
Today, cold dew

author:Yangtze River Daily
Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew

The Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi described Hanlu this way:

Today, cold dew

Today (8th), at 9:39, we will usher in the first of the twenty-four solar terms with the word "cold" - "cold dew".

Autumn is deep, and cold dew is coming. The atmosphere is so cold that it becomes dew when it encounters things. In two weeks, the dew will be frosted again.

Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew

At this point, the Sun moves to 195 degrees ecliptic longitude. As the seventeenth of the twenty-four solar terms, cold dew is a sign that the weather has changed from cool to cold. In the ancient book "Explanation of the Seventy-two Waiting For the Moon Order", it is said: "On the September Festival, the dew is cold and will condense." "If the white dew festival is a sign of the turn from heat to cool, the cold dew festival is a turn from cold to cold.

Today, cold dew

As the saying goes, "a heavy autumn wind and a heavy cold, an autumn rain and a cold". The cold dew season is already the autumn of autumn, and it is the season from autumn to frost, the temperature drops the fastest in the whole autumn. The "train" that runs from autumn to winter enters the high-speed track.

Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew

From the beginning of the cold dew to the frost after two weeks, on the one hand, the cicadas are gagged, on the other hand, the autumn colors are colorful. In the countryside, it is a busy season for autumn ripening crops and sowing overwintering crops. Pomegranates, hawthorns, and persimmons hang from the branches, and the autumn leaves fall layer by layer, making the fruit more and more fruitful.

Today, cold dew

◾ In this solar term, the queue of geese in a one-word or herringbone shape moves south.

Today, cold dew

◾ In the deep autumn, it was cold, and the birds disappeared in the blink of an eye. The ancients saw that many clams suddenly appeared on the seashore, and the shell stripes and colors of the clams were very similar to those of birds, so they thought that birds had become birds.

Today, cold dew

◾ At this time, in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, chrysanthemums are generally open. But the season in Wuhan is still early, and juju still needs patience.

Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew

This year's cold dew, the lunar date is the third day of the first month of September. September is the last month of autumn. The "Autumn Tiger" was finally repelled by the autumn wind, and the osmanthus flowers that had been repeatedly postponed finally came to flower. Ye Tiaoyuan has a bamboo branch poem that vividly depicts the spectacle of The People of Wuhan in the Nineteenth Century at this time:

West wind letter to osmanthus blossom,

Pick up Fu Chaoyang to play a few times.

For the love of Tianxiang is not enough,

A thousand dollars for a ke to come.

Today, cold dew

At that time, the osmanthus flowers located in Hanyang Jifu Nunnery and Chaoyang Nunnery were the most abundant, attracting groups of tourists. The fragrance of osmanthus flowers is exciting, and some rich stores in Hankou will rent osmanthus flowers to enter the store. The rental price is quite high, and a osmanthus tree costs a thousand dollars.

The cold dew festival is followed by the Chongyang Festival, and it is customary to ascend to the heights and enjoy the autumn. Qingliangzhai and other places in the north of Wuhan are increasingly lined with scenery at this time. Although the autumn atmosphere is heavy, the autumn scenery seen from the heights is heart-warming and has a warm beauty.

Today, cold dew

Heaven-earth-man, man and heaven and earth are one, this is the worldview of Chinese, and it is also the original meaning of the topic of solar terms. There is a folk proverb: "White dew does not show the body, cold dew does not show the feet", reminding people to cover up the body at this time. Cold dew begins, the moisture in the air is getting less and less, the day is dry, and you need to pay attention to hydration.

Today, cold dew

What effect does the climate during cold dew affect the human body? Zheng Li, an expert at Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and director of the Department of Geriatrics, reminds you of four health tips.

Today, cold dew

Director Zheng Li said that during the cold dew season, we must pay attention to the maintenance of the yang qi in the body. When the climate becomes cold, it is the time when the body's yang qi converges and the yin essence is hidden inside, so it should be mainly to maintain the yin essence. In general, cold dew health should pay attention to the principle of "adoption", mainly pay attention to the following four points:

Today, cold dew

Cold dew should nourish the lungs, "the lungs are mainly publicized and suppressed, and the joy is not dry." At this time, according to the situation of each person, less spicy and acid, less spicy and irritating, dry, smoked and other foods, eat more sweet, light and moist food, supplement the spleen and stomach, nourish the lungs and intestines. Sesame seeds, walnuts, white fungus, radishes, tomatoes, lotus roots, milk, lilies, sand ginseng and other foods have the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing and nourishing the stomach.

Today, cold dew

It is advisable to go to bed early and get up early, go to bed early to conform to the collection of yin essence, and get up early to soothe yang qi. Lying down for a few more minutes before getting up and stretching the whole body is also meaningful for preventing thrombosis. Cold dew festival cold attack, not only to prevent cold and cold, but also to open the door and window often, to keep the indoor air fresh.

Today, cold dew

After entering the cold dew, you can no longer "freeze in autumn", do not naked to prevent cool air from invading the body. Sandals can basically be put away to prevent "cold from the foot".

"In the golden autumn, the dry gas is ordered." At this time, the air humidity is low, the wind is gradually increasing, the sweat evaporates rapidly, the skin is easy to dry and crack, the hair is easy to fall off, and a series of autumn dry symptoms such as dry throat, dry nose and dry skin are easy to appear. When maintaining a certain humidity in the living room, you can use humidification equipment, or plant green plants and raise some aquatic animals and plants.

Today, cold dew

Autumn is a great time for exercise, both to regulate the spirit and to strengthen the body. Mountaineering, jogging, walking or practicing tai chi and baduanjin are all suitable exercises, so as to achieve the spiritual conditioning of the unity of movement and static, and cultivate an optimistic and open-minded mood.

At this time, the climate is cool, the air quality is better, you may wish to get closer to nature and absorb the essence of heaven and earth. Stretching exercise has a "transportation effect", can converge the mind, from the breath to drive the circulatory system, gastrointestinal digestion to the endocrine system, all the way smooth, qi and blood circulation naturally active.

Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew

Photo by Jiang Xiaomei of the Yangtze River Daily City Photography Team

Today, cold dew

△ Huang Li Photo by Wang Dezhong of the Yangtze River Daily City Photography Team

Today, cold dew

△ Red Maple Photo by Deng Bo of the Yangtze River Daily City Photography Team

Today, cold dew

△ Chicken claw maple Yangtze River Daily City Photography Team Han Changguang photo

Today, cold dew

△ Maple leaves are yellow Yangtze River Daily City Photography Team Photo by Li Yundi

Today, cold dew

Photo by Deng Bo, City Photography Team of Yangtze River Daily

Today, cold dew

Photo by Han Changguang, Yangtze River Daily City Photography Team

Today, cold dew

Photo by Wang Dezhong, City Photography Team of Yangtze River Daily

Today, cold dew
Today, cold dew

△ Black-winged long-legged sandpiper Photo by Yu Chunhua of the Yangtze River Daily City Photography Team

Today, cold dew

△ Black cormorant Photo by Yu Chunhua, City Photography Team of Yangtze River Daily

Today, cold dew

△ Long-billed sword plover (héng) Photo by Yu Chunhua, City Photography Team of Yangtze River Daily

Golden wind jade dew, red leaves yellow

The best autumn is already around

Produced by Yangtze River Daily

Reporter | Zhong Lingru trainee reporter Wang Han Correspondent Ying Shuhui

Product Coordinator | Chen Chang Integration | Chen Zhi Typesetting/Design | Zhang Li Drawing | Zhao Jian

Video creator | Fan Peng, Hu Jiusi, Wu Tianqi, review zheng hui

Photography | Li Yonggang Yangtze River Daily City Photography Team

Production | Wang Rongfei Proofreader | Cai Yang Tong Yongzhong

【Editor: Zhang Jing】

Today, cold dew

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