
I often feel a long joy because of this

I often feel a long joy because of this

Most of the arguments are unnecessary.

Even beings who are called "facts."

Because the facts of any person cannot be separated from his values and the emotions of the moment.

Values and emotions can always determine what a person will pay attention to and string what into facts.

"Food" is a fact.

"Joy" is a fact.

"Sky" is a fact.

"Money" is also true.

There is a causal relationship between these facts that can be arbitrarily related—in a particular narrative perspective.

Most of the time people communicate, in fact, it has nothing to do with facts. We talk about "facts," but more often in this way, we exchange values, moral codes, or express emotions.

People are not really concerned with the objective face of the world, but with a virtual spiritual world. And try to use a linguistic "choice" to correspond the objective face of the world to this virtual spiritual world. When this correspondence is perfect, people will feel happy, joyful. When this correspondence is always wrong, people will feel pain and suffering.

The simplest example is mate selection. Happiness begins when the opposite sex can perfectly merge with our inner imagination; when the other person cannot merge perfectly, suffering also occurs.

As for the other details of life, as well as about the goals set for the future, the same rules follow: people are happy because they match, and mismatches are painful.

With this understood, one should no longer easily argue with others about the so-called facts. Because any kind of argument has the potential to impact the other person's world. Such conflicts are entirely avoidable. Because the spiritual world, especially the spiritual world after adulthood, can only be created or changed by oneself. It is difficult for external forces to influence it.

At the same time, one will understand how important it is to shape a correct spiritual world. This spiritual world, if it can match the laws of the nature of the world, then he will feel less pain.

Because pain and joy are two sides of the same coin. It is true that increasing joy reduces suffering, just as adding yellow to a picture reduces the effect of blue; but the wiser way is to subtract, and as long as the pain is reduced, joy will also increase, and at the same time it will be more pure; just as in the blue sky, if the yellow message is reduced, the blue sky will be more pure.

In my spiritual world, the perception of this world is "world suffering."

All the time, not bitter, nothing without suffering. This is the Buddhist view and the definition of thermodynamics: things are always spontaneous, from order, to disorder. This is a process of entropy increase. "Entropy" is used to measure the disorder of a system. As entropy increases, the total energy of the system does not change, but the available part of it decreases.

There is only life, living by negative entropy. In disorder, order is created.

No matter what pain you experience, it is normal and inevitable.

So if one can focus on growing in suffering, creating order in disorder. It does not contradict the laws of the world, but at the same time integrates, exerts its own life force. There will be less pain.

I often feel joy at this. This is not the same as the happiness that comes from the pursuit, it does not disappear with time, but grows longer and longer.

This perception has helped me a lot.

Write it down. May it help you too.

Text/@Spoon Booth

Slowly and leisurely in the updated video number