
Liver function is good or not, it will be reflected from the hair, hair has these 4 conditions, need to pay attention to

Generally speaking, the standard for good hair quality is dark and shiny, so that the hair not only makes people feel energetic and radiant, but also reflects the qi and blood of the five organs.

If you lose your hair and turn white when you are young, this means that the body has problems, especially the liver, Chinese medicine says that the liver hides blood, whether a person's liver function is good or not, whether the metabolism is abnormal, can be reflected from the hair.

Because the liver is an organ that filters blood, stores energy, and assists in digesting food, problems arise in this area, and the initial manifestations begin with hair.

Liver function is good or not, it will be reflected from the hair, hair has these 4 conditions, need to pay attention to

First, yellow hair

If the hair color is yellow, there is no dyeing and ironing, indicating that the body is short of trace elements copper and iron, but the hair is yellow not only because of this, to some extent related to liver blood deficiency.

The liver is also a large blood reservoir that promotes hair growth and nourishes the liver and body.

If the liver is short of blood, it will affect the health of the liver, so yellow hair must be paid more attention, especially in children.

Liver function is good or not, it will be reflected from the hair, hair has these 4 conditions, need to pay attention to

Second, thinning hair

Thinning hair, some are congenital factors, some are acquired factors, that is, often caused by hair loss, in this case, it is necessary to suspect that there is a problem with liver function.

Of course, there are many reasons for hair loss, such as too much pressure, poor work and rest, then it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination.

Therefore, when understanding the cause, it is best to go to the hospital for examination, once it is determined that hair thinning is a problem with liver function, it is recommended to drink some ginseng tea to improve the body's immunity and increase the supply of nutrients.

Liver function is good or not, it will be reflected from the hair, hair has these 4 conditions, need to pay attention to

Third, the hair is very dry and easy to break

The rate at which the hair grows and the health of the hair is inextricably linked to kidney health, and if there is a lack of blood in the kidneys, the hair becomes dry and easily breaks.

Therefore, only the liver blood in the human body is sufficient to meet the nutrients needed by the hair. Therefore, whether there is enough blood in the liver can also affect the quality of the hair.

Liver function is good or not, it will be reflected from the hair, hair has these 4 conditions, need to pay attention to

Fourth, white hair on the sideburns

White hair is common for everyone, but if you have gray hair at a young age, it means that the body ages quickly.

In particular, there are long white hairs on both temples, which are likely caused by liver fire, which is due to the proximity of the temples to the ears, the ear is closely related to the gallbladder, and the liver and gallbladder are connected.

The liver mainly stores blood, if the liver blood is missing, it is necessary to replenish blood and qi, so as to avoid gray hair on the sideburns.

Liver function is good or not, it will be reflected from the hair, hair has these 4 conditions, need to pay attention to

According to the above introduction, hair problems are mainly caused by the human liver and kidney organs, how to deal with this time?

First, eat more protein-rich foods

Eat protein-rich hair care foods such as fish, beans, leafy greens, animal livers, walnuts, and sesame seeds, which help improve hair quality and are important for regulating liver function.

Second, prevent the indiscriminate use of drugs

Drug abuse has always been a hot topic, the main reason is that the indiscriminate use of drugs leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body, increasing the metabolic burden of the liver, endangering kidney function, and is not conducive to hair care. Therefore, never use drugs indiscriminately.

Liver function is good or not, it will be reflected from the hair, hair has these 4 conditions, need to pay attention to

If you want to restore liver function and improve the problems caused by hair, you need to supplement enough nutrition, it is generally recommended to start from the diet, if necessary, eat some hair foods, such as black beans, black sesame seeds, kelp, etc.

In addition to diet, people with poor liver function should also take drugs to regulate, such as the stable effect of traditional Chinese medicine, which basically does not affect physical health and can eliminate the harm of diseases.

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