
Dream of the Red Chamber: Attacking people, you demean Daiyu's appearance, it is really ugly

Raider is the big girl ring of Yihong Courtyard, but also Baoyu's most dependent little sister, raiders will Baoyu's diet and living, all aspects are also well taken care of, really respond to that sentence, follow whoever you follow, there is only one in your eyes.

Everyone knows that There is a Lin Daiyu in Baoyu's heart, even Sister Feng makes fun of them, the raiders have been following Baoyu for many years, and they have long been familiar with Baoyu's habits and likes and dislikes, and she can't not know Baoyu's heart for Daiyu. What's more, she is also a witness to Bao Dai's many moments, watching them frolicking, gambling, and reconciling, the story between them, the raider and the purple crane should be very clear.

However, Baoyu was obsessed with Daiyu and never forgot his dreams, but the attackers around him looked different. The attackers not only disliked Lin Daiyu, but even said bad things about Daiyu behind their backs and demeaned Daiyu. What's going on here?

Raider is a recognized virtuous person, Baoyu can be without anyone around, but she is indispensable. She climbed up step by step in Jia Fu, and was transferred from Jia Mu's side to Shi Xiangyun's side, and later to Baoyu's room. The road to the workplace is very stable and the future is bright. The raider was an honest person, and Madame Wang said that she was a sawn gourd, stupid, and appreciated. Even the little girls were very recognized by the attackers, and when they talked about it behind their backs, they all felt that the attackers should take more rewards.

But such a good person, why does it not look good for Dai Yu? It is not pleasing to the eye, but it is still said by people before and after, is this like the style of an honest person? Let's take a look at how empathetic raiders can belittle Daiyu.

Dream of the Red Chamber: Attacking people, you demean Daiyu's appearance, it is really ugly

The first is to say that Dai Yu is lazy. She said in front of Shi Xiangyun that Dai Yu didn't do needlework, "She can't do it!" Rao was like this, and the old lady was still afraid that she was toiling. The doctor said that it is good to live and recuperate. Who bothers her to do it? In the old year, I worked hard for a year, made a sachet, and this year for half a year, I haven't seen the needle and thread yet. "Perhaps, the attacker is telling the truth, Dai Yu usually does not use needle and thread, but this statement sounds very uncomfortable." In the tone of the attacker, there was a wave of disgust. She said such a long paragraph to prove Daiyu's laziness, rather than stating the truth in two words. In her description, Dai Yu is a very unpleasant look.

Behind the scenes, it is said that the length of people is right and wrong, and it is in front of other masters, and the operation of attacking people is really speechless. Moreover, Dai Yu does not do needle and thread, what is the matter with you attacking people, Dai Yu is not in good health, the old lady is willing to spoil her granddaughter, are you hungry? Moreover, Dai Yu usually does not do needlework, but her needlework is also very good. A person, the most important thing is to do their duty, rather than constantly evaluating and discussing others. What's more, he is a low-key and honest person who is flaunted on a daily basis, chewing the root of his tongue behind his back, and his character is immediately known.

Attacking people can not only say that Dai Yu is lazy, but also that Dai Yu is small and loves to play with her temper. And showed her attitude and position, compared to Daiyu, she likes the dignified and gentle Baochao.

It was also said in front of Shi Xiangyun, maybe she and Shi Xiangyun really had a good relationship, and she also knew that by saying these words, Xiangyun would not refute her"... Fortunately, it was a treasure girl, if it was a forest girl, I don't know how to make a fuss and how to cry. "The real treasure girl is respected, and she went to talk for a while." I can't go over, only when she is annoyed, who knows that after the past, it is still the same as usual, really cultivated, the heart is generous, that Lin girl saw you gambling and ignored her, how much do you have to lose? "Look, the stupid attacker is actually very able to speak the Tao, in the matter of belittling Daiyu, her eloquence is not generally good, there are examples and comparisons, and a conclusion is drawn, Daiyu is too stingy, not at all as good as Baochao!

Dream of the Red Chamber: Attacking people, you demean Daiyu's appearance, it is really ugly

Of course, the attacker has the right to like whom and who not to like, but blatantly belittling one and praising the other does not have to make people disgusting. She can boast about Baochao, but why not step on Daiyu? Dai Yu is stingy, but only for Bao Yu, as everyone is a bridesmaid, on other occasions, Dai Yu is still very disciplined and very polite. Even if she attacked people, Dai Yu has always been polite and polite, and has never put a shelf on Miss. How do You Get along between Baoyu and Daiyu, can you manage the attack? Baoyu loves to coax Lin sister, does not like Bao sister wearing a mask, this is Baoyu's freedom!

The attacking people's dislike for Daiyu was also expressed at Baoyu's birthday party. Tanchun said that no one had a birthday in February, and the attacker immediately interjected, "February 12 is Lin Girl, why is there no one?" It's just not our family. The master spoke, and the attackers interjected suddenly, but it was not like her su ri style. Of course, Baoyu explained that it was also February's birthday, and it was the same birthday as Daiyu, so remember. However, the words of attacking people make people even more sad.

Dai Yu was always under the fence, and even a Yahuan took it for granted that she was an outsider. Moreover, the attacker who had already obtained the certification of the would-be aunt had realized in his heart that he was a member of the Jia family, but Dai Yu was nothing. Tanchun said that Jia Mu and Bao Sister and Daughter met by chance, both were birthdays after the Lantern Festival, and did not regard Bao Chao as an outsider, and an attacker actually regarded Jia Mu's favorite Daiyu as an outsider, and I don't know where the confidence came from.

After Baoyu was beaten, the raiders went to Madame Wang to reflect on the situation in the Grand View Garden. She said, "... Now the second master is also older, the girls inside are also older, and the Lin girl Bao girl is also two aunts and cousins, although it is a sister, in the end, it is a distinction between men and women, it is inconvenient to sit up day and night, it is not allowed to make people suspenseful, that is, outsiders do not look like it. ”

Although the words of the attack were light, the problem was very serious, in the Grand View Garden, only Lin Xue was a foreign relative, and Bao Chao and Bao Yu were not intimate, and Bao Yu never went to the Courtyard to walk around, only loved to go to Xiao Xiang Hall. Although the attacker did not name Daiyu by name, in fact, he pointed to Daiyu and belittled Daiyu. And Madame Wang did not like people who were too beautiful, for fear that they would seduce and spoil her son. Even Qingwen, whose eyebrows were somewhat like Daiyu's, made her resentful. As for Baochao, she was absolutely at ease.

Dream of the Red Chamber: Attacking people, you demean Daiyu's appearance, it is really ugly

With this speech, the attackers soared and became the red men under Madame Wang. She herself was very proud, "From now on, I am the wife's person." ”

So, why are the raiders behind their backs belittling and rejecting Daiyu? In fact, in front of Daiyu, she was also kind to Daiyu, and there was no contradiction between Daiyu and her, but why did she have such a big prejudice against Daiyu? Moreover, in the Yahuan of Yihong Courtyard, only the raiders had done such a thing.

In fact, if you think about it, it is not surprising. The raiders gave up the opportunity to be redeemed by their families and planned to stay in Jia Province for the rest of their lives, which had a strong purpose. That is to give Baoyu an aunt. No matter who was Baoyu's wife, the highest position was that of a concubine. Since the ancient wives and concubines are not easy to get along with, the attackers are thinking about their future, after contacting Daiyu and Baochao, they feel that Baochao is easy to talk and get along with, while Daiyu has a bad temper and is stingy, she feels that Baochao is the main mother, and her life will definitely be better. Therefore, her heart was naturally biased towards the golden jade.

Moreover, in the contest between the marriage of Jin Yu and Mu Shi, Bao Chao's confidence is more sufficient, but there are more people to rely on, Dai Yu is just an orphan girl, and there is no one else behind her except the support of Jia Mu. And Jia Mu is old and may not be able to make decisions for her. Attacking people will also feel that Baochao's chances of winning are greater. Therefore, she and Baochao are good friends, and they also go with the flow.

More importantly, for the sake of the future, the attackers turned to Madame Wang. She was dissatisfied with the positioning given to her by Jia Mu, and Lady Wang appreciated her more and was willing to cultivate her, and she naturally only looked at Lady Wang. Lady Wang is a staunch supporter of the golden jade good fortune, as Lady Wang's subordinate, the raiders have been promoted by Lady Wang, and she also expects Lady Wang to take more care of her in the future, and will definitely stand on the side of Baochao. As for Daiyu, who has no one to rely on, many diseases and disasters, and has always tended to benefit and avoid harm, the more he demeans Daiyu, the more he can make his position clear.

Dream of the Red Chamber: Attacking people, you demean Daiyu's appearance, it is really ugly

In a way, raiders and Baochao are more people of the world, they are more realistic, heavy on profits, and will not spend unnecessary energy, including emotions. It seems that she and Baoyu are very good, but she once said to Baoyu, have you become a thief and a robber, and I am not with you? The creed of the attacker's life is that if there is milk, it is a mother. Madame Wang increased her monthly routine, promised her benefits, she was not stupid, she was very fine, she knew how to look at people's faces and guess each other's thoughts. What Lady Wang likes, she likes, what Lady Wang hates, she hates what, Lady Wang does not like Daiyu, how can she be completely ignorant?

Like Baochao, they want a husband who works hard, and they put their hopes on Jia Baoyu. Bao Chao advised Bao Yu to study and be self-motivated, but it was not good to persuade people to be too fierce, and could only say, you really love to study, fake love, in front of the master or others, only make a love to study. What they like is not Baoyu, but the wealth and inheritance he has, and Baoyu is a tool man. Dai Yu can be called Bao Yu's confidant, she will not force Bao Yu to do things she does not like, but such a Dai Yu is not recognized by the attackers. Bao Chao, who occasionally persuades Bao Yu to read the books of the sages, is the qualified candidate for Bao Er's grandmother in people's hearts.

Baochao is always wide and generous, which is in stark contrast to Daiyu. As Baoyu's big man ring, the raiders saw more Daiyu and Baoyu having temper tantrums, and saw more Baoyu not guarding the house for Daiyu's soul, which increased the intensity of the attacker's work, invisibly, causing trouble for the attackers. Which is as convenient as Baochao? Therefore, the raiders did not like Daiyu.

Moreover, the raider was Baoyu's first woman, and the two had also been in love. But what Baoyu really likes is Lin Daiyu, and he is more and more convinced that Daiyu is the love of his life. This is more or less, let the attacker's heart a little jealous. Although the master and servant are different, the attacker can only be a concubine in the future, but Baoyu marries a Baochao who does not love much, then the position of the attacker in his heart will be heavier, if he marries Daiyu, then the attacker will really be just a big light bulb.

In fact, she can't do anything, she makes a few complaints behind her back, says a few bad words about Daiyu, and may not really hurt Daiyu. But in front of Baoyu, she said that he loved someone, was this also a kind of disrespect for Baoyu? Baoyu treated her very well, but she did not obey Baoyu's wishes at all, no wonder that later, Baoyu gradually alienated her. Attacking people to demean Daiyu's appearance makes people see her subtle and complex psychology, and this character is also richer and more playful.

Author: Ah Wu, this article is to read less of the original works of the Red Chamber.

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