
Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

Introduction: Even though Evergrande's debts are high, hengchi automobile's stock price and market value have fallen from the sky to the ground, Xu Jiayin still did not admit defeat. Judging from the various phrases such as "never", "definitely", "must" at its New Year's mobilization meeting, the mood is still very high, and the tone is still very hard!

"Never allow the sale of company assets at a low price", "Make every effort to do a good job in resuming work and resuming production and ensuring the delivery of buildings"...

The two major areas of real estate and automobile are good for release

At the beginning of the New Year of the Tiger, Evergrande Xu Jiayin, who has been in the whirlpool of public opinion for a long time, once again released a series of heavy signals to the outside world!

On the one hand, in evergrande group's long-term base and main business - the real estate field;

Due to the "capital chain crisis" and "liquidity problems" since the second half of last year, the phenomenon of suspension and delay in delivery of buildings under construction in many parts of the country seems to be ushering in positive signs such as easing.

Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

Xu Jiayin attended Evergrande's 2022 Baojiao Building Commencement Mobilization Conference

Xu Jiayin clearly stated at the 2022 Baojiaolou New Year Construction Mobilization Conference held by Evergrande Group on February 6:

At present, Evergrande Group's pre-sale supervision funds are more than 50 billion yuan, which can basically start the comprehensive resumption of work after the Spring Festival, open source and reduce expenditure, and strive to ensure the goal of about 70 million square meters and 600,000 sets of buildings in 2022.

In fact, according to the field understanding and observation of Leju Automobile, taking the author's Wuhan as an example, some of Evergrande's commercial housing projects under construction that have been "suspended for several months" have indeed shown a certain degree of "resumption of work" since the end of last year.

Although it is not as hot as in the past, it is indeed advancing in the main direction of resuming work and production.

On the other hand, under the guidance of Xu Jiayin's "buy, close, circle, big, good" five-character true scripture, the new energy car-making industry - Hengchi Automobile;

Following the end of the summer test of Hengchi's 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7 products in September last year, Hengchi's first quasi-mass production model, Hengchi 5, was officially exposed to the trial production line of Tianjin factory in January this year.

Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?
Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

Hengchi 5 ushered in the first car of new car trial production off the production line

Immediately after that, on February 11, the first week after the Spring Festival holiday, the public list of new auto products released by the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed that Hengchi 5 was among them, which meant that Hengchi Automobile had entered the countdown to mass production and listing.

If there is no accident, Hengchi 5 is expected to be officially mass-produced in May and June, at least in the second half of the year, there is not much problem of listing and selling.

It's easy to lie flat and fall down, but it's even harder to get through

For the above-mentioned multiple benefits that have erupted from Evergrande for some time, some people cheered and cheered, "Evergrande is going to 'live' over", but some people poured cold water, "just return to the light, Evergrande has no power to return to heaven"...

The wind and clouds are changing, what is the next trend of Evergrande, especially the final game?

I think that now all stakeholders are in a state of "wait-and-see", and netizens and melon-eating masses are watching flowers in the fog.

Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?
Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

Evergrande Group Shenzhen headquarters surrendered and delisted

Difficulties and challenges are there, nearly 2 trillion yuan of huge debt holes, Evergrande suffered this catastrophe "do not die but also have to peel off the skin";

However, as Xu Jiayin said at the mobilization meeting, after the barbaric growth in previous years, Evergrande has long developed into a super large head housing enterprise, "Baojiaolou is a major social and people's livelihood involving tens of millions of owners, and the importance is self-evident."

More importantly, Evergrande's problem is not unique to Evergrande, almost every large real estate enterprise is also "crossing the robbery", and even not only the real estate industry, deleveraging and resolving systemic risks have become a main theme in the country's macroeconomic regulation and control in the past two years.

In other words, it is not that Evergrande is "too big to fall", but the current situation is that not dumping one Evergrande cannot solve all problems.

From this point of view, Evergrande is not unable to fall, but if it can not fall, at least not hard landing immediately fall, smoother transition or even complete "redemption", become the macro level of overall consideration of the preferred option.

Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

Overcome difficult times, difficult times "confidence is more important than gold", this is the truth.

The mass production and listing of Hengchi 5 has become a key link

Leju Automobile believes that whether Evergrande's 2022 and next is "falling" or "surviving", to a great extent, depends on whether the Hengchi 5 car can be successfully mass-produced and listed, and a hit.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Hengchi 5 car may become the "hero" who will save the building, or become the "last root to crush Evergrande", and the success or failure is tied to this.

First of all, Evergrande's past main business and base real estate field no need to say much, "housing and not speculation" has long become the basic policy, under the tide of the times, the transformation and upgrading of China's economy is imperative and underway.

It cannot be said that the real estate market has completely lost its future, but it is becoming a "sunset industry" has become an established fact, including all large real estate enterprises including Evergrande, business transformation is imminent.

Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

Therefore, for Evergrande and Xu Jiayin, the possibility of relying on the real estate field to "turn over" is zero, and the real estate sector can not continue to "deteriorate" to drag it down.

The real estate field is unable to take on this big responsibility, looking at the current business layout of the entire Evergrande Group, who else is there who is expected to help its sub-sector of "turning against the wind"?

There is only one answer, the new energy vehicle sector with Hengchi Automobile as the core carrier.

The reason is also not difficult to understand:

Corresponding to the "sunset industry" attribute of the same real estate, new energy vehicles are the "sunrise industry" vigorously advocated and supported by the state in the past ten years, and at present and for a long period of time, China is still doing new energy with national strength;

Second, it is based on the long-term optimism in the field of new energy vehicles, Xu Jiayin personally supervised the accumulation of tens of billions of dollars in this new track in the past few years, hengchi automobile was once with a strong posture of "9 cars at the same time", which shocked the industry inside and outside!

Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?
Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

In April last year, Evergrande invited the media to visit Evergrande Automobile's Shanghai base

In fact, at the beginning of 2021, the market value of Hengchi Automobile, which was "not afraid of tigers", once broke through the mark of 600 billion (Hong Kong dollars), which not only left behind a number of traditional car giants, including SAIC, but even a lot higher than the market value of the parent company Evergrande Group.

It is said that the capital market is crazy, but in fact, the "sense of smell" of the capital market is also the most sensitive.

With why the previous market value of Hengchi Automobile has been pushed to such a high height, to put it bluntly, because when the environment is good, "pigs can fly to the sky", and with reference to Hengchi's high-flying method, it has completely refreshed the outside world's cognition of new cars, leaving enough imagination space for the outside world and the capital market.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that if Hengchi does not have problems due to the sudden changes in the general environment and the capital chain, the automobile sector will not be a problem, not to mention the re-creation of a Evergrande, and the re-creation of two or three or even more will not be a problem.

It's just that there is no if, if the king loses, he becomes a subversive, and if he loses, he will return to the pre-liberation period overnight. Xu Jiayin's "selling, selling, selling" to "selling and selling" is to create and manipulate people to do things in the sky.

Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

Hengchi's first mass production model, the Hengchi 5

Whether Hengchi 5 can be successfully mass-produced and listed next may become a key link in determining the fate of Evergrande.

Le Tease Observation:

There is no era of Xu Jiayin, only Xu Jiayin of the era.

Countless cases tell us that small success depends on hard work, and big success often needs to be created by the times and opportunities!

It is true that compared with Li Bin of Weilai Automobile, Li Xiang of Ideal Automobile, He Xiaopeng of Xiaopeng Automobile, etc., compared with the background of the Internet "IT man", the founder of the new force of "Just Red" car-making, Xu Jiayin, the "belt brother" who made his fortune in real estate, gives people the feeling that he is "soiled" and "a little vulgar"...

Hengchi automobile from beginning to end to the impression of the outside world, but also the general existence of "local tycoons to build cars", Evergrande thunderstorm before Hengchi all kinds of "buy, buy and buy", "manufacturing", not bad money to do the pie and do not play according to common sense, the controversy is very large!

Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

Xu Jiayin's car-making concept is simple and crude

The stock price and market value of Hengchi Automobile, which once soared, are even more envious of others.

Further aggravating the "envy and jealousy" of traditional car companies and even some new car manufacturers, Hengchi's rough playing style that does not play cards according to the routine at all, can it succeed?!

Practice has proved that the general environment is cold macroeconomic regulation and control, Evergrande began to "thunderstorm" in the second half of last year, and there was a "liquidity" crisis.

Even though Evergrande's debts are high, and the stock price and market value of Hengchi Automobile have fallen from the sky to the ground, Xu Jiayin still has not conceded defeat.

Judging from the various phrases such as "never", "definitely", and "must" at his New Year's mobilization meeting, his heart is still very high, and his tone is still very hard!

Xu Jiayin insists on building a car without losing, can Hengchi 5 turn the tide?

Xu Jiayin, who will not be defeated in the end, will lead Evergrande to where in 2022? Keep an eye on it.

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