
"There is no 500,000 bride price girlfriend dragged away by his family," the man said again: the girlfriend could not be contacted

A few days ago, the B station cute pet UP master "nine sesame shoveling officer" exposed himself, "there is no 50W bride price, the girlfriend was forcibly dragged away by her parents", causing concern among netizens across the country. On February 11, his girlfriend released a clarification video saying that her parents did not ask for a bride price, let alone buy a wedding house for her brother.

On February 13, the "Nine Pin Sesame Shoveling Officer" live broadcast denied that netizens questioned, mainly attributing the contradiction between himself and the woman's family to the difference in family values between the two sides, saying that the girlfriend's parents hoped that she could go to the civil service examination. At present, the girlfriend's family is facing a lot of public pressure, and I hope that this storm can end as soon as possible.

On February 14, he also said that he was trying to calm things down, so many real situations were not explained during the live broadcast. At present, the girlfriend cannot be contacted again.

"There is no 500,000 bride price girlfriend dragged away by his family," the man said again: the girlfriend could not be contacted

The person concerned updated after the live broadcast: the girlfriend could not be contacted again

On February 13, according to the live broadcast recorded by netizens, the parties to the incident, up the main "Nine Pin Sesame Shoveling Officer" live broadcast responded to several questions of netizens' concerns.

"Haven't slept in a few days." According to his introduction, after his girlfriend was taken away, he thought that if he went to find his girlfriend, he was incapable, but he felt incredible, and wanted to tell everyone about it, so he downloaded the relevant video clip and uploaded it, but he did not expect to cause so much repercussions, he thought that public opinion had gone astray, contrary to his original intention, so he deleted the video.

"The injury is certainly not detectable." In response to netizens' inquiries about their injuries, the "Nine Pin Sesame Shoveling Officer" said that it was still painful to twist his neck.

In response to netizens questioning that the girlfriend's release of the clarification video was coerced, the "Nine Pin Sesame Shoveling Officer" said that the girlfriend is currently safe, and the clarification video was released because "the problem is too sharp" needs to be clarified, and there is no coercion, "For the sake of the family, she must calm everyone's anger, and her family will not threaten her like that." ”

"There is no 500,000 bride price girlfriend dragged away by his family," the man said again: the girlfriend could not be contacted

As for the reason why his girlfriend's parents did not agree to be together, he explained that it was because of different family values. Unlike being "stocked" by her family since she was a child, her girlfriend's family is a big family, and she believes that the work of civil servants is the most glorious. The girlfriend's family thinks there is something wrong with her work, "her mother also said that if I can go to the civil service examination, then everything will be normal." ”

As for the clarification video, he said that his girlfriend sent it himself, and the girlfriend sent it to him before it was released, the two discussed it, and he also proposed some modifications before the girlfriend released it.

He also revealed that he worked to save money after graduation and opened a small literary restaurant, so he met his girlfriend. The girlfriend has never entered the society, and she also supports her to find a job to exercise.

He said that his girlfriend's family is now facing a lot of public pressure, can not talk about the attitude to this matter, he hopes that netizens will soon end the attention invested in this matter, "The current problem is how to re-enter the normal rhythm of life." ”

He also said that in the future, he will still work hard to be with his girlfriend.

In the early morning of February 14, the "Nine Pin Sesame Shoveling Officer" released a dynamic saying that before the live broadcast, he was pressured by all parties, took care of his girlfriend's feelings, and wanted to calm things down, so many real situations were not clearly stated.

"There is no 500,000 bride price girlfriend dragged away by his family," the man said again: the girlfriend could not be contacted

At about 3 p.m. on February 14, he updated that his girlfriend had agreed to go downstairs to meet him, but he could not be contacted.

Incident review: The woman's parents demanded a dowry of 500,000 yuan and were questioned about buying a wedding house for their brother

On February 11, the B station cute pet UP master "Nine Pin Sesame ShovelIng Officer" sent a video to expose home surveillance: there is no 50W bride price, the girlfriend was forcibly dragged away, what should I do?

Surveillance video shows a young woman in pajamas forcibly dragged and beaten by her family from her boyfriend's house, and the woman struggles and shouts to be dragged out of the car. A young man went out of the house to rescue his girlfriend, but was knocked to the ground.

The man in the video is the "Nine Pin Sesame Shoveling Officer", he said, he has already bought a house and wrote the name of his girlfriend, but still met with strong opposition from the woman's family, the woman's parents asked for a 500,000 dowry, otherwise break up.

Subsequently, the network rumored that the woman had a younger brother in the family and wanted a dowry of 500,000 yuan because she wanted to buy a wedding house for her brother.

On February 12, the girlfriend of the "Nine Pin Sesame Shoveler" released a clarification video, denying the online speculation that the bride price was exchanged for the marriage room. She said that the family's conditions do not require a bride price to buy a house for her brother to get married, and the family provides for herself to graduate school, and there is no preference for sons.

For the 500,000 bride price, the girlfriend of the "Nine Pin Sesame ShovelEr" explained, "Mainly angry at my personal problems." She said that because she was in love with her boyfriend for 6 years before telling her family that she was a 211 master, but she had been engaged in self-media work with her boyfriend, her family was angry in the quarrel before saying that she wanted a 500,000 dowry, "I don't really want a 500,000 dowry." ”

Regarding her being forcibly dragged away by her parents, she explained that because she had left home the day before the incident, the family was very angry, "the way of handling it was a bit inappropriate", but did not control her personal freedom.

As for the "Nine Pin Sesame Shoveler" who said that she wrote her name when she bought the house, she said that this was because the family did not agree with their relationship, and the man who bought the house had other loans, so she wrote her name.

Finally, she said that the incident has been properly handled, and she hopes that netizens can think rationally and stop the Internet violence.

On February 13, the Xixia District Bureau of the Yinchuan Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a police circular. The notice said that on the day of the incident, the parents of the girl Gao Mou, Gao Mou's brother and uncle and four people drove to the boy Zhang Mou's residence, forcibly dragged Gao Mou to the car, and tore with Zhang Mou. After the police learned about it, they learned that Gao mou said that he had returned to his hometown in Gansu with his parents and would seriously consult with his parents on the issue of marriage and love. The police warned Gao's parents not to use violent means to restrict Gao's personal freedom, and informed the Gansu Provincial Police of the initial investigation and handling of the police situation.

"There is no 500,000 bride price girlfriend dragged away by his family," the man said again: the girlfriend could not be contacted

On February 14, the reporter tried to contact the woman concerned and her family to verify the situation, but as of press time was unsuccessful.

Source 丨Xiaoxiang Morning Post

Edited by Cong Tianyi

Responsible editor 丨 Mao Yong

Audit 丨 Feng Huan

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