
Do the elderly want to live a long and healthy life? Pay attention to these 5 points after the age of 70, which can lay the foundation for longevity!

With the development of society, everyone's living standards have generally improved, so the average life expectancy of people has also increased. According to relevant statistics, in 2021, the average life expectancy of Chinese has increased from 76.3 years to 77.3 years.

So, people live to be over 70 years old and are already in a very good state. If you want to be healthier and live longer, the elderly should pay attention to the following 6 aspects between the ages of 70 and 79, because this time period is a turning point in life.

Do the elderly want to live a long and healthy life? Pay attention to these 5 points after the age of 70, which can lay the foundation for longevity!

First, eat foods that are easy to digest

Over 70 years old, the body has begun to decline, not only the teeth are not good, the digestion and absorption function of the stomach and intestines will be much worse than before.

Therefore, such people should try to avoid eating foods that are not easy to digest, and choose some soft and rotten foods that will not increase the burden on the stomach and intestines after eating, and can be smoothly digested and absorbed. For example, pumpkins, potatoes, turnips, etc.

Do the elderly want to live a long and healthy life? Pay attention to these 5 points after the age of 70, which can lay the foundation for longevity!

Second, eat a light diet

When people get older, their sense of taste may weaken. Even so, everyone should develop the habit of eating a light diet, do not deliberately add too much salt or seasoning when stir-frying because of the weakening of the sense of taste, nor can you eat a lot of spicy and stimulating food, let alone eat a lot of pickled food, so as not to increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Do the elderly want to live a long and healthy life? Pay attention to these 5 points after the age of 70, which can lay the foundation for longevity!

Third, the combination of work and leisure

After the age of 70, the phenomenon of physical decline is common in the elderly, which is a normal physiological phenomenon, and everyone does not need to worry too much. The elderly at this age should try to rest as much as possible, and stop doing strenuous exercise or heavy physical work, but they should not be completely inactive.

The elderly can choose to walk, play tai chi, do exercises and other activities for 1 hour after meals, which helps to exercise and improve immunity.

Do the elderly want to live a long and healthy life? Pay attention to these 5 points after the age of 70, which can lay the foundation for longevity!

Fourth, relax

Bad emotions can affect a person's health. At any time, the elderly should keep their mood in a relaxed state at any time and not let their emotions fluctuate excessively.

So as not to increase the speed of blood flow, the health of the brain, heart and liver is affected; do not be depressed because of aging, and have a healthy mindset to prolong life.

Do the elderly want to live a long and healthy life? Pay attention to these 5 points after the age of 70, which can lay the foundation for longevity!

Fifth, maintain adequate sleep

Sleep is very important for anyone, especially the elderly over 70 years old who want to make themselves healthier and longer, it is necessary to insist on going to bed on time every night and getting up on time in the morning. Maintaining adequate sleep time can make the body's organs better repair, help delay the aging rate of the body, and improve the body's immunity.

6. Regular physical examination

The physical fitness of the elderly will become worse and worse, so it is necessary to have regular physical examinations to observe changes in blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, and major organs. If health risks are found, corresponding measures should be taken to adjust and treat the disease, and the disease can be strangled in the cradle of the attack, so that the damage to the body can be reduced and it is more beneficial to longevity.

Do the elderly want to live a long and healthy life? Pay attention to these 5 points after the age of 70, which can lay the foundation for longevity!

The elderly aged 70-79 need to pay attention to the above 6 aspects to nourish the body, so that the body can be less invaded by diseases and lay the foundation for the longevity of the elderly.

Not only that, the elderly should also be extra careful when they are usually active and doing things, and do not do some dangerous things such as squatting or climbing high, so as not to cause falls or bumps. It is not only necessary to prevent the occurrence of diseases, but also to prevent the occurrence of accidents, so that it is safer to embark on the road to longevity.

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