
Tesla and other major new energy vehicle projects landed in Dadong?

Recently, in an article on the People's Daily titled "Shenyang Dadong District "Five Grasps" and Striving to Be the Vanguard of Revitalization and Development", it was mentioned that the Tesla vehicle project settled in Dadong to the news: it aroused the attention of fans

Tesla and other major new energy vehicle projects landed in Dadong?


Shenyang Dadong District "five grasps" and strive to be the vanguard of revitalization and development

February 10, 2022 at 19:16 | Source: People's Daily - Liaoning Channel

Shenyang Dadong District firmly established the concept of project as king, investment promotion as the key, and landing as the big concept, adhered to the "five grasps" at the same time, comprehensively stimulated the vitality of investment promotion, innovated investment promotion work measures, and focused on building a modern industrial system with diversified development and multi-polar support, and constantly created a new situation in the revitalization and development of Dadong.

The first is to grasp the dragon head. Adhere to the dragon head to drive the strong chain of the chain. Focusing on the strong industrial agglomeration effect of BMW and GM under the epidemic conditions, we will accelerate the improvement of the core parts supporting industrial system and improve the local supporting rate of head enterprises; take the automobile innovation and wisdom city as a model, plan to establish BMW and general parts industrial parks, increase the introduction of second- and third-level supporting enterprises, accelerate the formation of industrial agglomeration; seize the development opportunities of new energy and intelligent networked vehicles, and build a complete automotive industry chain ecosystem.

The second is to grasp the plate. Adhere to the revitalization of commercial buildings and industrial real estate as a starting point to open up space and promote the rapid landing of projects. On the basis of the re-opening of Tianrun Wuyue Plaza and the revitalization of important commercial buildings, accelerate the overall promotion of cultural and commercial tourism integration projects with a total of more than 5 billion yuan such as Jingdong Mall, Dounan Flower Northeast Trading Center, and Dragon Dream Happy City, revitalize the long-idle Dragon Dream complex, and create a new benchmark for five-type economic development. In addition, we will accelerate the revitalization process of commercial buildings such as Guorui City and China-Korea Science and Technology Park, strengthen policy hard support, and attract more new industries and new formats to gather in Dadong.

The third is to grasp the platform. Adhere to the innovation platform as the focus of business investment and broaden investment channels. Relying on iFLYTEK Industry Acceleration Center, Xiangjiang Unicorn Ranch, Tielu Zhilian Cloud Warehouse and a number of high-quality innovation platforms that will soon be landed, we will fully tap leading technology enterprises, incubate, introduce and cultivate a group of specialized and special new "small giants" and manufacturing "single champions" and "hidden champions", promote more projects with high scientific and technological content, good ecological benefits and strong driving effects to gather in Dadong, and achieve breakthroughs in the cultivation of high-tech enterprises.

The fourth is to grasp the brand. Adhere to the planning of a number of major conferences around the leading industries as a merchant brand. On the one hand, we will launch the brand of China (Shenyang) Intelligent Connected Vehicle International Conference, seize the opportunity of the development strategy of the intelligent and connected vehicle industry, cooperate with Huawei and Baidu in depth, increase project roadshows and other links, and strengthen the landing of intelligent network projects. On the other hand, it plans to hold the China Urban Network Culture Industry Conference, focus on the digital industry, sing the main theme of new live e-commerce, new retail channels, and new consumption outlets, and achieve breakthroughs in the display of cultural soft power.

Fifth, grasp the renewal. Adhere to the urban renewal as a major opportunity to attract investment. Combined with the renovation of the Wanquan area of the East Middle Street Plate, promote the construction of cultural industry parks, and create a complete community model with rich cultural heritage and historical context; combined with the relocation of the 724 Fire Work District, the construction of theme parks, and the introduction of a number of service, leisure, entertainment and other business projects to comprehensively improve the functions of the urban area; combined with the urban renewal of the Wenguan Area, open up the industrial development space, lay the foundation for the landing of major new energy vehicle projects such as Tesla; combine the urban renewal of the Xuanxing Fourth Road area, focusing on the introduction of high-end commercial complexes, Key projects such as the top three hospitals; launched the construction of the East Lake Science and Technology Innovation Center project to create a new landmark in the digital science innovation industry in the Great East District.

The beginning is the sprint, and the first battle is the decisive battle. Dadong District will firmly grasp the opportunity of the special action of "revitalizing new breakthroughs, I want to be a pioneer", anchor the development direction of the car, play and science industry, accelerate the promotion of the industry to the direction of high-end, green and intelligent, and strive to create a new pattern of full staff, global and year-round investment promotion.

Laying the foundation for the landing of major new energy vehicle projects such as Tesla, this sentence has aroused the attention and hot discussion of Shenyang fans, is it true that the legend of Tesla's domestic factory really falls in Shenyang?

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