
The twenty-four solar terms in the eyes of the children | the slight rain and the new, a thunder sting began

In the international meteorological community, the twenty-four solar terms are known as "China's fifth greatest invention". On 30 November 2016, the 24 solar terms were officially inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The sting on March 5, 2022, is the third of the twenty-four solar terms, known as "Qi Sting" in ancient times, and it is the beginning of the dry branch calendar. Follow the small reporter of China Net to understand and experience the "sting".

Chapter 1

Hello, sting

The twenty-four solar terms in the eyes of the children | the slight rain and the new, a thunder sting began

Dongguan Chang'an Town No. 2 Primary School

Five (3) class Wang Zihan

Six (3) class Kang Yuxuan

Chapter Two

My family's sting

The twenty-four solar terms in the eyes of the children | the slight rain and the new, a thunder sting began

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The Little Ladybug's Sting Travelogue

Author | Yang Xincheng

The school | Suzhou Science and Technology City Experimental Primary School

Class | Three (5) Classes

Instructor | Ding Sufen

"Boom, boom, boom!" Come out and exercise!

As soon as the spring thunder sounded, the little ladybug family went out on a spring tour.

Flowers and trees have sprouted young shoots, and peach blossoms are burning and fragrant. The little ladybug family came to the field and saw Uncle Cow pulling a plough to the field with heavy steps.

"Dear Uncle Niu, are you tired?" The little ladybug asked with concern.

"Not tired, not tired, spring sowing is appropriate."

In the blink of an eye, the little ladybug family flew into the wilderness. Here the traffic is busy, the worm mountain worm sea.

Sister Bee greeted warmly: "Little ladybug, this is the honey I just picked, come and taste it." ”

The little ladybug meets Brother Tianniu again. Brother Tianniu said enthusiastically, "Little ladybug, give you a greeting gift - fat and big aphids!" ”

The little ladybug family was tired of flying and stopped on the leaves, and the family used aphids dipped in honey and ate with relish.

Suddenly, an inexplicable smell came, and the little ladybug looked back, and it turned out to be the bug aunt behind her, thinking of it as an enemy. Aunt Bug hurriedly waved her hand: "I'm sorry, dear little ladybug, I recognized the wrong person." ”

The little ladybug family continued to fly forward, the tender blue sky, the clever and cute little swallows flying obliquely in the endless spring.

Spring is like a drop of paint dripping on the earth, and it instantly becomes a beautiful picture.

【Teacher's comment】You are really an insect fan! With a spring thunderclap, everything moved, and the sting turned into a fairy tale - the travels of the little ladybug. Along the way, the spring light is infinite, and the bugs are coming to catch the spring. Favorite last sentence: Spring is like a drop of paint dripping in the world, instantly becoming a beautiful picture.

Who did the stinging spring thunder wake up?

Author | Zhang Xinyu

Mom said, stinging, spring thunder rolling, hundreds of insects recovering.

Oh, is it true? What is a sting? Why is there spring thunder? Which bugs woke up... A series of questions swirled around in my head.

I was busy asking the teacher. The teacher smiled and wrote the word "sting" to me - oh, I see! "Shock" is the shock of awakening, and there is a worm under the "sting", which means "hiding". In winter, the animals hide themselves and do not eat or move, which is called "sting".

It is recorded in the twenty-four solar terms that the spring thunder frightens the insects. After the stinging festival, many places have entered the spring rainy season, and spring thunder naturally appears. Spring thunder awakens the small animals hibernating underground, and they wake up one after another to start a new year of life.

Which critters were awakened?

Let's imagine this: as soon as the sting arrives, the little snake stretches out and can't wait to climb out of the cave and enjoy the warm spring light. Then, little frogs, centipedes... They all woke up one by one.

However, there are also guys who like to sleep lazily, you see, the little hedgehog shrunk into a ball, reluctant to move, he said: "Oh, don't argue, let me sleep for a while, sleep again!" ”

【Teacher's comment】You have a study of stings, yes! The ancient "worms" are really different from today's small bugs, "worms" include all animals, birds are feather worms, mammals are caterpillars, insects are beetles, fish are scale insects, and humans are worms - collectively known as "five worms". Your imagination has wings, and I seem to see a lively "worm awakening", and the little hedgehog is very cute!

Twenty-four solar terms – stinging

Author | Suiyi

The school | the second primary school of Chang'an Town, Dongguan

Class | Three (3) Classes

Instructor | Yang Jingjuan

Sting, the third of the twenty-four solar terms, is also known as "kai sting" on March 5 or 6 of the Gregorian calendar every year, the beginning of the arrival of the sting midsummer. Spring thunder suddenly awakened the hibernating animals, everything revived, the earth was put back in a green coat, and the grass revealed its pointed head. Peach blossoms, apricot blossoms, and pear blossoms are also scrambling to show their beauty. The swallows flew from the south, bringing joy to the sting, and the farmers also began the important spring ploughing of the year.

After reading the above narrative, do you understand the twenty-four solar terms of sting, let's introduce the story of our hometown about sting. Everyone knows that stinging is an important spring plough of the year, so at this time of year you will see the backs of the farmers' uncles busy in the fields. There is also a custom that everyone will eat pears on this day, which means that eating pears can be spiritual and healthy for a year.

Well, that's the sting in my eyes. What is the sting in your eyes?

Chapter Three

The sting in my eyes

The twenty-four solar terms in the eyes of the children | the slight rain and the new, a thunder sting began
The twenty-four solar terms in the eyes of the children | the slight rain and the new, a thunder sting began

Painting "Spring Thunder"

Author | Mao Siyue

Instructor | Gong Yifei

The twenty-four solar terms in the eyes of the children | the slight rain and the new, a thunder sting began

Painting "Sting"

Instructor | Gong Yifei

The twenty-four solar terms in the eyes of the children | the slight rain and the new, a thunder sting began

Author | Yi Zhihang

The twenty-four solar terms in the eyes of the children | the slight rain and the new, a thunder sting began

Author | Chen Yihan

Solar terms refer to the twenty-four seasons and climate, which is a supplementary calendar formulated in ancient China to guide agricultural affairs, and is the crystallization of the accumulated results and wisdom of the long-term experience of the working people of the Chinese nation.

China Network Education Channel launched the "Charm of Traditional Chinese Culture - Twenty-Four Solar Terms" activity, with the twenty-four solar terms as the main body, designing three chapters of solar terms introduction, traditional customs, and solar terms in my eyes, and when the solar terms arrived, a popular science tweet was released on the same day. Poke a link to learn more About the call for | new semester, together to find the story of the twenty-four solar terms...


Luo Tianlin | mastermind

| of the Education Channel of China Net produce

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