
Biathlon referee Kong Yinghui: Bringing the spirit of the Chinese police to the Winter Olympics

On the afternoon of February 18, when the wind was cold and the shooting range of the National Biathlon Center of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Kong Yinghui was still as engrossed as usual to referee the competition and record the later stages. In the morning of the official training of the range, she made preliminary preparations for athletes from all over the world, sorted out the target position, changed the target paper, and paid close attention to the school gun and the athletes who trained, ready to deal with unexpected situations at any time.

Biathlon referee Kong Yinghui: Bringing the spirit of the Chinese police to the Winter Olympics

Kong Yinghui, 38, from the Tongliao City Public Security Bureau in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is the only Inner Mongolia police officer to administer the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, and is also an excellent female police flower praised by Li Bei, a spokesman for the Ministry of Public Security, at a press conference recently. In fact, the female police referee won three bronze medals in biathlon at the National Winter Games and 15th place at the World Youth Championships held in Germany.

On the 16th, seeing that in the biathlon women's 4×6 km relay race, the Chinese team won the 12th place, refreshing the best result in history, Kong Yinghui happily told this reporter: "I am very proud of them!" Moreover, this is china's own arena. ”

"Biathlon originated in Norway and is currently very high, whether it is relay or men's and women's competitions, the overall level of the Norwegian team is the best at this year's Winter Olympics. Their spirit is also worth learning. ”

The audience on the field also made Kong Yinghui particularly moved. "They're happy for the first athlete to cross the finish line and will cheer for the last sprinter, very enthusiastic!"

Why come to Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games to referee? Kong Yinghui told this reporter: "Because I have been engaged in this project, this large-scale sports event is held in China, as a Chinese are very proud and want to come and feel it." At the Winter Olympics, I am thrilled and proud to be able to administer biathlon fairly and impartially as a Chinese referee. At the same time, my public security comrades are also silently paying for the security of the Winter Olympics. Kong Yinghui, who became an international referee last year, already has a relatively rich experience in competition law enforcement, but when she really had the opportunity to stand on the stage of the Beijing Olympic Games, she still felt a different sense of mission.

Biathlon referee Kong Yinghui: Bringing the spirit of the Chinese police to the Winter Olympics

The National Biathlon Center is located in the valley northeast of the Prince City area of Chongli District, Zhangjiakou City, and the competition environment is very good, but the outdoor temperature is about minus 20 °C. In the extremely low temperature environment, even if there is no competition on the day but training, Kong Yinghui will basically strictly demand herself on the field with the standard of the game, from morning training to the end of the official game in the evening, staying in the field for at least 10 hours a day, and standing in the cold wind. Because once the athletes have various emergencies, the referees must arrive as soon as possible.

Biathlon referee Kong Yinghui: Bringing the spirit of the Chinese police to the Winter Olympics

Inside the National Biathlon Center, Kong Yinghui and international referees took a group photo.

"Every day at the end of the shooting range, the international referees come to high-five and touch the fist with us, and simply celebrate, indicating that today's work has been successfully completed." During the Winter Olympic Games, the work of the range referees was highly praised by international referees. After the conclusion of the Winter Olympic Games on February 20, Kong Yinghui will immediately make every effort to set the venue for the Winter Paralympic athletes. Since the Spring Festival, she has not been able to go home to the Winter Olympics, and now she can only video call her family after every night. But Kong Yinghui's daughter is very proud of her mother, saying that her mother is her role model and goal.

When dressed in a police uniform, Kong Yinghui looked capable and cheerful. She said that this character was tempered by the grind of her early sports career. In 1997, at the age of 13, Kong Yinghui was selected to engage in professional ski training in the bayi snow sports brigade of the former Shenyang Military Region; in 1998, she served in the august 1st snow sports brigade of the former Shenyang Military Region. From 2004 to 2007, Kong Yinghui served as a biathlon referee at the National Winter Games and as a 2007 biathlon referee at the 6th Asian Winter Games. After that, Kong Yinghui served in the police for 13 years, loved her post and dedicated herself, was awarded the third class of personal merit twice, and was rated as an outstanding communist party member and advanced worker by the sub-bureau for many times. Without affecting her work, she has always maintained her love of ice and snow sports. "I want to bring the good spirit of the Chinese police who are loyal, for the people, hard work and dedication to the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games and show it to the whole world!" Kong Yinghui said excitedly.

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