
Liu Lisha, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: We should do a good job in cultivating talents and promote the revitalization of opera

Liu Lisha, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: We should do a good job in cultivating talents and promote the revitalization of opera

Liu Lisha is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

As a treasure in traditional culture, opera is facing a difficult situation of talent disconnection and lack of talent. The scarcity and scarcity of talents has become a problem that plagues the inheritance of opera and restricts the bottleneck of the development of opera. Improving the training system for opera talents and doing a good job in building the echelon of opera talents is already an urgent task and is imminent.

Liu Lisha, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: We should do a good job in cultivating talents and promote the revitalization of opera

Due to their age and health, the older generation of artists could not revive the glory of that year. In the depressed opera market in previous years, some of the top professional quality of the opera backbone changed their careers and left their favorite opera careers, the main reason for the fault of opera talents:


Poor development environment

On the one hand, there are general prejudices in society such as hard work, difficulty in employment, poor treatment, and no future, and many young parents who love opera do not let their children apply for opera academies and do not let their children engage in opera work. "The older generation of artistic masters left the stage, the new generation of leaders are like the morning star, and the future 'pillars' are difficult to shoulder the heavy responsibility" is a realistic portrayal of the fault of opera talents.


It's hard to let go

Students who have graduated from art colleges, some are very tall and far-reaching, and are not willing to pay too much energy in studying and improving business skills; some are afraid of hardship and tiredness, and they have practiced too well; they are uneasy about their own jobs, always thinking of finding another way out, even if there are a few people with high business level and budding talents, because of "more people and less porridge", the opportunity to take the stage is limited.


Living conditions are low

At present, most of the opera performance activities are in the countryside, the masses cannot afford to pay too high the cost of watching the opera, there is a gap in government subsidies, and the opera workers not only have a poor working environment, difficult living conditions, but also have low incomes, and some opera workers are uneasy about their jobs.

Liu Lisha, a member of the CppcC National Committee, suggested:

The first is to pay attention to the substitution of exercises for training. The actor's life is on stage. We must dare to provide a platform for young actors to show their talents and create opportunities to pick up the big beams, not only so that young actors have drama to play, but also dare to let them be the protagonists to prevent "kung fu waste". It will give young talents the opportunity to emerge, encourage them to participate in various opera exhibitions and performances, and actively build a platform for opera reserve talents to display their artistic talents.

The second is policy guarantees. The government has established supporting incentive policies, namely the policy of guaranteeing the enrollment of outstanding opera talents, the policy of reducing or waiving tuition fees, the policy of employment security and the policy of priority employment, etc., to attract young talents with development potential to apply for opera academies, recruit opera talents who can stand alone in the opera jobs, and prevent "talent waste".

The third is to strengthen the construction of the teaching staff. Set up special funds for the teaching of opera teachers to ensure that teachers have good treatment and focus on teaching in the heavy physical and mental consumption.

The fourth is the government policy guarantee mechanism. Protecting the cultural inheritance of opera and cultivating successors to opera is the responsibility of governments at all levels, and it is only natural to give special policy support. The cultural departments of governments at all levels should truly regard the cultivation of opera talents as an important task in the inheritance and development of opera, give key support to the training, introduction, and protection of opera talents, and gradually establish a policy support system for opera talents to "have political status, economic benefits, and livelihood security.".

The fifth is to improve the funding guarantee mechanism. The fulfillment of various measures for the cultivation of talents is inseparable from the guarantee of funds, the financial arrangements need special fund support, and it is necessary to ensure that it is included in the annual financial budget.

Source | Jishi client reporter Hebei Tai Ma Jingyu

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