
Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?

Hydrogen energy is widely used at the Beijing Winter Olympics, in addition to the full use of hydrogen energy in the torch, in the Winter Olympics in various competition areas, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have also achieved large-scale demonstration operation.

Written by /Zhao Tianyu Editor/Ding Lin

New Media Editor/Song Meng

Scientific audit:

CHAI Maorong (Director, Chief Technology Officer, Professor, State Power Investment Group Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd.)

As the cleanest energy source, hydrogen energy was widely used at the Beijing Winter Olympics. In addition to the full use of hydrogen energy in the torch, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have also achieved large-scale demonstration operation in various competition areas of the Winter Olympic Games. However, the leap from fuel vehicles to hydrogen energy vehicles is not simply from "burning oil" to "burning hydrogen", behind which is the exploration and application of a series of the latest technologies such as the core technology of hydrogen fuel cell engines, multi-coupling safety technologies, and all-climate power battery technology.

Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?
Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?
Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?
Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?
Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?
Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?
Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?
Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?

12 meters long body, green auspicious cloud painting, air conditioner on top... At first glance, hydrogen-fueled buses seem unremarkable, not quite the same as the imaginary "black technology".

But open the lid on the side of the car to find the "special feature" of these hydrogen fuel buses - there is no gas tank for gasoline cars, and there is no slightly bulky battery pack for power battery cars, replaced by 6 neatly arranged hydrogen storage tanks.

But it is these containers that do not look amazing, after filling up to hydrogen, they can travel 500 kilometers at a time, which can be described as "small body, big energy".

During the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, there are more than 200 100% domestic hydrogen fuel cell buses like this, each vehicle is expected to achieve 0.28 liters / km of fuel saving benefits and 750 g / km of carbon emission reduction benefits per vehicle.

The working principle of hydrogen energy is not complicated - hydrogen and oxygen are supplied to the anode and cathode respectively, and the hydrogen diffuses outward through the anode and reacts with the electrolyte, and the released electrons reach the cathode through the external load. In this process, chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy.

In order to better serve the Winter Olympics, the vehicle design team also carried out special technical optimization, so that the vehicle can be launched in an environment of minus 30 degrees Celsius, and better adapt to the low temperature and cold environment in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou in winter.

Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?

▲Hydrogen energy bus (Photo: Zhao Tianyu)

With a wide range of technical adaptability and clean and pollution-free characteristics, hydrogen energy stands out among many energy competitors and is regarded as one of the most promising new energy sources in the future, which also coincides with the sustainable development strategy concept that the Olympic Games have been pursuing. In order to further integrate the Olympic spirit with the concept of "green" and "environmental protection", in addition to hydrogen fuel buses, the torch of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the main torch at the opening ceremony will also use hydrogen fuel.

At the Tokyo Summer Olympics in 2021, hydrogen energy can already be seen - the Olympic torch, the bus that transports athletes, and the Olympic Village where athletes stay, all of which have applied hydrogen energy to varying degrees.

However, according to the emissions in the hydrogen energy production process, people divide hydrogen energy into "gray hydrogen" and "green hydrogen". The use of grey hydrogen at the Tokyo Olympics cannot yet be called a 100% eco-friendly product. The green hydrogen used in the Beijing Winter Olympics can truly achieve "zero emissions" and achieve the goal of the green Winter Olympics.

Originally, gray hydrogen is hydrogen produced by the consumption of fossil fuels, and there will be carbon dioxide and other emissions in the production process; while green hydrogen is hydrogen made through renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, and nuclear energy, and there is almost no carbon emissions in the production process.

Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?

▲In March 2020, Yanshan Petrochemical's hydrogen new energy production plant for the Beijing Winter Olympics was put into operation (Source: Visual China)

As early as the end of 2017, Beijing municipality issued relevant documents, proposing to promote hydrogen production and the application of core technologies for hydrogen energy in the relevant fields of the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. In August 2021, the relevant departments officially determined that fuel cell vehicles will be used during the Winter Olympics to undertake the transportation of spectators or staff in mountain areas such as Yanqing.

As a supporting product for hydrogen fuel vehicles, the construction of hydrogen refueling stations is also in full swing. At present, the four hydrogen refueling stations in Chongli and Yanqing are officially put into operation, laying the foundation for ensuring the supply of high-purity hydrogen for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?

▲Hydrogen refueling stations that have been officially put into operation to serve the Winter Olympics (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

After the end of the Winter Olympics, all hydrogen fuel cell vehicles used during the Games and the three hydrogen refueling stations in Yanqing will serve as the "green heritage" of the Winter Olympics and continue to contribute to the green development of Beijing.

During the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, several brands of electric vehicles shuttled between the Olympic venues and the Olympic Village. These pure electric buses were also regarded as "black technology" at that time. Today, when the Olympic event returns to Beijing, electric vehicles have long been commonplace on the streets of the city.

"Hydrogen" clean Winter Olympics, zero carbon future. Can the hydrogen energy vehicles that shine at the 2022 Winter Olympics set off a new wave of hydrogen energy? We'll see.

(This content is jointly produced by Beijing Science and Technology News and China Digital Science and Technology Museum)

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Illustration of the Winter Olympics Technology | "hydrogen" loaded hydrogen energy bus, how to achieve zero-carbon travel?

Producer: Popular Science Central Kitchen

Producer: Beijing Science and Technology News | Beike Media

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