
Xia Junzun: When people reach middle age, the fewer friends they have, the better their lives

Xia Junzun: When people reach middle age, the fewer friends they have, the better their lives




The older you get, the more you feel that having ten friends is not as good as a confidant.

Xia Junzun: When people reach middle age, the fewer friends they have, the better their lives

When people reach middle age, there are many unpleasant phenomena, the eyes are dizzy, the memory is reduced, the hair begins to be bald and white, the mood, the physical strength, nothing is as good as when the young, often can't help but feel the indescribable loneliness of the feeling. What is particularly embarrassing is the gradual diminution and estrangement of acquaintances, and the lack of solace in communication warmth.

Xia Junzun: When people reach middle age, the fewer friends they have, the better their lives

Needless to say, the number of acquaintances increases with age, and the older a person is, the more positions he has held in the places he has traveled, and the more acquaintances should increase. But acquaintances are not friends.

We know many people, either by business or by chance—such as having eaten together when others are entertained. Nodding or shaking hands when meeting, visiting or communicating when there is a problem, verbally calling each other "friends", sometimes calling each other "benevolent brothers" on the pen, and so on, is actually just a kind of social courtesy, and "dunshou" is the same as the hypocrisy of the ceremony. This kind of communication can be said to be social, and it seems that there is a long way to go from true friendship.

Xia Junzun: When people reach middle age, the fewer friends they have, the better their lives

True friends, I am afraid, must be counted as "the friendship of the general horn" or the "friendship of bamboo and horses". In the era of primary and secondary school, it is easy to form real friendships, when they do not feel the oppression of life, they have not yet entered the world, they have fewer thoughts of planning, and the formation of friends is almost "doing nothing" because of similar interests or suitable temperaments, and the nature is relatively pure.

The friendship formed after the age of twenty is probably inevitably covered with all kinds of color molecules; as for the friends after the age of thirty and forty, the more color molecules there are, the less the true components of friendship will inevitably be.

Xia Junzun: When people reach middle age, the fewer friends they have, the better their lives

This is not necessarily "people's hearts are not ancient", but it can be said to be a tragedy of life. When people reach adulthood, they have the burden of life on each other, and when they enter the world, they naturally increase their scruples, and they do not allow you to not calculate in communication, and they do not intend to do so, and as a result, they are "hooked and wrestled" with each other, like a tangram, only one aspect is selected to join each other. Of course, this kind of joint is very unstable, especially in modern times, when everything has reached the era of sharpening.

Xia Junzun: When people reach middle age, the fewer friends they have, the better their lives

In my own social network, the most memorable friends are some friends since their youth. These friends are not many in number, some live in distant places, and even the opportunity to meet is rare. Some of them are older than me, some are a few years younger than me, they are all middle-aged or older, and they go in different directions on weekdays.

Xia Junzun: When people reach middle age, the fewer friends they have, the better their lives

Ideological and interesting situations are also inevitably different from each other, and when people talk about it, they often encounter unspeakable diaphragms. If everyone talks about the old, the old things are metaphorical to each other, and most of them are the things of the juvenile era, "the old travel is like a dream", the dream is also like the past juvenile era, because of the conversation, at the same time will think of many things at that time, many of the faces of the people at that time, at this time it seems that they still return to the juvenile age. I often feel a sense of joy and sadness at times, like when an old woman suddenly finds a film of her prime in a drawer or in a box.

Xia Junzun: When people reach middle age, the fewer friends they have, the better their lives

Whenever I talk to an old friend, I unconsciously turn the topic to the old thing, which is my habit. I unconsciously feel a warm solace in this. However, these old friends are decreasing year by year, and they are originally only a few, and one less is irreparable. Whenever I hear the news of an old friend's death, I always have a lot of sorrow.

The benefits of schooling are not only instilled in knowledge, but the greatest benefit is probably the opportunity to seek friends with us. I didn't know this until after I left school, and I have experienced it more accurately over the past few years, and I deeply regret that I didn't realize it at that time. So-so passed. Recently, every morning and evening, I saw two or three young students walking on the road with school bags, hands or shoulders, and I always envied them for having the joy of friends, and secretly wanted to bless them in my heart.

Xia Junzun: When people reach middle age, the fewer friends they have, the better their lives

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