
Give birth to a baby 2 cm tall! You can also meet these conditions!

Wang Zulan once complained about his daughter-in-law on a variety show, and after becoming pregnant, he grew 2 centimeters taller, making his height more "inferior".

Some mothers do find themselves growing taller after giving birth, is this a psychological factor, or does pregnancy really make people taller?

Usually said long height, mainly refers to the lower limb bone, also known as long bone. This long bone is divided into a diaphysis and a skeleton, and in between there is a piece of cartilage called "epiphyllal cartilage".

Give birth to a baby 2 cm tall! You can also meet these conditions!

Before the "epiphyseal cartilage" is fully ossified, there will be a process of continuous proliferation and gradual ossification, which makes the long bone have the possibility of continuous extension, and people will grow taller. As we age, this piece of cartilage will gradually ossify until it finally becomes a very tight gap, that is, the epiphyseal line is completely closed, and we no longer grow.

Therefore, to grow tall after pregnancy, specific conditions need to be met:

The skeletal line is not closed

Modern medicine proves that a person's bones and pituitary gland will be completely closed at the age of 26, and a woman has grown taller after pregnancy, which means that her epiphyseal line has not yet closed.

Nutritional balance during pregnancy

Pregnant mothers can ensure that their epiphyseal line is not closed, and can ensure balanced nutrition and regular sleep, then it is indeed possible to grow tall again.

In short, if the epiphyseal line is not closed during pregnancy, then under the influence of hormones and the action of various types of adequate nutrition, it will stimulate the bone line to develop again and continue to grow taller, but this probability is actually relatively small.

So why do so many pregnant mothers feel that they have grown taller during pregnancy? In fact, this is an illusion, this kind of height is not really tall, is pregnant to pregnant mothers of an illusion, that is, we usually say "false high".

One situation is when the bone gap increases, making people "temporarily higher". Our height also involves the spine, each vertebra is connected by intervertebral discs and ligaments, the two are elastic, if each intervertebral space only increases a little, this total should not be underestimated.

Give birth to a baby 2 cm tall! You can also meet these conditions!

That's why pregnant mothers feel a little taller in the morning than when they go to bed at night. But this is only temporary, the human body after a day of life, after work, the height will return to the original.

The second situation is: during pregnancy, as the fetus gradually grows, the pregnant mother's belly also becomes larger and larger, in order to keep the body balanced, the general habit will be to stand up the stomach, the body leans back. This kind of walking posture will naturally stretch the spine, so that the spine that was originally bent down before pregnancy is straightened, and the illusion that the pregnant mother is naturally pregnant is that pregnancy makes her grow taller. Of course, after giving birth to a child, the height will slowly recover.

During pregnancy, in addition to the change in height, in fact, the body will also produce these changes, I don't know if pregnant mothers have experienced it?

The chest becomes larger

After 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, pregnant mothers will find that their breasts are one or two cups or more larger, and after 9 months of pregnancy, the weight gained in the chest will reach an average of 2 pounds, and once breastfeeding is over, as the fat tissue and connective tissue in the breast decrease, the general breast will return to the size before pregnancy.

However, it should be noted that breastfeeding does not cause sagging of the chest, and there is no need to worry about breastfeeding affecting the shape of the chest.


As the fetus grows and the weight increases, the pregnant mother's skin is pulled and torn, so that stretch marks begin to grow on the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. Controlling excessive weight gain is the best way to prevent stretch marks.

Give birth to a baby 2 cm tall! You can also meet these conditions!

The feet become larger

Because of the edema, the calf lost its original line, and then wore the previous shoes, just like the shoes that were two sizes smaller. But this edema disappears with the afterpartum.

Pregnancy brings much more changes to pregnant mothers, but most of the changes will slowly ease with the birth of the baby.

In short, pregnancy is a hard but sweet thing, whether it grows tall, whether the body changes is not important, the most important thing is that the baby is healthy, their own health, that is the best state.

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