
On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Full Moon leo: high emotions, self-expression

Date of occurrence: February 17, 2022

Impact period: February 16 to February 18, 2022

Astrological importance: ★★★★★

Focus on influencing constellations: Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Libra

A full moon generally sets off an unconscious wave of emotions. This full moon occurs at 27 degrees 59 in Leo, bringing a contradictory mentality, whether to focus on collective interests and group performance or to highlight individual glory. During this time, you may feel the tearing between self-expression and group value, and it is also the time when you return to yourself from the interests of the group, and it is the most fundamental to find your own unique position and the expression that the public likes.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Next, to find out what effect the full moon of Leo will have on the horoscope of the 12 signs, please also refer to the rising & Sun sign.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Aries: For you, the full moon mainly has the impact of love, children and interpersonal relationships. Some people may experience changes in relationships, the birth of children, or a relationship entering a new phase (either breaking up or moving into a deeper relationship). It is suitable for you to objectively position your own value and enter more relationships with a humorous and easy-going attitude.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Taurus: You need to pay attention to family relationships, family and housing conditions. A full moon may indicate that your rent is about to expire, and the matter of a certain house is coming to an end. This full moon brings you the energy of insufficiency, so that you don't rush too much to express yourself, and retreat to safety to observe the situation.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Gemini: You may feel a tear in your ideas, and on the surface you listen and learn more objectively and friendly, perhaps just to better consolidate a deep belief in yourself. Your studies or exams may come to an end, and travel will trigger many of your feelings, which is a time for you to think and learn, and explore your inner deeper thoughts.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Cancer: You may be concerned about your finances. Especially cash and investment, pay and return considerations. A full moon helps you think more rationally about all your degrees, and to consider investment, cooperation, financial management, dividends, inheritances and other related matters within your ability.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Leo: The full moon prompts you to think many, many times. Maybe you've been overwhelmed by running business, pulling relationships, talking about feelings, and forgetting to think about your own things. Then this full moon is when you take a break from it to face your true self again and listen to your thoughts. You may find a different version of yourself.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Virgo: The full moon brings you powerful psychic energy, your intuition has never been more prominent than it is today, there may be many inspirations, dreams arise. This is also a good time for you to return to the mental world from your busy work and daily routines and clean up some negative energy.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Libra: You are very concerned about whether the team is harmonious, and the simple greeting with friends makes your life taste different. Some people feel alienated from friends, some relationships fade, etc. It is easier for you to express yourself with a calm mind, maintain the delicate distance between people and me, and not overly immerse yourself in certain personal hobbies.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Scorpio: For you, the conflict between family and personal development is the most obvious during this time, and you may feel that some of your thoughts or decisions are not understood by your family. You need to avoid being too engaged in the state of work to take care of the needs of your family, and imbalance will lead to the loss of one or the other. You may have a boss change, some old projects in your career have come to an end, etc., which indicates that you are going to enter a new stage. Pay attention to the relationship between elders and health.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Sagittarius: You have some ideas that you can't figure out, and you can even be easily distracted. Your physical and mental energy has been very active lately, helping to promote, communicate, and learn things, but it is easy to be disrupted by some distant and grand goals and ideals. You may have a phased outcome in your studies, or you may end your trip, get a message, get an OFFER and a certificate, get a degree, etc. For some people, this is a good opportunity to consider whether their current ideals have been realized, and expression should be more objective.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Capricorn: You have more rational observations about your current wealth situation. If you're involved in a collaborative matter, a full moon can be a day for you to focus on the interests of others and think objectively. You may have some income from your accounts (such as investment dividends, etc.), but it is not advisable to blindly start the next round of financial planning and wait and see. You should check if your money flow, credit card repayment, etc. are due.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Aquarius: You give half of your attention to others, maybe you have your own ideas, and during the full moon you begin to understand the importance of "performing on the same stage". Your expression in the relationship is very contagious and creative, but you will feel conflicted in the relationship between people and me, and you need to balance each other's position.

On February 17, the full moon of Leo strikes, exposing people to complex and contradictory psychological struggles!

Pisces: This full moon is suitable for you to arrange your own life, adjust your schedule and habits, and recuperate instead of competing. Some people's work progress is in the final stage, and some projects are about to be completed. You need to face setbacks with a calm mind with some unfriendly people, some of whom may have colleague changes, resignations, etc.

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