
4 common warm "big moves", no matter how cold can not be used for babies!

Coinciding with the spring, at the turn of winter and spring, it is still warm and cold, and many parents will still worry about the baby freezing. After all, when the baby is sick, the whole family is turning on their backs. So all kinds of thermal equipment have to be arranged - thick clothes, hot water bottles, electric blankets and so on.

But few parents will be vigilant: some of our common ways of keeping warm are not suitable for babies, and some are even dangerous!

4 common warm "big moves", no matter how cold can not be used for babies!

4 Common "Warm Dafa"

Strength "pit baby"

Big Pit 1: Warm baby

Warm babies are convenient and warm, and parents like to stick them on their clothes when it's cold. Although warm babies look safer, it is easy to produce low temperature burns. Babies have delicate skin and are more sensitive than adults, and it is not worth the loss to cause symptoms such as infection due to burns.

Therefore, although warm babies are called "babies", they are not suitable for babies.

Big Pit 2: Hot water bottle

Hot water bottles have the same possibility of burns as warm babies, but in addition to burns, traditional water-filled hot water bottles also have the hidden danger of easy leakage. Secondly, electrode type hot water bottles or rechargeable hot water bottles need to pay attention to the risk of explosion, once the explosion occurs, the consequences are unimaginable.

Big Pit 3: Electric blanket

Electric blankets are also a common thermal artifact in every household, which should be very safe, right? In fact, for the baby, it is inappropriate to use the electric blanket for a long time, because the high temperature of the electric blanket will cause the baby to sweat a lot, and then it is easy to dehydrate.

Big Pit 4: Over-dressing

Don't think it's safer to wear more for your baby! Rather than "wearing too little", babies are more afraid of "wearing too much"!

Baby metabolism is fast and more active, wearing too much easy to sweat, the baby will not only be uncomfortable but also may aggravate eczema and prickly symptoms, causing skin itching discomfort, etc., if serious, there may be neonatal fever syndrome, causing children dehydration and other conditions Oh.

4 common warm "big moves", no matter how cold can not be used for babies!

Interstitial a trivia:

Although the down jacket is good, it is not suitable for babies under 3 years old.

1. Down jackets are prone to allergies. The baby's immune system is not mature, and the duck down goose down in the down jacket is easy to make the baby allergic, causing allergic symptoms such as itching rashes, itchy eyes and asthma.

2. There is a risk of "holding the heat". Babies have a weaker central adjustment ability than adults. Thick down is too warm and not easy to dissipate heat, if the baby's body temperature is too high it is difficult to regulate, it will easily cause "heat syndrome".

Babies can't wear down jackets, you can use the same warm cotton clothes instead.

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