
To Scorpio: A little less control over others will not only be less dangerous, but it will be safe

To Scorpio: A little less control over others will not only be less dangerous, but it will be safe

Text: Brahman star heart language

Those who like to dominate and control others can be roughly divided into two categories in terms of personality, one is particularly self-centered and self-confident. The other is insecurity, and it is easy to produce anxiety and fear in the heart.

Aries, lions, and Scorpio are the three most dominant constellations.

Aries and lions dominate others mostly from "self-centered" personalities, while Scorpio's domination of others comes more from the second reason, that is, "lack of security".

This is also the reason why the fire sign and the water sign behave differently in this regard.

Scorpio is a very special water sign, unlike Cancer and Pisces who are good at showing weakness, Scorpio has a lot of personality, likes to control, possess...

But this kind of strength is only superficial, as mentioned earlier, the root cause of Scorpio's control over others is insecurity, in fact, your heart is more likely to be afraid.

These fears exist in the subconscious mind, and you are subjectively unaware of them.

Most Scorpios are born with a strong desire to dominate, and if you grew up in a family with stricter tutoring, your desire to dominate others will be stronger as an adult.

Mars allows you to accumulate a lot of domineering power, because this power can not be released to the elders, so it can only be released against partners and friends who are relatively equal in relationship, or juniors or subordinates who are weaker than themselves.

To Scorpio: A little less control over others will not only be less dangerous, but it will be safe

Scorpio likes to control others, but rarely thinks about what the root cause of their own behavior is.

In fact, to sum it up simply, it is just one word - afraid.

Scorpio is strong on the outside, but the fear on the inside is not low.

Since you do not accept fear, you think that this uneasiness will disappear only when everything is under control.

You will think that the more you control, the more certain you will be.

Scorpio is good at preparation and does not like to fight unprepared battles, which is the rationality and vision in your personality.

Scorpio likes to deal with simple and sincere people, because such people have very few secrets in front of you, which makes you feel at ease.

Maybe it's not right to know others in your personal interests, but everyone has an ulterior motive. In this world, you can't know anyone very well.

The strong possessiveness makes it easy for the Scorpion to fall into the strange circle of drilling the tip of the bull's horn.

Do you feel like you don't know enough?

Do you always feel that others have something to hide from you?

Always feeling uneasy enough?

Not at ease and still want to know? Keep drilling the horns...

It goes through a cycle, and as a result, a series of anxieties arise.

If you are a Scorpio who is often troubled by this, you may wish to calm down and think about a question: For some people, some things, is it necessarily "the more you know, the better"?

On this issue, Xiao Fan has also mentioned it before, some things, knowing it may not necessarily have any benefits, not only will increase their own suffering, but also will have risks, after all, in this world, there are some things that you do not need to know, or even what you should not know;

In the same way, some people, some things, even if you don't know enough, you will not have any loss and danger. You know, there are not a few people who live a life in a vacuum, but are safe and secure, even if there are twists and turns, most of them are obstacles that can be overcome, within the scope of their own ability to cope.

In fact, Scorpio you can try it on weekdays, don't worry too much, don't be too eager to understand some people and things, just let yourself be confused, see if there will be any loss?

Here, Xiao Fan only wants to say that if you understand less, the sky will not fall.

To Scorpio: A little less control over others will not only be less dangerous, but it will be safe

Scorpio likes to gain a sense of security by controlling and dominating others, and it is also because you have an inner habit that no one but yourself can believe it.

If there is a bondage in a relationship, it means that the relationship lacks trust, and one of them can only reassure themselves by mastering the other.

However, there are many reasons for the lack of trust in a relationship, so how to establish mutual trust in interpersonal relationships is a problem that many Scorpios need to seriously consider, otherwise you are easy to become jealous of this, which will also make yourself very tired, which is also a character habit that many Scorpios need to change moderately.

Defensiveness is necessary, but excessive suspicion will not only make you feel miserable inside, but also detrimental to your healthy interpersonal relationships.

Yes, Scorpio, you need to make yourself confused, big points, so that not only will there be no loss, but will make you enjoy a pleasant life.


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