
The XSS version of Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have a 60-frame CDPR to consider adding

Some Xbox Series S users were unhappy with the 1.5 patch for Cyberpunk 2077, and CDPR took note of this, with developers promising to bring the XSS experience closer to other next-generation versions.

The XSS version of Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have a 60-frame CDPR to consider adding

Even after the next-generation upgrade, the Xbox Series S version of Cyberpunk 2077 has only 30 frames, while the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions can reach 60 frames, with only occasional frame drops. The PS5 and Xbox Series X versions also have ray-traced modes that reduce frame rates to 30 frames per second while also offering 4K resolution. The Xbox Series S version currently supports 1440p.

In a post on the CDPR forum, the developers said they had heard requests for improvements and were looking into the possibility of implementing it. However, CDPR said they are investigating the setup but do not know if this is feasible.

The XSS version of Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have a 60-frame CDPR to consider adding

Aside from the different frame rates and lack of ray-traced modes, the Xbox Series S version has the same content and improvements as other next-generation consoles.

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