
Xiaopeng Automobile engineer's path to advancement: "escaped" from state-owned enterprises, and has since embarked on the road of Kangzhuang

"Jumping ship to Xiaopeng completely changed my career."

Xiao Jie, after the 90s, talks about his professional experience and still enjoys it. He graduated from a major university and worked at a state-owned enterprise, but a few years later he had to seek a change. In the case of almost no choice, he chose Xiaopeng Automobile, and did not expect that his life would embark on the kangzhuang avenue from then on.

Xiaopeng Automobile engineer's path to advancement: "escaped" from state-owned enterprises, and has since embarked on the road of Kangzhuang

As a post-90s, Xiao Jie admitted that he did not have much ambition, originally wanted to work quietly in state-owned enterprises for a lifetime, and did not want to catch up with the wave of Internet car manufacturing.

(1) Forced to flee, the greatest risk

Xiao Jie recalled the years just after graduation, like most young people, he actually did not have too many ideas, normal to find a job, normal into the automotive industry.

Xiaopeng Automobile engineer's path to advancement: "escaped" from state-owned enterprises, and has since embarked on the road of Kangzhuang

But without ideas, there may be a hidden crisis. He admitted, "Compared with the post-80s, the opportunities of the post-90s are much worse." This reason is also simple, because after the 80s, it is the time when the automotive industry is developing rapidly, and many people have seized the opportunity, so that now many grass-roots leaders of automobile companies are mainly post-80s.

When they graduated, those brothers and brothers at the end of 80 were still young, and it was when they were young and powerful, the training priority was higher than that of the post-90s, and they soon occupied an important position.

What is even more tragic about Xiao Jie is that he "stands on the wrong team", and the projects he participates in are repeatedly cut, so that after several years of hard work, he is still a marginal figure in the company.

Xiaopeng Automobile engineer's path to advancement: "escaped" from state-owned enterprises, and has since embarked on the road of Kangzhuang

In the face of his friends' promotions and salary increases, he also thought of various ways. For example, he actively participated in organizational activities and applied for several patents, but in the end, the evaluation of him by the upper echelons did not change much. He recalled that when young people first joined the company, they must perform more, and once they "characterize" you and think that you are no longer the object of cultivation, it will be difficult to turn over after that.

And his experience is a testament to this, and it was this experience that made him determined to flee, because by this time he had realized that his life path was getting narrower and narrower.

Xiaopeng Automobile engineer's path to advancement: "escaped" from state-owned enterprises, and has since embarked on the road of Kangzhuang

For Xiao Jie at that time, he did not have many choices. In fact, his first choice is still state-owned enterprises and joint ventures, but these companies are not easy to enter, and they need to have a plan to recruit people. He interviewed several companies, but they did not get what he wanted, so he set his sights on the new forces that were just beginning to emerge.

After inspecting several new power companies, he finally chose Xiaopeng Automobile. At that time, Xiaopeng actually only had an entry-level car G3 in research and development, and it was not outstanding among the major new forces. But after communicating with the company's technical staff, he felt that the management of a team was very standardized and gave him enough respect.

However, it can also be seen that the early new forces, in fact, the "threshold" for recruiting people is not too harsh. Because for many technicians, joining such a new team is actually very risky.

(2) The rise of new forces on the front line

Lei Jun has a famous saying, "Standing on the wind outlet, pigs can fly", which is widely circulated. Until many years later, Ma Yun choked back, "After the wind passes, it must be pigs that fall to their deaths."

Xiaopeng Automobile engineer's path to advancement: "escaped" from state-owned enterprises, and has since embarked on the road of Kangzhuang

New energy vehicles are indeed a new outlet, and in just a few years, hundreds of companies have poured in. It is also true that there are several flying enterprises, which have cut through thorns and thorns all the way, and finally become a force that cannot be ignored in the automotive industry. But more or less fell, countless companies invested a lot of money, and finally quietly shut down, even the company was written off.

Xiaopeng Motors happens to be one of the lucky ones, and after the G3 achieved a good reputation, it finally waited for the launch of the flagship model P7. The car was absolutely groundbreaking at the time.

The first is the appearance, the very sci-fi shape, the through-type light strip with the quad headlights on both sides, coupled with the hidden door handle and the fading curved body, so that it shows a very attractive coupe posture. Then there's performance, with 4.3 seconds of acceleration, the longest range of 700km+ at the time, and the highly disruptive self-driving technology. After the emergence of P7, Xiaopeng can be said to have completely gained a foothold.

Xiaopeng Automobile engineer's path to advancement: "escaped" from state-owned enterprises, and has since embarked on the road of Kangzhuang

Of course, Xiao Jie also contributed his own strength in it, and he burst out a strong energy when he had a place to use it. In his words, the key to Xiaopeng's four years of work in the original state-owned enterprises is that he still has a special sense of achievement.

On August 27, 2020, Xiaopeng Motors was officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States. Xiao Jie, as the "elder" of the company, also followed a ride and earned half of the down payment in his words. In the following 2021, Xiaopeng "counterattacked" Weilai and ideals, becoming the champion of the delivery of new forces, which is a complete foothold.

(3) Success is actually "gathering sand into a tower"?

Today's Xiaopeng Automobile is actually a giant in the market. It has at least two technologies that are relatively leading in China, automatic driving and supercharge technology, both of which are very competitive, and it is not easy to lead.

Xiaopeng Automobile engineer's path to advancement: "escaped" from state-owned enterprises, and has since embarked on the road of Kangzhuang

But this is actually not all of it, taking the P7 as an example, the point that we had a very deep impression of the previous test drive was actually its control dynamics and driving texture, which is rarely done by the new forces. And as a company that does not produce power batteries, Xiaopeng actually launched the first model with a range of 700km+, in the words of friends, relying on countless quarrels with the Ningde era, as well as the ultimate optimization of the meter unit, it is this little by little progress that makes it gradually stand out in the new forces.

For Xiao Jie, it is actually the same, he has repeatedly emphasized that he is not a big winner, he is not a bully when he was a student, and he has never been a big bull after work. As for joining Xiaopeng, he originally wanted to rely on his own technology to "eat with mixed mouths", and as a result, most of the work he is doing now is learning from scratch. Because many breakthroughs in new energy are actually completely new fields. It is this little by little accumulation that makes him more and more excellent.

Xiaopeng Automobile engineer's path to advancement: "escaped" from state-owned enterprises, and has since embarked on the road of Kangzhuang

In order to solve the key computing problem, Xiao Jie, as a traditional automotive engineer, also began to teach himself programming, and it is said that his achievements have been quite good. He joked that the car will not work in the future, and at his level, he can still go to Huawei to continue to play the residual heat, and people are actually forced out in this way.

(4) Kung Fu shooting

In fact, there are many people like Xiao Jie, people are not born to know, and when they are young, there are several people who can see their own path. Such a talent, if it were not for such a coincidence, might have been buried, and it can only be said that the time is also fateful.

Xiaopeng Automobile just sold two or three thousand cars a month, even if it is good, the outside world has been rumored that these new forces, one of them will go out of business. Unexpectedly, in just a few years, it has gained a firm foothold and can stabilize the monthly sales of more than 10,000. This is not only due to the care of the market, the support of policies, but also to the efforts of countless staff behind it.

In fact, people, like enterprises, need only an opportunity.

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