
1/2 of the chaotic horse also came to advertise, launching products with the theme of "Dream Girly"

1/2 of the chaotic horse also came to advertise, launching products with the theme of "Dream Girly"

Brand poster of the image of the horse

1/2 of the chaotic horse also came to advertise, launching products with the theme of "Dream Girly"

Product design drawings

1/2 of the chaotic horse also came to advertise, launching products with the theme of "Dream Girly"
1/2 of the chaotic horse also came to advertise, launching products with the theme of "Dream Girly"

以“相遇的瞬间,体温上升2°C”为概念的时尚品牌mayla classic,于2022年2月10日12点发布与高桥留美子原作的名作漫画《乱‬马‬1/2》的合作商品。

The theme is "The Girl of Dreams". 虽然没有公布最终的商品等,但以女乱马‬和洗发水为主题的女鞋主图、设计画、形象电影在官方网站上公开。 Female horse models are the color of bright red cheongsam, and tall models are based on bright green. The red and purple bows are each cute.

"Crazy Horse 1/2" is one of Rumiko Takahashi's masterpieces. It is a fighting romantic comedy centered on Hayaot Misama, who turns into a woman when she touches water, and her fiancée, Tenchi Akane. In addition to animation and live-action TV series, many related games have been released.

In addition, if water is poured, Hayaot's horse will turn into a woman, and the shampoo will turn into a cat because it falls into the cursed spring that spreads in the village of Curse Spring. The image illustration is "Immersed in the Fountain of Hearts" decorated with this advertising slogan, and the main visual appearance of women's shoes sinking into the water is believed to be based on the theme of the spring water of the mantra spring township.

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