
To say that taiwan's hottest female singer from 1995 to 2000 is naturally Zhang Huimei. Zhang Huimei joined Fenghua in 1996 and was poached by Warner Records in 2001 at a high salary, at Fenghua

author:Song Er broke the lecture

To say that taiwan's hottest female singer from 1995 to 2000 is naturally Zhang Huimei. Zhang Huimei joined Fenghua in 1996, and was poached by Warner Records in 2001, and in Fenghua for 5 years, a total of 8 albums were released. Like Gao Shengmei "fed" the early Shanghua Records, and Xu Huaiyu "fed" the Rolling Stones records of the late 90s, in the 5 years of Fenghua, it has always been Zhang Huimei who gave Fenghua "love offerings". However, the success of Zhang Huimei is inseparable from the insight of Zhang Xiaoyan and Zhang Yusheng, and Zhang Yusheng has devoted herself to producing the first album "Sisters" and the second album "Bad Boy" for A Mei, the local sales of these two albums are 1.08 million and 1.35 million copies respectively, which is a record of no one in the Taiwanese music scene, and no one has broken it so far. Looking at the entire Taiwanese music scene, Zhang Huimei's dazzling achievements are only inferior to that year's king of heavenly kings - Wang Jie.

To say that taiwan's hottest female singer from 1995 to 2000 is naturally Zhang Huimei. Zhang Huimei joined Fenghua in 1996 and was poached by Warner Records in 2001 at a high salary, at Fenghua

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