
Does inhospitable lining have an effect on pregnancy?

When infertility goes to the hospital for examination, the doctor will let us do some related tests, such as sex hormone six and B ultrasound is more common, then, when the examination found that the intimal indiscretion will have an impact on our pregnancy? Let's take a look.

Does inhospitable lining have an effect on pregnancy?

A poor endometrium can affect pregnancy, but it does not mean that an uneven endometrium will necessarily not become pregnant. Because the degree of intimal quality and personal constitution is not the same, the degree of influence is also different.

Endometrial inhospidity is not an independent disease, but a pathological change of the endometrium caused by a variety of diseases, the most common of which is endometritis or congenital dysplasia of the uterus, etc. Due to the uneven thickness of the endometrium, it is not conducive to the implantation of the fertilized egg and the development of the gestational sac, which may lead to pregnancy failure at the implantation stage of the fertilized egg; Too thin endometrium can lead to threatened miscarriage or miscarriage, or fetal dysplasia, or even fetal death in the uterus, because of too thin endometrium, fertilized eggs are not easy to implant, can not provide the placenta and fetus with sufficient nutrition, if miscarriage, there is a possibility of secondary infertility; The lining is not good, do a good job of prenatal examination regularly after pregnancy, if the fetus is normal, do not worry, if the diagnosis is confirmed to be an intrauterine pregnancy in the first trimester, it is necessary to measure blood hCG and progesterone to determine whether the hormone level in the body is normal and whether it supports the growth of the fetus; If the lining is not good during pregnancy, you should pay attention to rest, keep your mood comfortable, don't be too nervous, try to avoid sexual life, and if necessary, fetal protection treatment.

Does inhospitable lining have an effect on pregnancy?

Women's endometrium is uneven, can be adjusted by food or drugs, food is mainly to eat foods containing high estrogen, such as soy products and fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and shrimp can be; Taking drugs can be appropriate to take hormones or progesterone drugs for periodic treatment, so that the endometrium can be periodically peeled off, and the situation of uneven endometrium can be properly regulated.

It should be noted that if the endometrium is uneven and is caused by gynecological diseases, we need to treat gynecological diseases first, and then carry out reasonable conditioning under the guidance of expert doctors.

Does inhospitable lining have an effect on pregnancy?

Iberian's warm tips: If the endometrium is detected unevenly, you need to wait for a review after menstruation to understand whether the endometrium is restored, if there is no recovery, we need to find a relevant doctor for consultation, early conditioning and early recovery, and then improve the pregnancy rate as soon as possible.

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