
Go to Tibet, your biggest worry about altitude sickness, the solution is there! Scientific, effective, systematic

author:Super road trip

When you think of going to Tibet, the brain immediately thinks of altitude sickness, various uncomfortable scenes, which dead and alive pictures on the Internet, so that your heart suddenly feels like a ghost on the body, blocking the pace of most donkey friends to go to Tibet;

So, is there a solution?

A search on the Internet, scattered a lot, seems to be useful, but also has not been practiced, the heart is not sure;

First of all, look at most of the donkey friends, severe altitude sickness, what is the cause?

Second, find a solution, you can;

Sichuan-Tibet veterans have led the team for many years, entered Tibet countless times, summed up some experience, and today are like a number of family treasures, all told the donkey friends, remember to treasure;

First: prevention work, to be in place;

Prevention as the mainstay, emergency as a supplement to the principle, on the one hand, prevention to do a good job, the things that should be done, do things in people, success in the day; on the other hand, prevention work also plays a role in confidence, so that the heart knows, the heart is assured, relax the mood is also a very important part of the prevention of altitude sickness;

Go to Tibet, your biggest worry about altitude sickness, the solution is there! Scientific, effective, systematic
Go to Tibet, your biggest worry about altitude sickness, the solution is there! Scientific, effective, systematic
Go to Tibet, your biggest worry about altitude sickness, the solution is there! Scientific, effective, systematic

How to prevent it?

First, before departure, 15-30 days in advance, walk 10,000 steps a day, buy some western tablets, soak water and drink every day, so that two things persist for more than half a month, the role is also very simple, on the one hand, the body tissues stretch a little, the blood flow is smooth, The Western tablets and Rhodiola have the same function, enhance the number of sheep blood red blood cells, and have more ability to supply oxygen to the brain;

The second is to prevent colds before departure, which is one of the important factors that can directly lead to the aggravation of altitude sickness;

Most altitude sickness is accompanied by cold symptoms, a cold and a hot bath, a hot bath, a cold room; in the morning or at the mouth of the mountain, getting off the car and wearing less clothes will lead to the occurrence of colds

The third is to gradually enter the high altitude area, how are arranged on the first day of the 2600 altitude, live in Kangding or Yajiang, the second. Three days to live in Shangri-La town, about 2900 altitude, the fourth day to live in Shangri-La city of about 3200, with these 4 days at the bottom, basically can adapt to altitude sickness;

Teaming up with us, or carpooling, has a greater advantage, and will remind everyone in a timely manner on the road, some precautions;

The fourth is to reduce strenuous exercise, minimize smoking in the first three days, do not carry out conjugal life, do not bounce and take pictures, do not run, carry less heavy things, reduce strenuous exercise, will avoid unnecessary blood flow speed acceleration, because on the plateau, the blood flow rate itself will accelerate, plus big exercise, physical consumption is too large, insufficient oxygen supply, uncomfortable that is natural;

Fourth, the first three days as far as possible to bathe time of no more than 10 minutes, during the bath pay attention to indoor and outdoor temperature to maintain balance;

Fifth, you can soak your feet every day, or do a foot massage, the foot is the second heart of the person, the foot is warm and the whole body is warm, which can prevent various deficiencies;

Sixth, adjust the mood, nervousness, irritability, uneasiness, anger, will accelerate the blood flow rate, stimulate the body's emergency mechanism, will lead to direct altitude sickness;

Second: Prepare the necessary supplies to deal with the possibilities that arise!

First, here for the donkey friends to prepare a gift package into Tibet, the content includes: a plateau travel insurance, 4 pieces of glucose, 2 bottles of oxygen, 1 bottle of essential oil, 1 box of ginger tea, 1 bottle of 21 gold vitamins, a barrel of Western raw tablets;

Go to Tibet, your biggest worry about altitude sickness, the solution is there! Scientific, effective, systematic
Go to Tibet, your biggest worry about altitude sickness, the solution is there! Scientific, effective, systematic
Go to Tibet, your biggest worry about altitude sickness, the solution is there! Scientific, effective, systematic

What does the contents of these packages do to you?

The insurance department does not say much, the plateau altitude below 6000 meters is dedicated; glucose can be directly absorbed by the human body, the human body must ensure the balance of blood sugar, the talent can play smoothly and happily, glucose is mainly used for hypoglycemia blood glucose supplementation, the blood glucose concentration maintained by the human body at all times should be about 5 mg, below this value belongs to low blood sugar, people will be dizzy, confused, numb, even coma, breathless, etc.; high blood sugar is okay, the body will intervene in the islet system from time to time, Lower blood sugar levels, when blood sugar is high, people are easily awake;

This is also why long-distance self-driving, to eat less staple foods and starchy foods, these foods have a very high sugar transfer capacity, especially pure noodles such foods, with a very high sugar transfer capacity, the body from time to time secrete insulin balance blood sugar, the rapid decline in blood sugar Is the result of drowsiness, long-distance driving to eat vegetables accounted for three-quarters, staple foods and starches up to a quarter, and the more you eat the better;

Oxygen is not much to say, the air atmospheric pressure becomes smaller, oxygen concentration is not enough, supplementing yang can balance the blood oxygen supply capacity, here to say is how to suck oxygen problem, even inhale 10 mouth pause 5-10 seconds, and then inhale 10 mouth pause 5-10 seconds, continuously do 10 such back and forth most effective;

In addition, when encountering the observation deck, it is recommended that everyone go down to the activity activity, walk up and down, climb the stairs, take a big breath, and relatively maintain the oxygen supply of the body, nest in the car where not to go, maybe it will be more uncomfortable, understand?

The role of essential oils is to channel emotions, some donkey friends are more uncomfortable, more nervous, more worried, do not prevent putting some essential oil on gloves or sleeves, ask a question will instantly penetrate your nervous mood, so that the mood is smoothed, relaxed, play an unexpected effect, in addition, essential oils can also be sterilized, many places to eat before eating are not convenient to wash hands, you can apply some essential oil on the hand dry cleaning, play a role in washing hands, essential oil is the same as vinegar, the smell emitted can also prevent viral colds;

Ginger tea, mainly cold, Tibet has cold, coupled with lack of oxygen, will lead to a lot of peripheral capillary blood dry oxygen supply is insufficient, resulting in the body feel cold at night, drink some ginger tea to warm the body, promote the arrival rate of blood oxygen, the body will also warm up a lot, to prevent cold excellent drinks;

21 Golden vitamins can supplement the body needs a few assist trace elements, promote the normal circulation of the body, to Tibet will generally increase the amount of food, calorie demand increases, the demand for trace elements also increases, no charging has benefits;

American ginseng tablets, mainly to increase the number of aerobic red blood cells in the blood, thereby assisting in the prevention of hyperversion;

Go to Tibet, your biggest worry about altitude sickness, the solution is there! Scientific, effective, systematic
Go to Tibet, your biggest worry about altitude sickness, the solution is there! Scientific, effective, systematic
Go to Tibet, your biggest worry about altitude sickness, the solution is there! Scientific, effective, systematic

Third: Once you encounter severe altitude sickness, how to deal with it?

The answer is, hurry to the hospital to absorb oxygen, the oxygen concentration of the hospital is higher, generally oxygen inhalation for 2 hours, continuous 2-3 days, basically will be cured, why go to the hospital, do not buy oxygen yourself?

It is very important that when you arrive at the hospital, the doctor will make a comprehensive examination to rule out the possibility of various inflammations of pulmonary edema, at least use a stethoscope to listen to whether there are rales in the lungs, exclude some important altitude sickness, and ensure the safety of tibet;

Fourth: What else will you pay attention to on the road?

One is to enter the high altitude area, especially the Folding Mountain, and the next day to go through Litang to Daocheng Aden, a day above 4000 meters above sea level, which remember to go up to high altitude, remember to drink glucose, encounter the observation deck let everyone come down to hang out, breathe in the fresh air;

Second, during the driving process, it is necessary to leave a small gap in the window to ensure that the air in the car is fresh, avoid the driver from drowsiness, and open the small gap in the outer circulation or skylight;

Third, in the process of driving, decelerate in advance when turning, many donkey friends like to slow down while turning, which is a bad hobby, once there is dark ice in the corner, or sand and gravel, the car is out of control, the most important thing is that the rear row is thrown around, it is easy to get motion sickness, and the corner should be gentle; reduce the sharp braking and sharp acceleration, reduce the possibility of motion sickness in the car, sometimes motion sickness and high reaction symptoms are extremely similar;

The fourth is to reduce the overheating of the air conditioning in the car, try to warm the feet, too hot on the one hand, the driver is sleepy, on the other hand, after getting off the car, the combination of hot and cold is easy to wear too little clothes to cause a cold, to ensure the balance of temperature inside and outside the car, reducing the cold is equivalent to reducing the symptoms of altitude sickness by half;

To sum up, there are 10 points:

One is to reduce strenuous exercise;

The second is to gradually enter high-altitude areas with a weak heart;

The third is to adjust the mood and relax the mood;

The fourth is to walk 10,000 steps in advance and drink water with Western raw tablets;

Fifth, prevent colds all the time;

Sixth, the bath time is not more than 15 minutes, too cold to wash, too large temperature difference not to wash;

Seventh, to prevent cold, the temperature difference in Tibet is too large, wear more clothes;

Eight is to prepare the gift package: glucose, oxygen, insurance, essential oils, speed oxygen, Western raw tablets, 21 gold vitamins, ginger tea;

Nine is conditional bubble feet;

Ten is to drink less, do not smoke, drink more hot water;

In addition, our pilot car will also be prepared, Dansheng drop pills, quick-acting heart-saving pills, all kinds of antibiotics, oximeters, asthma sprays, emergency rescue kits, etc., for everyone to do a good job of supplementation, do a good job of emergency treatment and other matters, the most critical, the leader has a health certificate, ambulance certificate, to ensure that everyone travels smoothly;

Is there now a comprehensive understanding and prevention of altitude sickness?

Finally, let me say that everyone has some misunderstandings about altitude sickness, as well as some rumors, why?

Because it is not scientific;

First, people who like exercise are more likely to have altitude sickness, because the demand for oxygen is large, it is easier to have altitude sickness, that is a misunderstanding, there is no existence, people who usually like exercise must be the fastest people to adapt to the plateau environment;

The second is to eat Rhodiola rosea can not treat altitude sickness, this is a wrong understanding, Rhodiola rosea is good, Western tablets are good, is to increase the aerobic red blood cells in the blood, you get to the plateau began to bounce and take pictures, trot, and even husband and wife life, a lot of oxygen consumption, serious time will die, don't say Rhodiola Rosea, God can not save you, Rhodiola Rosea produced aerobic hemocytic cells are metabolic orderly increase, need time, now use must not work, your metabolism is not so fast;

At this time, inhaling oxygen and taking glucose is the most effective, or going directly to the hospital is the most correct;

The third is to adapt to the plateau environment, more than a week can be vigorous exercise, that is also a fallacy, you try to be recruited, no more than half a year is not considered to adapt, do not understand the wrong, make it uncomfortable, really unnecessary;

Fourth, go to Tibet to play once, the body is damaged, this is also a fallacy, then the people who take the plane every day, is not to sit, the plane is at a height of 10,000 meters, the cabin belongs to the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, the atmospheric pressure is only about 0.7, and Tibet is almost the same; remember not to exercise strenuously, it is true;

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