
Xiaopeng quality | new forces to achieve "value reshaping"

Xiaopeng quality | new forces to achieve "value reshaping"

Full of awe, Pengpai quality - the brand gene of Xiaopeng Automobile

The automotive industry is facing a huge change unprecedented in a century, and the new forces represented by "Wei Xiaoli" have gained a firm foothold in the industry with their own innovations and have come out of the shuluo field. Representatives of traditional car companies, whether it is German-American or Korean-Japanese, after dozens of years of ups and downs, although they have a deep foundation in technology accumulation, their attitude towards new technologies is still conservative, and they are always in a wait-and-see attitude, and only when a certain technology matures in the entire industry will be applied on a large scale. But the new forces are different, they are born stubborn, not with the world, without any historical baggage, dare to make some radical attempts, they want to fight for all technical advantages to survive. To take a simple example, as far as the control logic of the automatic driving system is concerned, the software design of several new power brands represented by Xiaopeng Motors should be more radical, so as to show their technological advancement, so that so far, when Xiaopeng Motors is mentioned, it is usually considered to be the first echelon of automatic driving. The choice of this strategy is understandable, but if you want to be based on the world automotive industry for a long time, it is obviously not enough to rely on technological innovation in one aspect, nor can it continue to attract a wider range of potential users, because it is those invisible places that have become the key elements to establish the long-term trust of the market and users - manufacturing and quality.

Is "manufacturing" reliable?

Although more and more car companies are emphasizing that they are a technology travel company, we can not ignore an important premise, you must first pass the quality link, which means the reliability and durability of the product. Entering the era of electric vehicles, it has to be said that the threshold for making cars in the entire industry is decreasing. Traditional fuel vehicles are generally composed of about 30,000 kinds of parts, the number of parts for pure electric vehicles is reduced by 1/3, and the simplification of construction will bring about lower costs, easy operation and space design, which means lower price cars for consumers. The lowering of the car-making threshold has attracted more enterprises to enter the market, but it has also made the control of quality and quality different. In the past two years, various vehicle fires and explosions have occurred frequently in new energy vehicles, such as fires during the driving process of Changsha Ideal ONE, spontaneous combustion of Fujian Sanming BAIC EX360, and explosion of Shaowu Weima EX5 while charging... We occasionally see similar news on TV. In order to effectively alleviate the safety of electric vehicles, further improve and optimize the safety technical requirements for electric vehicles and power battery products, the state has also struck a blow, last year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued three mandatory national standards on electric vehicles, electric buses, power batteries, etc., which have been implemented from January 1, 2021. It can be seen that the safety and quality of new energy vehicles are being paid attention to, as a consumer has the right to question, but as a car company must use "hard power" as much as possible to dispel these doubts. For ordinary consumers, it is nothing more than the hope to buy a vehicle with excellent quality and reliability, whether it is the era of fuel vehicles or electric vehicles, such a simple appeal has never changed. The competition of the new forces has ended the fierce battle in the first half, and it is difficult to achieve the development from 0 to 1, and complete their early user accumulation, they have experienced the capital winter, but also encountered the lack of core problems, and into the second half, the key to victory will largely depend on manufacturing and quality.

Compete on the same track as traditional car companies

In our inherent cognition, the configuration of foreign brands is low but the reliability is good, and the configuration of independent brands is sufficient but there are many small problems, so in the era of fuel vehicles, everyone is more inclined to choose foreign brands. But the era of electric vehicles is a completely different track, China is the world's manufacturing power, the industrial chain of automobile suppliers is extremely mature, only the world's top five battery manufacturers in China have two, all aspects of the supporting facilities are extremely perfect, such a background has become an important prerequisite for new forces to build a good car. No matter what kind of enterprise, the process of car manufacturing must solve a series of thorny problems such as self-built factories, production research and development, reliability verification, etc., and Xiaopeng Motors, as the new power brand with the highest delivery volume in 2021, has also invested huge energy in these aspects, and these advantages are gradually emerging with the improvement of delivery. The manufacturing heritage of Xiaopeng Automobile is first reflected in the self-built factory. Back a few years ago, many new brands chose a more convenient OEM production model, but Xiaopeng, as a company that is responsible for users, has firmly established a long-term strategy of self-built factories after experiencing the drawbacks of the OEM model. Xiaopeng Automobile's world's first vehicle production base is located in Zhaoqing City, the overall planning of 3,000 acres, annual production capacity of 10-15 million vehicles, with 4 different types of vehicle assembly flexible production line, and 1 flexible battery assembly line, can achieve A, B, C platform of cars, SUVs and other 4 models of collinear production, compared to the OEM mode, quality and efficiency is more guaranteed.

Xiaopeng quality | new forces to achieve "value reshaping"

When the entire production process is controlled by itself, the reliability of the product naturally stands up to verification. To this end, Xiaopeng did a very perverted experiment, so that the P7 white body of Xiaopeng stood in the 200 square meters of seawater shower test area, more than 30 top independent sprinklers, continuous shower for 550 hours. The experimental result is that the overall rust-free area of Xiaopeng P7 body exceeds 99.9%, which successfully passes the seawater spray limit test, and Xiaopeng redefines the new benchmark of body anti-corrosion with the most stringent test standards. The biggest difference between electric vehicles and fuel vehicles is the increase of battery modules, in addition to the stability of the body, the attenuation and aging of the battery are also of great concern. Some media have recruited a Xiaopeng P7 from car owners who have been buying a car for 1 year and driving more than 110,000 kilometers, and used this "veteran" to carry out the "most unfair PK in history" with a new car. The ending exceeds the expectations of many car owners, in the charging test project, the two cars use DC fast charging at the same time, and when the battery reaches 70-80% of the charging power, the efficiency is comparable, and the difference between the two is only 2 minutes. In terms of endurance test, the two cars maintain the same working conditions, the gap is not large, it can be seen that the battery attenuation is slightly small, and the endurance is still online.

Xiaopeng quality | new forces to achieve "value reshaping"

If the in-depth tests mentioned above are not easily perceived by consumers, then the retention rate data may seem more obvious. Recently, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Automobile Dealers Chamber of Commerce released the "2021 China Automobile Retention Report", and the data shows that Xiaopeng's retention rate in the first year reached a staggering 85.67%.

Xiaopeng quality | new forces to achieve "value reshaping"

You know, even the first year of the king of value preservation of Japanese cars retention rate is only 85.59%, compared with other new power brands Xiaopeng retention rate can be described as a wide range of leading, enough to see that in terms of car reputation and high cost performance, Xiaopeng already has the capital of PK Japanese cars, and far more than other new force brands in the same period.

Xiaopeng quality | new forces to achieve "value reshaping"

It can be seen that no matter what aspect of the electric vehicle is tested and compared, the test results of Xiaopeng Motors are very outstanding, and it is not a day's work to achieve the above results.

Build good products with awe

Xiaopeng quality | new forces to achieve "value reshaping"

In recent years, the rise of new forces is in the ascendant, the market is full of too many gimmicks full of propaganda caliber, intelligent driving, service system, scientific and technological experience, etc., with the characteristics of the product to attract the first batch of users who dare to try, this behavior itself is beyond reproach, after all, dare to be the first to have a greater chance to live. But at the same time, it is easy to ignore the traditional craft manufacturing links of the car itself, the automotive industry outlet after the big wave of sand will eventually fade, Xiaopeng needs to face a wider audience, relying on what to occupy a larger market share is a problem that Xiaopeng needs to think about urgently, and the answer given by this young company is quality. Whether it is from the factory, process, or production quality control and other aspects, at this stage, the new force car brand represented by Xiaopeng has been able to reach the industry-leading level, and it is not inferior to the old traditional car companies. All along, Xiaopeng Automobile throughout the research and development and manufacturing of the "Pengpai quality" DNA, with the electric vehicle for the fuel vehicle replacement process accelerates, Xiaopeng delivery scale is also increasing, this strict requirements for quality will bring more powerful potential energy to the development of the brand. Although in the automotive industry, 7 years of Xiaopeng is still a new recruit, but for Xiaopeng, an excellent intelligent electric vehicle is not only reflected in the strong level of intelligence, but also in the quality of the extreme challenge. As early as 2019, He Xiaopeng, chairman and CEO of Xiaopeng Motors, said in public that the market will accelerate the survival of the fittest, and consumers will further focus on high-quality new energy vehicles, because no matter in any era or any industry, high-quality products are needed by consumers, which is an eternal truth. In the rapid development of Xiaopeng Automobile in the past few years, with intelligent labels has launched its own banner, and the next step is to use quality to obtain user dependence and word of mouth, as the saying goes, no quality, no brand. Intelligence and quality, has long been integrated into the brand genes of Xiaopeng Automobile, the so-called "Pengpai quality" is not an empty word, need to use a lot of practical actions to interpret, whether it is self-built factories or limit tests, or the comparison of retention rate data, Xiaopeng is using their own actions to prove this, it has become the ultimate weapon in the second half of the new forces of car-making. In this complex business environment, it is not easy to stick to the original intention of being a company that continues to create value for users, because it is doomed to the current operation to think about long-term strategy, and only by standing firm and laying a good foundation can it be possible to usher in the era that truly belongs to itself. Fortunately, Xiaopeng Motors, which is still on the road, has a heart of awe for the traditional automobile manufacturing industry.

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