
Psychology: Why do people in a depressed state feel more and more tired? The trigger behind it is key

In daily life, whether it is a normal person in the public or a patient in a depressed state, it seems that they will encounter similar confusion, that is, obviously nothing big happens, but they feel that life is getting more and more tired.

Let's not complain about the injustice of fate, we can think and analyze from these aspects.

Psychology: Why do people in a depressed state feel more and more tired? The trigger behind it is key

Feeling too tired, often not physical fatigue, but related to psychological factors, leading to the inner cause of such emotions stems from the blows and frustrations in life, emotional dissatisfaction and even injury and betrayal, when faced with the inability to change reality, the lack of ability caused by the emotional state.

The reason why we can't extricate ourselves from emotions is because it is true that something, someone, at this stage we have really been hit, but also really feel powerless and can not see the hope of the future, when the problem is not within their control, they will fall into the stage of exaggerating the severity.

However, when you feel tired enough to persevere and are about to collapse, what you need to do is to calm down, adjust your mentality, and change your way of thinking.

Psychology: Why do people in a depressed state feel more and more tired? The trigger behind it is key

Not knowing how to live a life of subtraction can make us more and more tired

It is as if our room, when we first check in, may be spacious and bright, empty, but over time, it will become crowded and even full of clutter, which is because people will stack up on some new things in the day, but they have not learned to streamline their lives.

Whether it is life, or our emotions, as we grow up, we will be like the room, and if we don't know how to subtract our own lives, we will definitely become more and more tired. But is it really impossible to cut without understanding subtraction? In fact, many times, it is not "impossible to give up", just "unwilling", in the final analysis, it may be greedy psychology at work.

In other words, we ask for too many things that we want to have at the same time, always think that we ask for more, or do more things, have more hobbies, that is, to improve and enrich, in fact, it is not as good as not knowing how to rationally distribute and streamline life, which can only be counterproductive.

The truth is that when we ask for more and more and distract our minds more and more, we will naturally feel physically and mentally exhausted and emotionally bad.

Psychology: Why do people in a depressed state feel more and more tired? The trigger behind it is key

Be too demanding on yourself, and the expectations are too high

The reason why many people are depressed is because they are too demanding of themselves and their expectations are too high.

Want a better life, want a higher position, want to get more income, afraid of being despised by the people around you, more afraid of disappointing your family, so constantly put pressure on yourself, you must do better.

Psychology points out a truth, that is, when people are getting better and better, psychology will become more and more greedy; when people have been going well, they will often enter a self-righteous mentality, feel that they are omnipotent, and ignore the original ability and problem of the true, which is one of the reasons why people in good situations are easy to be happy and sad.

When we can't have a correct and comprehensive understanding of ourselves, we don't have the ability to objectively recognize and analyze, judge, and judge things, and when we are blindly confident or inferior to ourselves, we will increase the probability of problems, but due to experience and common sense, we are constantly in doubt and worry in unpredictable problems.

So in layman's terms, how big the head is, how big the hat is, do the planning and effort within the scope of ability, whether it is work, life or feelings, strive for maximum development, and gradually make your life less painful.

Psychology: Why do people in a depressed state feel more and more tired? The trigger behind it is key

Under the comparison, continue to use their own shortcomings to PK the advantages of others

No one in this world is absolutely perfect, has their own areas of expertise and outstanding ability, but in life, if you use your own shortcomings to constantly compare the strengths of others, and even reach a certain height of achievements, then it will inevitably lead to inner imbalance and inferiority.

When we always over-magnify our shortcomings, because we can't achieve or surpass others because of one thing, we will constantly deny and blame ourselves, and feel that we have problems or even incompetence.

This feeling of guilt and inferiority is closely related, and then it will infinitely amplify their emotional feelings, which is a small thing, because the excessive pursuit of perfection leads to their own swamp and cannot extricate themselves, which leads to tired emotions.

It is a good thing to have a pursuit, and comparing with people within the limit can also become a kind of motivation, but the wrong thinking and cognition will become a shackle, making yourself tired, and thus really affecting the pace of progress and the possibility of improvement.

Life is really tired, every day is also in the minute and second to the end of life process, why torture yourself with wrong thinking, so that the life that is not so bad becomes suffocated.

People should face up to their own shortcomings and advantages, make full use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, and exert their strengths in their own specialties in order to upgrade their lives and themselves.

Psychology: Why do people in a depressed state feel more and more tired? The trigger behind it is key


Text/Relief Emotional Station

(Author: Xiao Yu, psychological counselor, focusing on the emotional field), good at the restoration of romantic relationships, marital contradictions and differences, and the healing of psychological trauma caused by the original ecological family. The lonely journey of life, listening to your grievances and pressures, helping visitors improve their skills in getting along with the sexes, saving their lovers, managing their feelings, and striving to become happier people.