
【Chronic disease prevention and control】Blood vessels are also afraid of cold, cold weather, but also to be vigilant about stroke!

Blood vessels are also afraid of cold

In the cold weather of early spring, it is even more necessary to be vigilant for stroke

The cold season is the season of high incidence of stroke

The weather is cold after the snow, and when the temperature plummets,

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people

It is also a high-risk season

【Chronic disease prevention and control】Blood vessels are also afraid of cold, cold weather, but also to be vigilant about stroke!

What causes stroke?

How can it be effectively prevented?

The friends quickly looked down

What causes stroke

At first warm and cold, human body functions are in the adaptation period, and the attacks of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are more frequent. This is due to the cold and changeable temperature, resulting in vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure, slow blood flow, increased blood viscosity, aggravation of heart and brain load, easy rupture of atherosclerotic plaques, and easy spasm of coronary arteries, which in turn induces cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

According to the latest surveillance data, among the registered population in Beijing, death from heart disease and cerebrovascular disease accounted for 27% and 19.1% of the total deaths, respectively. Stroke is a common cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】Blood vessels are also afraid of cold, cold weather, but also to be vigilant about stroke!

Stroke is due to blockage or rupture of cerebral blood vessels, ischemia or bleeding, so that the normal blood supply to the brain is interrupted, resulting in brain cell damage or death, and then trigger a variety of dysfunction. Depending on the area of damage, stroke is a type of problem that can cause problems with language, movement, emotion, and even disability and death.

Cold weather, how to do a good job of self-protection

Take good measures to protect against the cold

Add clothes when you go out, be sure to wear warm clothes and shoes and socks, wear a hat, scarf and mask, and preferably cover your ears.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】Blood vessels are also afraid of cold, cold weather, but also to be vigilant about stroke!

When necessary, the time for outgoing activities should be appropriately reduced, especially when the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large.

Pay attention to the choice of time and place of physical activity

It is best not to go out for morning exercise when the weather is cold. If you want to go out, you should choose a time period after 10:00 a.m. to before 3:00 p.m., when the temperature is relatively elevated. The amount of activity should not be too large, you can choose to walk or play tai chi.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】Blood vessels are also afraid of cold, cold weather, but also to be vigilant about stroke!

If the weather conditions are not good, you should choose physical activity that is suitable for indoors.

Healthy eating is not slack

Traditional eating customs have the habit of "making up for winter". You can eat some protein-rich and calorie-rich foods that can enhance the body's resistance to cold, but be sure to remember that it is "moderate", and pay more attention to a balanced diet.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】Blood vessels are also afraid of cold, cold weather, but also to be vigilant about stroke!

In winter, it is still necessary to reasonably arrange the diet in accordance with the principle of balanced diet, ensure the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, and drink enough water.

Avoid mood swings and keep your mindset steady

Try to keep a peaceful mind, pay attention to rest, maintain regular living habits, and ensure adequate sleep.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】Blood vessels are also afraid of cold, cold weather, but also to be vigilant about stroke!

Control the "Three Highs"

Patients with chronic diseases should insist on taking medicines according to the doctor's instructions, control blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid levels, and seek medical treatment in time if they are not suitable.


Jia Jianping,Chen Shengdi. Neurology[M]. People's Medical Publishing House, 2013.

Jiang Guojing,Wang Lin,Li Xin. Research progress on the relationship between meteorological elements and stroke occurrence and prognosis[J].Medical Review,2021,27(10):1972-1976.

Chen Nian,Wang Chunru. Correlation between meteorological and environmental factors and stroke incidence[J].Medical Information,2019,32(16):34-37.

Edit: Suki

The image comes from the Internet

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