
What's wrong with smelling oil and wanting to vomit? Or just a gastrointestinal type cold

During the Spring Festival, many people now see meat and do not want to eat, only want to eat some green vegetables and white porridge, which is a normal phenomenon.

But some people will suddenly smell the smell of oil and feel nauseous and want to vomit, this situation is likely to be your indigestion and at the same time by the invasion of wind and evil, resulting in gastrointestinal cold caused.

What's wrong with smelling oil and wanting to vomit? Or just a gastrointestinal type cold

Smell the smell of oil and feel sick and want to vomit, try this method first

This year's Spring Festival weather is relatively cold, do not pay attention to keep warm can easily lead to cold, coupled with overeating during the Spring Festival, it is easy to appear gastrointestinal cold situation, resulting in smelling oil will be nausea and want to vomit.

In fact, this situation does not need to worry too much, just need to eat a light diet, soak your feet with ginger water, and expel the cold in the body, in most cases, a wake up can be well alleviated, and there is no need for medication.

What's wrong with smelling oil and wanting to vomit? Or just a gastrointestinal type cold

Smell the smell of oil and feel sick and want to vomit, or these may be the reasons

1. Pregnancy

If you are a woman of childbearing age and have recently lived as a couple, when you smell the smell of oil and you are nauseated and want to vomit, you must first rule out the possibility of pregnancy.

Because many women in the early stage of pregnancy due to changes in hormones in the body, there will be some morning sickness reactions, especially when they smell some oily and fishy smells, they will feel nauseous and vomiting, which is a very normal phenomenon.

Therefore, in this case, we should test whether we are pregnant, and do not take drugs without authorization.

What's wrong with smelling oil and wanting to vomit? Or just a gastrointestinal type cold

2. Gastrointestinal diseases

If you have recently eaten badly or have constipation, acid reflux, stomach pain, bloating and other discomfort, and you smell oil and feel nauseous and want to vomit, it is likely to be caused by gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastroenteritis, indigestion, peptic ulcer, etc. Are possible.

Therefore, when you smell the oil, you are nauseated and want to vomit, see if you are still accompanied by some uncomfortable symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, and if you have, then you must go to the gastroenterologist in time for examination and treatment. At the same time, we should also pay attention to a light diet, do not eat spicy and irritating, cold and cold, greasy food.

What's wrong with smelling oil and wanting to vomit? Or just a gastrointestinal type cold

3. Hepatobiliary diseases

If you usually stay up late and do not eat breakfast, you may be careful of hepatobiliary diseases such as hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis and other hepatobiliary diseases if you smell the smell of oil and want to vomit.

Because bile is to digest fat, if there is a problem with the liver and gallbladder, the secretion of bile will be abnormal, so it is impossible to decompose the fat, so it will feel nauseous and want to vomit when it smells of oil.

Especially with the situation that it is easy to wake up at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, the skin is yellow, and the skin is abnormally itchy, pay attention to check the liver and gallbladder problems in time.

What's wrong with smelling oil and wanting to vomit? Or just a gastrointestinal type cold

4. Chronic pharyngitis

Chronic pharyngitis is a common problem in many adults, and some people also have reflex vomiting problems when they smell oily or irritating taste because of increased nerve sensitivity in the throat.

However, in general, chronic pharyngitis is more common in the case of nausea and vomiting in the morning.

What's wrong with smelling oil and wanting to vomit? Or just a gastrointestinal type cold

Smell the smell of oil on the cause of nausea and vomiting is very many, but recently due to weather reasons, coupled with the Spring Festival, the diet is not moderate, if there is no other discomfort, it may be a gastrointestinal cold, you can use ginger water to soak the feet to alleviate it, or you can eat some small chai hu and herbs zhengqi pills and other drugs for treatment.

However, if it is accompanied by other discomforts, it may also be caused by other causes and requires prompt treatment.


1. Distinguish gastrointestinal colds from acute gastroenteritis [J]. LIANG Yu,WANG Haifang . People's Lives . 2016, Issue 004

2. Zong Ye . Acute gastroenteritis ≠ gastrointestinal cold . Chinese Elderly . In 2021

3. What diseases can cause nausea and vomiting? Beware of these 8 diseases!. Family Doctor Online . In 2020

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