
8 public accounts with high praise rate are worth collecting

Depth and professionalism, timeliness and accuracy,

is our standard for evaluating "good" content.

Shoddy vulgar content has made it difficult to grab our attention.

We would rather see professional insights,

Content that provides a depth angle,

Trigger us to think more and increase our insights.

Today I recommend a few for everyone

Outstanding public names in the subdivision field,

Long press the QR code, "Identify the QR code in the picture" or click on the official account business card to subscribe


Cross-border frontiers


Introduction: Cross-border Frontier is a high-quality self-media for e-commerce, dedicated to studying e-commerce trends at home and abroad! Learn about the frontier developments of cross-border e-commerce for you.

Pay attention to the cutting-edge information of cross-border e-commerce, grasp the latest developments of cross-border enterprises, in-depth case interpretation, unique article views, sharp angles, and all aspects.

Insight into the development trend of the cross-border industry, escorting cross-border sellers who go to sea!

To do cross-border e-commerce, look at the cross-border frontier!

China Economic Network


Introduction: News events, in-depth interpretation of financial hotspots, authoritative comments, the first scene, we are all in; the national authoritative news media unit, won the "Top Ten Communication Power of China News Websites". China Economic Network, delivering valuable information!

China News Weekly


Introduction: National events are never absent, the public opinion field is stripped away, as a professional national news media, China News Weekly has always adhered to the position and responsibility of news people. We record the people in the changing times, track the gripping stories, those you respect, you love, and are closely related to you, we will explore and ask questions for you, accompany you to clear the fog, and wait for the facts.

Guangming Net


Introduction: Guangming Network is the official website of Guangming Daily, and also a central key news website that deeply cultivates the field of ideology, theory and culture. Here are the most authoritative news reports, the hottest social topics, the latest news in the field of education and culture... Cultural people, the world's affairs, join us! Scan the QR code below the surface, let us open a different ideological and cultural feast together.

New Lifestyle Institute


Introduction: Lifestyle Research Institute is a lifestyle sharing platform under New Weekly.

There are character stories about lifestyle, as well as fun comics to play with. We focus on discovering the situation of the good life from an unusual perspective, and strive to be the most interesting lifestyle researcher.

From time to time, we will prepare the latest New Weekly Magazine and small gifts for everyone to give for free, follow [New Lifestyle Research Institute ID: neweeklylifestyle], participate in our activities, and have a chance to get it.

Every prayer headline


Introduction: Every headline is a fist news product created by daily economic news, focusing on tempering professionalism, achieving depth with analysis, telling stories with details, and realizing communication with value. Not only paying attention to the landmark events of the capital market, but also paying attention to the revolutionary changes of popular industries, it is the concentrated presentation of the professionalism of financial reports in daily economic news for more than 10 years.

Most Chinese


Introduction: Chinese one of the most influential international cultural new media on the Internet. For 4 consecutive years, it has been rated as One of China's WeChat Top 500 and Top 20 of the New List Education Category; its content covers the whole network, and it is a high-quality creator of today's headline international channel, a little information culture channel, UC Big Fish International Field and other platforms; Baidu Encyclopedia professional certified user.

Every night at 8 o'clock, discover China from the world. Take you to see the world, open your eyes, and raise your realm.

This is the United States


Introduction: Global Network American reporter station, take you to understand the magical Us imperialism, accompany you to chat about hot topics at home and abroad, here are the inspirational chicken soup of international celebrities, there are also flash stories behind small people. Beauty and justice, want you to see.

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