
Sweet potatoes can also be very good to "drink"! These 3 sweet potato warm drinks, delicious and healthy, you may wish to try!

As a particularly common potato food, sweet potatoes contain a large number of dietary fiber, vitamins, proteins, carotene, amino acids, polysaccharides, and various mineral elements, and are easily absorbed by the body, with a variety of effects such as improving overall immunity, maintaining the function of various organs, and preventing premature aging of the body.

And the taste of sweet potatoes is very good, not only can be used to make baked sweet potatoes to eat, but also can be made into some sweet potato warm drinks. Especially after entering the winter, there are many people who especially like to drink some sweet potato warm drinks, which not only taste good, but also have very high nutritional value.

Below, for everyone to introduce in detail the benefits of drinking sweet potato warm drinks in winter, as well as several warm drinking practices, hurry up to understand it.

Sweet potatoes can also be very good to "drink"! These 3 sweet potato warm drinks, delicious and healthy, you may wish to try!

Which sweet potato warm drinks to drink in winter have a health care effect?

1. Sweet potato and red date drink

Sweet potatoes contain a lot of vitamins, especially vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, as well as vitamin C, vitamin E is particularly much. The jujube also contains a large amount of vitamin C, and the combination of the two can scavenge free radicals in the human body.

It can not only prevent skin aging and whitening effect, but also protect blood vessels, improve digestion, metabolism and other functions.

Moreover, it can improve the metabolic rate of the skin and accelerate blood circulation, which has the effect of improving the yellowing and dullness of the skin. For the phenomenon of dry and dull skin in winter, it has a good improvement effect.

Sweet potatoes can also be very good to "drink"! These 3 sweet potato warm drinks, delicious and healthy, you may wish to try!

In addition, sweet potatoes and dates are red foods, which have the effect of nourishing the heart and clearing the heat, and have a relatively good improvement effect on the problems of irritability and repeated insomnia caused by the exuberance of the heart.

Directions: Bring water to a boil in a pot, add the clean dates, bring to a boil over high heat, then add the peeled and cut sweet potato cubes, then bring to a boil over high heat. Add a small amount of rock sugar and cook over low heat when the sweet potatoes are soft.

Reminder: Sweet potato and date soup has a sweet taste, if the blood sugar is high, then do not drink.

Sweet potatoes can also be very good to "drink"! These 3 sweet potato warm drinks, delicious and healthy, you may wish to try!

2. Sweet potato and pumpkin drink

Bring water to a boil in a pot, then add the peeled and cut pumpkin, sweet potato and a small amount of ginger slices, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the pumpkin and sweet potato are soft and rotten. If you prefer a sweet taste, you can add a small amount of brown sugar, cook until the brown sugar melts and then turn off the heat. Sweet potato pumpkin syrup made of sweet potatoes and pumpkins has a very good taste and has the effect of driving away cold and warming up.

Sweet potatoes can also be very good to "drink"! These 3 sweet potato warm drinks, delicious and healthy, you may wish to try!

Especially in the winter, many people will have a cold body and suffer from wind and cold, but also there will be stomach cold or women have a cold palace, then you can drink more sweet potato pumpkin drink, can play a warm, cold, blood and other effects.

Moreover, there are more pectin and dietary fiber components in sweet potato and pumpkin porridge, which can accelerate the body's metabolic speed and have the effect of helping to lose weight.

Sweet potatoes can also be very good to "drink"! These 3 sweet potato warm drinks, delicious and healthy, you may wish to try!

Third, sweet potato cinnamon round drink

The sliced sweet potatoes are steamed in a pot to soften, then the dates and cinnamon meat are put into the pot and boiled with water. When the dates and cinnamon meat are soft, the sweet potatoes are mashed, then placed in a pot and added to some small glutinous rice balls. After the dumplings are cooked, you can add some brown sugar appropriately and eat them.

This sweet potato guiyuan drink has a very good taste, and has the effect of warming up the body and driving cold and nourishing the blood, which has a relatively good improvement effect on the cold phenomenon of cold hands and feet in winter.

Sweet potatoes can also be very good to "drink"! These 3 sweet potato warm drinks, delicious and healthy, you may wish to try!

All in all, although sweet potatoes are a whole grain, they contain a large number of substances that are beneficial to the human body. Especially after entering the winter, the sweet potatoes are made into the above three kinds of warm drinks to drink, which not only has a very good taste, but also has a variety of effects such as warming and driving away the cold, as well as invigorating blood and nourishing blood, improving physical fitness and so on.

However, it is worth noting that the sugar content of these three warm drinks is relatively high, and diabetics should not drink them. And other groups of people should not drink too much, otherwise it will lead to the phenomenon of fire, which is not good for health.

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