhone SE 3 capacity or doubled The first delivery of The D round of financing of Xiaoma Zhixing

[CNMO Morning Post] In the early morning of March 9, Apple will hold a spring conference. According to the latest news, the iPhone SE3, which may appear at the press conference, may double its body memory capacity. There is also news that tomorrow morning, Apple may bring a "basic" display.

In terms of car circles, Musk recently said that china and the United States have great potential for cooperation in green and low-carbon fields such as new energy utilization and electric vehicles. Pony Has Announced the Completion of the First Closing of series D financing, with an overall valuation of US$8.5 billion.

Recently, well-known Apple analyst Guo Mingxi said on social media that the new iPhone SE 3 mobile phone or will provide 64GB, 128GB and 256GB three different capacity versions. The 256GB capacity version was first introduced on the iPhone SE. Given the high accuracy of Guo Mingji's previous exposures to Apple products, this statement is also very likely.

Morning Post: iPhone SE 3 capacity or doubled The first delivery of The D round of financing of Xiaoma Zhixing

iPhone SE series

There were previous rumors that Apple was developing two brand new displays. One is an update of the Pro Display XDR, and the other is a basic model for ordinary consumers. According to the latest news, the "basic" display is likely to be unveiled at Apple's spring conference in the early morning of March 9. It is reported that the price of this display is about half of the Pro Display XDR, the size is still 27 inches, and the price is about 2500 US dollars, about 15797 yuan.

Morning Post: iPhone SE 3 capacity or doubled The first delivery of The D round of financing of Xiaoma Zhixing

Apple may launch a new display

Morning post comments: Apple's spring conference has many new products, which are worth looking forward to

March 6 news, according to reports, on March 3, the mainland's ambassador Qin Gang visited the Tesla factory in Fremont, California, and had in-depth exchanges with Tesla CEO Musk, and the two also test-drove Tesla's latest driverless model. Musk said that human civilization is like a candle in the darkness of the vast universe. Each of us lives not only to solve specific problems, but also to devote ourselves to exciting and grand causes. Mankind lives on the same planet, should live in harmony, and face global challenges and work together to deal with them. There is great potential for cooperation between China and the United States in green and low-carbon fields such as new energy utilization and electric vehicles.

Morning Post: iPhone SE 3 capacity or doubled The first delivery of The D round of financing of Xiaoma Zhixing

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Morning Post Comments: In fact, cooperation is not limited to new energy vehicles

Recently, Xiaoma Zhixing officially announced that it has completed the first delivery of the D round of financing, with an overall valuation of 8.5 billion US dollars, and the valuation of this round is about 65% higher than the previous round of financing. Peng Jun, co-founder and CEO of Xiaoma Zhixing, said that the successful completion of this round of financing, the entire team of Xiaoma Zhixing is indispensable. For 2022, Xiaoma Zhixing is full of confidence and will rapidly promote the development of autonomous driving technology around the world.

Morning Post: iPhone SE 3 capacity or doubled The first delivery of The D round of financing of Xiaoma Zhixing

Pony Zhixing

Morning Post Comments: Financing is more conducive to the development of autonomous driving technology

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