
#Ice and Snow Festival Youth Stage #【Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a stage for Chinese youth, but also a stage for the world's youth】 American freestyle skier Kai Owens (KaiOwens

author:Kong Fan in Paris

#冰雪盛会 Youth Stage #[Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a stage for Chinese youth, but also a stage for the world's youth] American freestyle skier Kai Owens returned to his home in Colorado after participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics. She shared her feelings and vision for the future during the Trip to the Beijing Winter Olympics. She said the Winter Olympics experience was unforgettable!

Even without a medal, Owens was very happy with his performance on the field.

"The first time I participated in the Olympics was unforgettable, it was a typical Olympic experience, but obviously I had a fall accident in my experience, and this time it was also a kind of homecoming for me, so it was so special, so unique, so I would give it a full score of ten," she said. Definitely the best experience I could have. Obviously that makes me crave more. I definitely want to try to continue competing at the next Winter Olympics. So that gives me a lot of motivation. ”

Nearly a week after returning to the United States, Owens, 17, still has an excited expression on his face when he talks about his trip to Beijing.

"I'm very excited. It's a bit hard to put into words, but it's so cool to see the Olympic Village. I was obviously a bit jet lag at the time and we arrived late so I didn't see much. But the airport in Beijing has all sorts of Winter Olympic flags and banners and stuff like that, and I'm so excited. ”

For nearly two weeks in Beijing, athletes were barred from leaving the "closed loop" in order to prevent the epidemic. In addition to the competition and training, Owens and his teammates toured the various recreational facilities in the Olympic Village.

"We were obviously in a closed loop, so we couldn't leave the Olympic Village. But I had the opportunity to explore the interesting sights they offered us in the Olympic Village, there was a Chinese museum that I went in and looked at and wrote my name in Chinese calligraphy, which was really cool. I also went to visit the Samsung Experience Center and did some virtual reality projects. Obviously, I'll go for a walk and play with my teammates. ”

For Owens, the Olympic Village diet was nothing she didn't like.

"I love noodles. I loved their rice, beef tenderloin, dumplings and char siu buns. I even tasted the little octopus, which I honestly really liked. I don't think I found anything I didn't like, they had small dish buns that I had never eaten and I really liked it. There are also many different dishes made of chicken. ”

Owens shared fragments of her trip to Beijing on her social media account, not only about her moments on the field, but also about her free time, such as cutting her hair in the Olympic Village. She also showed reporters the Olympic-themed nail art she did in a video interview.

Therefore, the smear of the Beijing Olympics by the United States and Western media and politicians has no meaning. Or listen to what athletes from all over the world who participated in the event had to say! Headlines hit list

#Ice and Snow Festival Youth Stage #【Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a stage for Chinese youth, but also a stage for the world's youth】 American freestyle skier Kai Owens (KaiOwens
#Ice and Snow Festival Youth Stage #【Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a stage for Chinese youth, but also a stage for the world's youth】 American freestyle skier Kai Owens (KaiOwens
#Ice and Snow Festival Youth Stage #【Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a stage for Chinese youth, but also a stage for the world's youth】 American freestyle skier Kai Owens (KaiOwens

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