
Rumors that Apple's conference will launch the iPhone 13 Pro series purple render has been out!

If nothing else, Apple will hold a spring new product launch on March 8. According to the current revelations, this time Apple will bring a new generation of iPhone SE, several Macs and other products.

Rumors that Apple's conference will launch the iPhone 13 Pro series purple render has been out!

iPhone 13 Pro series purple model rendering (source Weibo)

On March 2, it was announced that Apple would bring purple versions of the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max to the conference, and the related renderings had been released. Judging from this set of renderings, the iPhone 13 Pro series purple model is not pure purple, just like the previous "Far Peak Blue", the color is light, and the overall effect is still good.

Rumors that Apple's conference will launch the iPhone 13 Pro series purple render has been out!

However, it is reasonable to say that the iPhone 13 Pro series should not introduce a new color match, and there seems to be no such example in the past. The only possibility is that Apple believes that the iPhone 13 Pro series is more popular in the market, so it decided to provide it with a new color scheme. Previously, there were indeed reports that the iPhone 13 Pro was very popular in the market, and Foxconn's Zhengzhou factory even did not hesitate to recruit people to produce this model.

The above rendering, while working well, is not official. At the same time, whether the iPhone 13 Pro series has a purple model is still in doubt. However, it is almost certain that Apple will have a number of new products unveiled at this month's conference.

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