
#Ice & Snow 2022 #Figure Skating began in the 19th century when a ballet performer, Jackson Haynes, created figure skating by fusing skating with the art of dance. 18


#冰雪2022 #

Figure skating began in the 19th century when a ballet performer, Jackson Haynes, created figure skating by blending skating with the art of dance. In 1872, Austria hosted its first figure skating competition, and in 1924, the first Winter Olympic Games hosted by Chamonix, France, included figure skating as an official event.

Figure skating is performed in single or double, and the basic movements are in the form of jumping, spinning, lifting and step combinations. In addition, it also needs to be intertwined with music to produce the aesthetic effect of power and art. It not only requires athletes to have basic skills in skating and dance, but also needs to have the ability to appreciate and express music and art.

Therefore, in addition to the talent of figure skaters, they also need absolutely strong skills to conquer the audience and judges. However, there is a figure skating women's singles athlete whose method of conquering the audience and the referee is very strange, she is not famous for her excellent skills, but for provocative demonstrations, let's take a look.

In the 2019 figure skating USA free skating competition, a female athlete initially performed with a sense of power, she thought she was very good, with a "Matrix" episode to stabilize the audience. But soon the referee found that she did not play well, her pace was not full, even the jump had errors, and there were flaws in rotation, so she lost some technical points.

The female athlete was very dissatisfied with this, she made a shocking leg lifting action in the second half of the performance, only to see her one leg holding high the sharp ice knife, sweeping from the referee's seat, "knife light boot shadow" scared the referee not lightly, a referee quickly shrunk his neck, and the audience also sweated for it.

This action has a fierce provocative meaning for the referee and is extremely insulting. It is not difficult to imagine that this contestant is from Japan, his name is Sakamoto Hanori, and her country, Japan, does not prohibit such actions. In this way, everyone understands, and it is no wonder that she dares to make such extreme and absurd moves, and the national culture and sports culture of a country can be seen.

Perhaps we can hardly imagine that Sakamoto Hanori's action was actually considered unique and refreshing by the audience, and she also won the championship because of it. Some netizens joked that "ten years of skating no one asked, raising legs to demonstrate the world's smell." ”

We can't know what kind of pressure the referees were under at that time, or what kind of aesthetics they lived in to judge such actions as "beautiful", but the eyes of the masses were always bright, and neither the athletes themselves nor the referees of that year could inevitably be criticized. Now that it is the winter Olympic ice and snow season, we "good deeds" can't help but pull out and have fun, hoping not to laugh and be generous.

(Image from the Internet)

#Ice & Snow 2022 #Figure Skating began in the 19th century when a ballet performer, Jackson Haynes, created figure skating by fusing skating with the art of dance. 18
#Ice & Snow 2022 #Figure Skating began in the 19th century when a ballet performer, Jackson Haynes, created figure skating by fusing skating with the art of dance. 18
#Ice & Snow 2022 #Figure Skating began in the 19th century when a ballet performer, Jackson Haynes, created figure skating by fusing skating with the art of dance. 18
#Ice & Snow 2022 #Figure Skating began in the 19th century when a ballet performer, Jackson Haynes, created figure skating by fusing skating with the art of dance. 18
#Ice & Snow 2022 #Figure Skating began in the 19th century when a ballet performer, Jackson Haynes, created figure skating by fusing skating with the art of dance. 18
#Ice & Snow 2022 #Figure Skating began in the 19th century when a ballet performer, Jackson Haynes, created figure skating by fusing skating with the art of dance. 18

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