
Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight

author:Word craftsman

Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival.

At midnight, at the excavation site after the evacuation of the archaeological team, the only villagers left behind, went home to run errands, and before they came, they took advantage of this effort, and several black shadows sneaked up to the top of the tomb to seal the mound, using the sound of firecrackers to cover, digging cannon holes, burying zha medicine, and breaking the bao.

The sound of bao breaking attracted villagers, and the tomb robbers fled in a hurry. Tomb robbers all know that digging a robbery hole at the top of the sealed mound is the opposite of the opposite, and the effort is not gratifying, especially this 40,000-square-meter princely tomb, only the sealed mound has tens of meters, and the top of the mound is dug downwards, far better than choosing the root of the tomb and digging it. However, the advantage of such stolen excavation is that it is effortless, and it is very accurate to go to the end and go directly to the burial chamber.

These two tomb robbers want to please each other, and the second is really unprofessional, and when they go back, their peers make fun of them, asking if they are rich? The two knew the reason, he smiled and said that he didn't see how the coffin got rich. The pun used, the circle understands.

Back at the excavation of the tomb, the archaeological team learned that the tomb was targeted by thieves and decided to speed up the excavation, and as soon as the Spring Festival passed, construction began again.

Although this excavation is still far from the tomb, in the process of cleaning up the schedule, there are constantly surprises emerging, which makes people shine.

Which fine pieces of Padang's gold and silver jewelry are not to be said, say a few pieces that are close to daily life, one egg, two dirt.

This excavation, dug up the eggs, 2000 years ago eggs, well preserved, if the tomb robbers dig up, a quasi-garbage thrown away. We have not eaten eggs in ancient times, I don't know what the taste is, but it must be a chai egg.

The tomb unearthed this egg, in the No. 4 burial pit, the others are broken, only this one seedling, so called a thousand years of an egg. I don't know how the egg is currently in condition, but I have friends who know it, so it is convenient to provide information, and foodies go to see it.

The mud thing is said to be commonplace, but the "mud" unearthed from this tomb is not ordinary, but "sealing mud".

Who is it sealed? It is certainly not a demon, nor a pot and pan, but a bottle and can.

Why use mud as a seal? Because it is soft, malleable, unburned, plus a special clay, it is more viscous and has a good sealing effect. The Han Dynasty stipulated that the important briefs and edicts read by the emperor should be sealed with wudu purple mud.

Wudu purple mud, the place of origin is remote, far away in Gansu, the average person is not easy to get, in addition to blue or purple, the color has anti-counterfeiting function, other mud is not right at a glance, can not fish eyes mixed beads.

Nowadays, mud is very common, but at that time people relied heavily on mud, but all important documents of the official family, rope bundles, mud seals, after taking the official seal on the mud to cut a poke, to prove confidentiality, indicating that the original appearance of the item has not been demolished, nor can it be privately demolished, otherwise it must be investigated and held accountable step by step.

It is worth noting that a total of 32 sealed mud seals have been unearthed from the tomb, and the mud is covered with three kinds of official stamps: Lü Nei ShiYin, Lü Daguan Cheng, and Lü Daguan Seal. At this point, it is basically concluded that the tomb owner's surname is Lü.

According to historical records, in the early Han Dynasty, Liu Bangbang, Lü Hou came to power, dafeng a group of relatives surnamed Lü, Shandong this place was sealed a Lü state, the capital of Dongpingling, the king was the son of Lü Hou's eldest brother, that is, Lü Hou's nephew Lü Tai.

The state of Lü survived for 8 years, and with the collapse of Lü Hou, it successively went through four kings, except for the first Lü Tai, the rest as his younger brother or son.

The four kings of the Lü kingdom, the first Lü Tai only one year, died, the next three, either abolished or cursed, so that only Lü Tai belongs to the good end. Therefore, with the luxury of the tomb, the owner of the tomb is likely to be the first king of the Lü kingdom and the nephew of Lü Hou.

Therefore, it is not unusual for the tomb to unearth such things. The main burial chamber itself has more than 1200 square meters, and the total length of the east-west tomb is nearly 200 meters, and its scale is one of the best in Han tomb archaeology. Of course, a more shocking set of cultural relics has been unearthed, and people can't help but marvel, and this tomb is all-encompassing.

This is a set of intact chimes, a total of 19 pieces. The question is: How can chimes, as an important ceremonial instrument in ancient times, symbolize status and power, be mixed with eggs and other living goods?

After careful cleaning, experts found that the lower edge of the chime had traces of being filed, as a tuning method, proving that the chime was a practical tool. Compared with the ming utensils, the practical utensils refer to the burial utensils specially designed for burial, while the practical utensils are used before death, or the deceased loves the utensils before death, and is buried with them after death.

Archaeologists once believed that the craftsmanship of the Zenghou Yi chimes unearthed in Suizhou, Hubei province in 1978, had been lost in the Warring States, and it was not expected that the Han tomb had also unearthed a set of chimes. So, will this set of chimes be left over from the previous generation?

Compared with this set of chimes, the former has 65 pieces and the latter 19 pieces; the former is 152 cm high and weighs 203 kg, and the latter is about 50 cm high and weighs much lighter. And the two shapes and casting processes are completely different, and experts judge that they were manufactured in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty.

Although the number of chimes is small, the casting process is equally superb, each piece can produce two different tones, 19 pieces span four octaves, only one octave less than Zeng Houyi chimes.

Zeng Houyi chimes in 2002 were first selected into the list of cultural relics prohibited from being exhibited abroad, and the chimes frequently exhibited abroad, although the casting time between the two is only more than 200 years apart, but the value is obviously not comparable, but it still occupies an important position in the archaeology of the Han Dynasty, with great value and extraordinary significance.

Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight
Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight
Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight
Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight
Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight
Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight
Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight
Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight
Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight
Before the Spring Festival in 2000, in a village in Shandong, an archaeological team that was rescuing an ancient tomb was going home for the New Year. As in previous years, the villagers are immersed in the atmosphere of the Spring Festival and prepare for a lively festival. midnight

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