
Never use weak passwords again, be careful with routing and devices in your home into broilers

Now there are more and more devices accessing the Internet in the home, mobile phones, tablets, computers, televisions, cameras, smart speakers, etc. all need network access, and the 20+ Internet access devices in the family are nothing new. In this way, the security of the home network is particularly important, think about the WiFi password and router management password in your home, is it too simple?

Never use weak passwords again, be careful with routing and devices in your home into broilers

Commonly used weak passwords in 2021 (Image: NordPass)

Every year, cybersecurity agencies publish the "Least Secure of the Year" password rankings, "12345", "12345678", "qwert", "password"... etc. are always in the top few. Moreover, no matter how much the cybersecurity agencies and the media remind them, the frequency of use of the above password combinations has no downward trend at all. This gives criminals hiding in the network an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Never use weak passwords again, be careful with routing and devices in your home into broilers

More and more Internet devices in the home (Image: allhomecinema)

Once our wireless router is controlled by hackers, it may lead to personal privacy leakage and property loss, and even more frighteningly, even normal life will be affected.

Hackers can arbitrarily control our lights, sockets, televisions, refrigerators, and even toilets, making users miserable and completely exposing their lives to criminals.

Now we do not pay much attention to the security of wireless routers, and set up a wireless password at most to no longer pay attention to it.

I believe that most of the friends around this little bit of protection, security is not very strong, often use the same number or logical number as a WiFi password, in order to facilitate memory.

This leaves an opportunity for criminals to crack WiFi, and they can easily crack our WiFi passwords. By the way, even people who have Such a simple WiFi password, not to mention the background password of the router, must be "admin".

Never use weak passwords again, be careful with routing and devices in your home into broilers

Hackers control user devices to launch DDoS attacks (Image source: link11)

In this way, criminals effortlessly take control of our wireless routers, further invading our mobile phones, tablets, computers and other devices that we use every day.

What is even more frightening is that after the hackers control the router in the home, they will implant Trojan viruses in the user's various Internet devices, and then steal the privacy and property of the infected devices.

They even infect the devices of visiting relatives and friends through the user's devices, and then infect the Internet devices in their homes after the relatives and friends return home. Moreover, hackers will also control these infected devices to launch DDoS attacks on their own targets, so that the Internet devices in the user's own home become the "broiler chickens" for hackers to attack other people's networks.

Here we recommend that friends first need to enhance the security of WiFi passwords, using "letters + numbers + symbols" and choosing WPA2 and above encryption methods, it will have a strong security, for the general criminals to decipher such passwords is more difficult.

Never use weak passwords again, be careful with routing and devices in your home into broilers

Modify the router's login username and password

In addition, do not use the same password as the connection to wiFi as the password for the router management background, you need to set a separate password with a higher complexity. Finally, we want to turn off the "remote management" option in the background management of the router to avoid remote attacks by criminals and further improve the security of the network in the home.


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