
How to make men take the initiative to spend money for you, more and more inseparable from you? Smart women do it

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Women in love, always think that men spend money on themselves is not a good thing to open their mouths. In love, women hope that each other's feelings can be more pure, do not contain other factors, and hope that two people do not talk about money, so simply together.

This is also the idea of most women, in fact, what women don't know is that in the relationship, they must let the other party spend money for themselves, otherwise they will not be able to see whether the other party really wants to be with themselves, or hold a playful mentality.

Girls should understand that if two people in love want to be together forever, they must enter life and be contaminated with the smell of fireworks in the world.

How to make men take the initiative to spend money for you, more and more inseparable from you? Smart women do it

Because the future of the two people will eventually return to the ordinary life of three meals a day and chai rice oil and salt. It is inevitable to contact money in life, and the lives of two people cannot be separated from the support of money. How to make men take the initiative to spend money for you also needs a little means.

As a woman, we must first understand that if a man loves you and cares about you enough, he is willing to give you affection and money, and even his own possessions can be shared with you.

To know how to make a man willing to spend money on you, take a look at Yi Shu's novel "Xi Bao". In this novel, Xi Bao is a fishing girl who covets the money and status of the other party.

Xibao also has a clear understanding of himself, admitting that he is selling his youth, because even if he does not sell youth, he will spend it in a hurry. Xibao has his own skills on how to make men spend money for themselves.

How to make men take the initiative to spend money for you, more and more inseparable from you? Smart women do it

As long as the man who loves her knows that she loves money, she only wants money in her heart, so men are fascinated by her and are willing to constantly give her money and raise her.

But no man is stupid, and they can pay willingly for Xibao is also Xibao's skill. Xibao's high emotional intelligence is easy to navigate between these men, so that men know that she loves money, but also does not resent spending money for her, which shows that this is also Xibao's skill.

In reality, many women also want men to spend money for themselves, but there is no good way, here you can learn from the way of Xibao, maybe you can find a good way.

When women get along with men, even if they want the other party to spend money on you, don't say it directly, such a straightforward expression will only make men feel used, and women's posture will be too low, and it is difficult to achieve the goal.

How to make men take the initiative to spend money for you, more and more inseparable from you? Smart women do it

And smart women don't have to say it directly to let men understand their own ideas. Seemingly inadvertent details, can make men immediately understand their intentions, take the initiative to offer their wallets, and do not resent the fact that they spend money on themselves. They've been "creating situations" and these 4-word tips are a great way to get men to willingly spend money for you.

How to understand it? That is, to create opportunities, and then it is logical.

For example, women can put forward the suggestion of traveling together, want two people to travel together, say romantic scenes, such as watching snowy mountains together, watching cherry blossoms together, not only make men very happy, but also follow your will do all the things you ask for, so that the two are more natural to achieve the purpose than to directly say their needs.

There are also women who are a little higher-level, and if she wants something, she won't say it. Instead, she'll invite the man to the house, impress his stomach with a delicious dinner, and dress up carefully to make the man fall in love with you.

At such a romantic candlelit dinner, the woman can pretend to look at the jewelry casually, and the man immediately understands it, and the next afternoon, the jewelry purchased by the man for you will be personally offered to you.

How to make men take the initiative to spend money for you, more and more inseparable from you? Smart women do it

XiBao is such a smart woman, she never says what she wants, but she can pretend to be jealous and let the other party care about herself.

Let the other party feel guilty and want to make up for himself, so Xibao can get a lot of money for his own enjoyment. This is also the uniqueness of smart women, who can play a little careful to make the other party willing to spend money on themselves.

Women should learn to hold on to men's hearts, and learn to use men's guilt, so that men did not want to pay much for you, but turned into guilt and were willing to spend money for you to make up.

As long as the man feels indebted to you in his heart, you can take the opportunity to make your request, not only the man will accept it all, but also feel that he owes you.

To make men take the initiative to spend money for you, you must also master certain skills.

How to make men take the initiative to spend money for you, more and more inseparable from you? Smart women do it

It should be mentioned casually as naturally as possible, so that when men visit the mall, they will remember the moving appearance when you mention it.

When men prepare gifts for you, even if they are not what they like, they must show great happiness and encourage men so that men are willing to continue to spend money for you.

As for how to let men buy you what you want, you also need to continue to patiently adjust each other, to inadvertently mention it in front of each other, to reveal what you like when you get along, and you can buy your favorite gift when the man prepares the gift.

While accepting gifts, it is necessary to complain about the other party's indiscriminate spending of money, so that the man not only thinks that the woman is very virtuous, but also can continue to give to the other party in his heart.

How to make men take the initiative to spend money for you, more and more inseparable from you? Smart women do it

Some women never want men to spend money to buy gifts for themselves, only to find themselves getting farther and farther away from men's hearts. Smart women know that even if they don't spend it themselves, men will spend it on other women.

It doesn't matter how much money a man spends, what matters is to make this man willing to spend money for you, and the more he spends money, the more he feels like he can't live without you.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Rain

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

参考资料:Bruk, A., Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: Self–other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115(2), 192-205

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