
Helping people start a business Wuling looks forward to common prosperity with the people

Last November, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was successfully concluded. The plenary session proposed that based on the new development stage, the implementation of the new development concept, the construction of a new development pattern, the promotion of high-quality development, the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up, and the promotion of common prosperity. As an important part of economic life, enterprises play the role of both social wealth creators and participants in social wealth distribution in the economic rise.

Helping people start a business Wuling looks forward to common prosperity with the people

This means that the realization of common prosperity is inseparable from the active cooperation and participation of enterprises. SAIC-GM-Wuling has always adhered to the concept of "what the people need, Wuling will create", put its own development in the context of common prosperity, optimize the future development of iterative enterprises and pay more attention to the struggle with users. At the beginning of 2022, SAIC-GM-Wuling actively responded to the call to distribute 2 billion red envelopes to help all people start their own businesses and devote themselves to the great cause of jointly building common prosperity.

Helping people start a business Wuling looks forward to common prosperity with the people

Steady growth and development Expand the boundaries of enterprise value

To promote the realization of common prosperity, enterprises need to have the role of stimulating economic vitality and creating wealth. SAIC-GM-Wuling, which has always adhered to the style of pragmatism and integrity, has continuously sought breakthroughs in various market competitions and changes in order to achieve high-quality development.

In 2021, SAIC-GM-Wuling handed over a very good report card, with a total of 1,760,176 units sold throughout the year, an increase of 13.5% year-on-year, becoming a leading national brand in sales and accumulating 25 million users. Wuling brand sales of 1,449,367 units, an increase of 15% year-on-year. Wuling Motors, which is popular all over the network because of the network heat of "QiumingShan Shenche", is a group of domestic car brands that are extremely close to the people and very grounded in terms of function and price. In almost every village in China, You will see the figure of Wuling Motors. This phenomenon attracted the attention of Forbes in 2010, and the Wuling phenomenon shocked overseas, and in their eyes, the light of Wuling is a car that Chinese consumers really need. It is understood that the historical ownership of Wuling Hongguang has exceeded 5.13 million vehicles, while the historical ownership of Wuling Rongguang and Wuling Zhiguang is as many as 6.41 million and 5.55 million. Behind the brilliant report card carries the hope of every strivers, rugged, fair price, and IKEA attributes make Wuling Motors the first choice for most entrepreneurs and family cars.

Helping people start a business Wuling looks forward to common prosperity with the people

In china's auto market, the stock era has entered, and the public has higher requirements for cars. SAIC-GM-Wuling can only hit the pain points of user demand and stand out in the nearly saturated arena. With "what the people need, Wuling will create" as the direction of product development, the Wuling journey of taking into account the work of family came into being. The "five square and five meters" super space design can not only pull the cargo and ride comfortably, but also take the family out to play.

The new youth group represented by the post-80s and post-90s generations is growing into the backbone of Chinese society. When the youth are prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when the youth are strong, the country is strong, and the youth in the new era are facing tremendous opportunities and challenges. The emergence of the Wuling journey has given new young people more entrepreneurial help, reduced costs and improved the efficiency of pulling goods, and can also make personalized arrangements by themselves, which is perfectly compatible with the needs of work and life. While maintaining the advantages of the original products, Wuling implements the brand spirit and meets the needs of multi-field struggling people.

Helping people start a business Wuling looks forward to common prosperity with the people

While deeply cultivating the domestic market, the overseas business of Wuling brand is in full swing. In 2021, it will export 145,550 units/set of complete vehicles and parts, a record high, an increase of 88% year-on-year, and overseas revenue will accumulate 7.6 billion yuan. Today's Wuling, always with persistence and hard work of practical action, keep pace with the times, and strive to become the light of Chinese auto brands. And on behalf of China's manufacturing in many aspects of the world to achieve leadership, including the first to export intellectual property rights to overseas automotive enterprises, to achieve technology transfer fees from payment to collection, so that the technological innovation of Chinese brands to be recognized by the world; the first to turn Chinese automotive standards into the world's automotive standards of automotive enterprises; the first to lead the industrial chain to go out together Chinese auto enterprises. The boundaries of corporate value continue to expand, and SAIC-GM-Wuling has laid a solid economic foundation under the scenario of common prosperity.

Service is constantly innovating to meet the needs of the people in the new era

In the process of achieving common prosperity, it is crucial to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, and service strength is a key part. During service innovation, companies can both discover new business opportunities and contribute to the realization of common prosperity. "Ling Xiao Tea" is such a powerful example. In order to bring more surprises to users, SAIC-GM-Wuling carefully selected Sanjiang tea leaves that grow between the high mountains. Due to the local rain and hot climate in Sanjiang, the tea soup is bright and verdant, and the entrance is fragrant and sweet. Shanghao tea not only brings good user reputation to Wuling, but also helps Sanjiang achieve rural revitalization with the help of such cross-border and provides more support for common prosperity.

Helping people start a business Wuling looks forward to common prosperity with the people

Wuling's accurate insight into the needs of the people has enabled Wuling to quickly gain praise from social concerns and users. As soon as the policy signal of loosening the "ground stall economy" came out, Wuling Automobile once again played the "Wuling Divine Speed", and launched the "regular main force of the ground stall economy" in 5 days - Wuling Rongguang sold trucks. Thinking of the needs of the people and creating what the people want, Wuling Rongguang sells trucks to optimize the rear body carriage structure, so as to achieve the advantages of lightweight body, carriage electrification, and scene diversification, and meet the characteristics of "mobile shop" vehicles required by the stall economy. It not only promotes the vitality of the stall economy, but also contributes to stimulating the vitality of the local economy.

Helping people start a business Wuling looks forward to common prosperity with the people

Behind the rapid response to people's needs is a huge, little-known service system to support. SAIC-GM-Wuling has 2,800 sales and service outlets, covering 98% of prefecture-level cities and 79% of county-level cities, with industry-leading network coverage and a service radius of no more than 10 kilometers. The extremely wide and deep network channels cover almost the whole country, which is more conducive to Wuling listening to the voice of users and close to the needs of users.

Helping people start a business Wuling looks forward to common prosperity with the people

Actively fulfill social responsibilities to help all people start businesses

Practicing common prosperity, SAIC-GM-Wuling is not limited to the public welfare dimension, but combines its own business model to show the temperature. In the face of the sudden epidemic in 2020, SAIC-GM-Wuling showed the "Wuling Speed" and completed the first batch of masks off the line in 3 days. It has set a precedent for car companies to build masks, and through grabbing time, grabbing equipment, and building mask production lines by themselves, it has alleviated the urgent need for mask productivity under the huge population base. In the 2021 Henan heavy rainfall event, SAIC-GM-Wuling promised to provide a number of free services for the affected vehicles. With the strong support of 4S stores and car owners' communities, SAIC-GM-Wuling has solved the problem of transport vehicles through emergency deployment, and has made its own contribution to solving the problem of insufficient material transportation capacity in the disaster area. SAIC-GM-Wuling empowers public welfare actions through its own resource integration capabilities, effectively achieves the people's Wuling for the people, and is committed to achieving a balance between social responsibility and business logic.

Helping people start a business Wuling looks forward to common prosperity with the people

As one of the market players, SAIC-GM-Wuling has achieved high-quality development and shared development results, which is the basic support point for its promotion of common prosperity. From the very beginning of "donation", it changes to "help", and then it becomes "chuang", and it changes from blood transfusion to hematopoiesis, and from extensive to refined. At the beginning of the year, SAIC-GM-Wuling is expected to distribute 2 billion red envelopes, and the preferential treatment will promote the upgrading of people's travel tools, improve the imbalance between urban and rural and regional development, and share the fruits of development. Behind the welfare is the determination of the Wuling brand to grow together with the new generation of Chinese strivers, accurately support the promotion of common prosperity and become targeted, and make social responsibility highly integrated with corporate development direction and planning logic. Do not forget the original intention, Fang de always, "what the people need, Wuling will create what" concept has long become the cornerstone and foundation of Wuling. Over the years, Wuling has interpreted the new interpretation of the image of "baby cow" in the new era with its excellent independent research and development capabilities, distinctive product innovation and open and inclusive pattern, with persistence and hard work.


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