
Tears! This passing reunion

6s, 60s, 600s

Every Spring Festival

When thousands of families are reunited

Did you know?

There is always such a group of people

Their reunion with their families

Measured in minutes and seconds

The train roared across the earth

Everyone looked in the direction of home

You may not know

They who escort you home

I also look forward to reuniting with my family

Although only on the rushed side of the platform

They stick to their posts

Pass the reunion with a wipe

In exchange for the reunion of thousands of families

The wheels of the times roll forward

Love and perseverance never change

Tears! This passing reunion
Tears! This passing reunion
Tears! This passing reunion
Tears! This passing reunion
Tears! This passing reunion
Tears! This passing reunion
Tears! This passing reunion

During the Spring Festival, he still stuck to his post

Sacrificing the "small family" for the sake of "everyone"


You are all heroes

You guys worked hard!

Source: Beijing Daily

Editor/Tao Yinsheng

Review/Hou Xiaoran

Executive Producer/Zhou Zhifei

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