
The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

We all know that every parent hopes that their children can become a dragon into a phoenix, therefore, in the children's education has always been very important, especially the child's academic performance is the most concerned, how the child's learning achievements, affect the heartstrings of parents, after all, the child has been able to achieve excellent results means that there are more opportunities to enjoy high-quality educational resources, the future has the opportunity to go to famous schools, only in this way can the child have a future appearance.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

However, in response to an old saying: "Poor parents in the world", for the sake of children's education is also racking their brains, not only desperately trying to make money every day to provide the best learning environment and material life for children, but also spend a lot of money to enroll in cram schools for children, after all, most of the students have the phenomenon of partial subjects, resulting in every exam is difficult to achieve the desired achievements.

Among them, the most obvious is the subject of mathematics, because the difference in scores between children is too large, and parents are also very anxious to catch fire.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

Although the child signed up for the cram school, I hope that the child's mathematical performance can make great progress, but often the reality is not satisfactory, many parents will have a doubt, obviously their children go to the cram school every day, after going home is also learning until late at night, a test, the child's math score is still at the bottom of the class, the effect of tuition is also minimal, in the face of children who do not know how to learn mathematics, parents are helpless, then, how is this good?

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

In this regard, the junior high school class teacher who is living with the students every day has something to say, parents and their anxiety, may wish to take a look at the teaching experience shared by the class teacher Li Hong, and then prescribe the right medicine, in Li Hong's view, in fact, students with good math scores often have the following three common points, not just because of IQ, see if there are your children?

First, logical thinking is very strong

There is such a class of students, their own mathematical logical thinking is very strong, usually also like to think about the problem, especially when doing mathematical problems, they have their own solution ideas, once the correct answer is solved, they will get a sense of achievement from it, and enjoy the process of doing the problem, but often this kind of students do not like to memorize ancient poems and English words, compared to the subjects that need to be memorized, they prefer to use their brains or hands-on research, therefore, this type of students, science is very good.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

Second, good study habits

Students with good math scores have a common point that is, they have developed good learning habits in their usual learning, not only will they listen carefully to the lectures in class and follow the rhythm of the math teacher, but also review according to the key content of the teacher after class, and once they find that they do not understand, they will ask their classmates or ask the teacher in time.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

Not only that, they will also give an example when doing the problem, in the long run, and form a unique problem-solving skills and thinking methods, if the learning habits are cultivated, the natural mathematical performance will not be worse.

Third, from an early age, he showed a strong interest in mathematics

For students, if you want to learn mathematics is not an easy thing, the general mathematics of good children are very interested in mathematics, in daily life, whether it is doing games or watching TV are willing to contact with mathematical related things, to junior high school or like to do math problems, it shows that he has a strong interest in mathematics, naturally it is easy to learn mathematics.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

It is not difficult to find that some children are born with very sensitive to numbers, some parents will play some store games with their children at home, let the children price the goods, let the children calculate the account when checking out, in this process, the children are having a good time, then, parents must cultivate the child's mathematical ability and mathematical interest, in the primary school to lay a solid foundation for the child, only in this way, the child learning junior high school mathematics will not be so difficult.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

So how to let children learn mathematics well?

Take the words of the world-famous physicist Yang Zhenning: If you want your child to learn mathematics well, the first step is to first clarify the basic concepts of mathematics;

The second is the origin of its basic concept, which requires parents to accompany their children to read more mathematical books and play some mathematical games in the process of tutoring their children's math problems.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

However, climbing the pinnacle of mathematics is not an easy task. Yang Zhenning, a world-famous physicist, said: "I also think mathematics is very boring, but when I saw Liu Xuanyu's math book, I was very surprised. Can you still learn math like this? ”

Yang Zhenning was the greatest physicist after Newton and Einstein. The math teacher he can recognize, Liu Xuanyu, can't be wrong.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

Who is Liu Xuanyu?

Mr. Liu Xuanyu has studied mathematics all his life, is a pioneer of mathematical science popularization, and has made great achievements in the field of education, writing many excellent works to introduce young people into the sacred temple of mathematics. His three most famous books are this set of "Three Books of Mathematics for Children", including "Mr. Ma on Arithmetic", "Mathematical Fun", "Mathematics Garden", suitable for primary and secondary school students in the fifth and sixth grades to read, and it is also an excellent teaching assistant for parents who want to tutor their children's mathematics, as well as school math teachers.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

"Mr. Ma on Arithmetic"

In this book, Mr. Liu Xuanyu uses the tone of "Mr. Ma" to solve arithmetic problems with diagrams, and collects nearly 100 mathematical problems for demonstration, guiding children to explore the relationship and change between the problems. Children are naturally more sensitive to graphs, so graph arithmetic is easier for kids to accept and is more intuitive and easy to understand.

Illustration, which communicates algebra and geometry, becomes the backbone of analytic arithmetic. So if you start with arithmetic, make full use of it, I think, not only for other departments in further study of arithmetic, but also for learning science and engineering, and even statistics, etc., it is also beneficial.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

《Math Hobby》

This book is even more interesting, in the pen of Mr. Liu Xuanyu, these small stories from life or historical classics are funny, witty and humorous, reading this book, not only to break the previous misunderstanding of mathematics, but also to be surprised to find that the headache of mathematical knowledge has an interesting other side, the original mathematics can be learned in this way.

Of course, we have to marvel at Mr. Liu Xuanyu's professional understanding of mathematical problems, and even more admire his mastery of words, this method of "building bridges and paving the way" allows children to unconsciously enter the wonderful world of mathematics and be fascinated by it.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

The Garden of Mathematics

This book can be said to be a popular version of the basic concepts of mathematics, and it is also the best introduction to advanced mathematics.

Mathematical concepts are abstract and difficult to understand, and various principles are obscure and brain-burning, but in Mr. Liu Xuanyu's pen, the advanced mathematical content of functions, continuums, induced functions, differentiation, integrals and aggregates can even make middle school students who have only studied elementary algebra and geometry read and master it effortlessly.

Reading and understanding this book, I believe that middle school mathematics should be out of the question.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

In today's advocating the tactics of the sea of problems, children's mathematical learning is also extremely hard, can not experience the fun of challenges, but also can not appreciate the beauty of mathematics, and reading such mathematical classics, not only can trigger children's interest in learning, but also cultivate children's mathematical thinking, and the improvement of grades has become a good thing.

The class teacher admitted that students with good math scores often have 3 things in common, not only because of IQ

Mr. Liu Xuanyu's set of "Three Books of Mathematics for Children" is undoubtedly the best choice for children's mathematical enlightenment, children in the upper grades of primary school and middle school can read, open this book, a wonderful mathematical world is waiting for you.

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