
Why does IVF fail? What should I do if I am unsuccessful once?

Why does IVF fail? In fact, in general, the actual reasons behind the failure of IVF procedures have never been known, and everyone has to analyze the possible causes. Even though the couple was told about the risks of implantation and the possibility of failure, in their hearts, they wanted the surgery to succeed and ivy failure was an unexpected shock. So when a couple learns that the IVF procedure failed, it was very devastating.

Why does IVF fail? What should I do if I am unsuccessful once?

Hengjian Overseas pointed out that IVF is a complex process that requires many steps, and if one of the steps has a problem, it can lead to failure. For example, the quality of the eggs or sperm is not good, resulting in no embryos that can be transferred; For example, the woman's uterine environment is not good, and the embryo cannot implant... There are many reasons, and patients should pay attention to understanding, so that they can better avoid these failures.

Common causes of IVF failure are:

(1) The woman does not respond or responds poorly to ovulation-stimulating drugs, so that the ovaries cannot produce a sufficient number of mature eggs. Or due to special reasons in the anatomy of the woman's pelvis, etc., it is difficult to retrieve eggs or even to obtain eggs.

(2) 20% of patients have fertilization failure.

(3) 20% of fertilized eggs cannot develop normally or undergo degenerative changes, so that they cannot be transplanted back into the uterine cavity.

(4) The embryo has been moved into the uterine cavity, but it cannot be implanted and cannot be pregnant. Failures can wait 3 months to do so.

Why does IVF fail? What should I do if I am unsuccessful once?

In addition, there are many other factors in real life that affect the success rate of IVF, what to pay attention to during the IVF process, what food to eat is good for the body, what things must not be eaten, and so on.

1, age: the age of the woman In the issue of childbirth, the age of the woman plays a crucial role. Generally speaking, even if the man is fifty or sixty years old, the impact on fertility is not obvious, but it is not good compared to the woman. As the woman ages, fertility gradually declines, the decline accelerates significantly after the age of 35, and is completely lost after menopause, and the process is irreversible. There are currently no drugs to "rejuvenate" a woman's fertility.

2. Uterine function: Patients with severe damage to the endometrium, if the thickness of the endometrium during the superovulation cycle is less than 7 mm, the pregnancy rate is low and the abortion rate is high when ivy is performed, and there is no reliable treatment at present. In addition, although uterine malformations do not affect the pregnancy rate of IVF, the abortion rate and preterm birth rate are high, and the live birth rate is low, so it is best to perform corrective surgery before IVF, so as to improve pregnancy prognosis and increase IVF pregnancy rate.

3. Ovarian function: ovarian function refers to the responsiveness of the ovaries to ovulation-stimulating drugs. The worse the ovarian function, the fewer eggs are obtained and the worse the quality of the eggs, the lower the pregnancy rate and the higher the miscarriage rate. In addition to age, ovarian function is also related to differences between individuals. In addition, ovarian surgery, especially ovarian cyst removal and ovarian electrocoagulation, can seriously damage the ovarian structure and damage the function of the ovaries. Therefore, young women who are not pregnant should avoid ovarian cyst removal as much as possible, and if they really must, they should preserve as much ovarian tissue as possible, and ovarian resection should be avoided.

4. Hydrosalpinx: hydrosalpinx is also an important cause of infertility, and if a patient with hydrosalpinx wishes to conceive an IVF baby, its pregnancy rate is also lower than that of those without hydrops, and the abortion rate and ectopic pregnancy incidence rate will be greatly increased. Therefore, such patients should first consult an obstetrician-gynecologist to perform tubal surgery with resection or proximal ligation of the stagnant water before using IVF techniques, so as to improve the pregnancy rate of IVF.

5. Technical factors: including ovulation induction program, ovulation promotion Y, laboratory quality control, embryo culture medium type, technical operation proficiency, quality of materials, stability of the instrument and other factors. A targeted, scientific ovulation promotion program is crucial, which is the basis for success, while the use of ovulation Y is also learned, not necessarily necessarily to import ovulation-promoting drugs to be effective, the key is to adapt to the characteristics of Chinese women.

Why does IVF fail? What should I do if I am unsuccessful once?

So what's next after IVF failure?

If this is your first or second IVF cycle, try again. The third IVF cycle has a high chance of success. Statistics show that 80% of couples have a successful third IVF cycle.

The second IVF procedure is much simpler. This is because you are already familiar with the process and understand each stage of the process. Embryos that were frozen for the first time and were not used can continue to be used, which not only saves time, but also helps reduce the cost of IVF.

Diet and regular exercise are important during IVF surgery and pregnancy. If you don't follow it for the first time, this is another opportunity you get.

Hengjian Overseas suggests that in addition to the above points, there are also some sociological factors that have an impact on the pregnancy rate of IVF, such as the social environment in which the patient is located, the psychological factors of the patient himself and so on. In addition, the success or failure of the test tube must be faced calmly, because the operation itself has the possibility of failure, so do not be overly upset because of a failure, blame yourself, face everything positively, and prepare for the next test tube.

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