
The fuel consumption ranking of the car is updated, the hybrid covers the top 10, the Langyi is 12th, and the Xuanyi Leiling is less than 6.8L!

Introduction: As domestic oil prices continue to rise, consumers pay more and more attention to its fuel consumption performance when purchasing models, so in the current car market, how is the fuel consumption performance of major mainstream models? According to the latest ranking of fuel consumption websites, the performance of hybrid models is relatively outstanding, covering the top ten of the list, while models such as Langyi, Bora, Sagitar, Xuanyi, Leiling and Mazda 3 Axela have fuel consumption of less than 7 oil per 100 kilometers. Hyundai Elantra, Toyota Corolla and Buick Kaiyue have fuel consumption above 7.1, and domestic cars such as Roewe i5, BYD Qin Pro, Emgrand GL and MG 5 have also performed well. The fuel consumption ranking of the car is updated, the hybrid covers the top 10, the Langyi is 12th, and the Xuanyi Leiling is less than 6.8L!

The fuel consumption ranking of the car is updated, the hybrid covers the top 10, the Langyi is 12th, and the Xuanyi Leiling is less than 6.8L!
The fuel consumption ranking of the car is updated, the hybrid covers the top 10, the Langyi is 12th, and the Xuanyi Leiling is less than 6.8L!

1, hybrid models cover the top ten, domestic car BYD Qin PLUS won the championship, pressure Toyota Corolla, Toyota Leiling and Honda Lingpai and other well-known Japanese hybrid cars to become the "fuel saving king", BYD Qin PLUS recent sales performance is very outstanding, in addition to the relatively high value, its fuel consumption performance is also very attractive. The hybrid models of Corolla and Leiling have fuel consumption of less than 4.6L, Honda's Lingpai and Xiangyu rank 5-6, and the domestic car MG 6 New Energy and Roewe i6 MAX New Energy also rank in the top ten.

The fuel consumption ranking of the car is updated, the hybrid covers the top 10, the Langyi is 12th, and the Xuanyi Leiling is less than 6.8L!

2, look at the performance of pure fuel models, manual models are more fuel-efficient, Mazda 3 Axela, Volkswagen Langyi and Volkswagen Bora are ranked in the top fifteen, and the fuel consumption of 100 kilometers is less than 6.5L. Langyi is one of the three mainstream cars, with a total sales volume of nearly 400,000 units in 2021, its cost-effective performance is relatively outstanding, and fuel consumption is its "winning magic weapon". Volkswagen Sagittarius and Nissan Xuanyi are also ranked in the top twenty, Nissan Xuanyi is the "sales king" of the car, its manual model average fuel consumption is only 6.58L, it is indeed very fuel-efficient.

The fuel consumption ranking of the car is updated, the hybrid covers the top 10, the Langyi is 12th, and the Xuanyi Leiling is less than 6.8L!

3, Toyota Ralink's 100-kilometer fuel consumption is also less than 6.8L, but the fuel consumption of mainstream joint venture cars such as Hyundai Elantra, Toyota Corolla, Volkswagen Lingdu, Hyundai Lingdong, Honda Civic and Buick Kaiyue is above 7.1. Hyundai Yuedong, Buick Yinglang, Chevrolet Cruze, Volkswagen Golf and Skoda Xinrui and other models, 100 kilometers of fuel consumption are more than 7.5L. Honda Jed, Ford Focus, BMW 1 Series, Audi A3 and Vollando, etc., fuel consumption rankings are all below the 100.

The fuel consumption ranking of the car is updated, the hybrid covers the top 10, the Langyi is 12th, and the Xuanyi Leiling is less than 6.8L!

Finally, look at the performance of our domestic cars, the most outstanding fuel consumption performance of domestic cars is roewe i5, the fuel consumption of its manual transmission model is only 7.06L, and then the 51st ranked MG 5, its 100 km fuel consumption is less than 7.2L, MG 5's recent monthly sales performance is more than 10,000 vehicles, it seems that in addition to its high appearance, fuel consumption performance is also very advantageous. BYD Qin Pro ranked 53rd, Emgrand GL ranked 58th, Emgrand, Binrui and Yidong ranked 65-67th, and their fuel consumption per 100 kilometers was less than 7.6L, that is, about 5 cents per kilometer of fuel. (Data from Xiao Bear Fuel Consumption 2021 China Automobile Fuel Consumption Ranking)

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