
The happiness of a woman The happiness of a woman is not to eat well, dress well, and live well but to have a person who loves himself and understands himself, no matter how capable he is, always gives you the best and the most money is a thing

author:Ao Xiaomei

The happiness of women

It's not about eating well, dressing well, staying well

It's about having someone who loves themselves and understands themselves

No matter how capable he is

Always give you the best the most

Money is a material need, and happiness is a spiritual satisfaction

True love does not need money to buy, true heart money can not buy

Happiness is simple, a warm embrace

A reliable shoulder, a person who sees you as a treasure

A man who gives you enough security

A man who will desperately make money and be willing to give you flowers

That's happiness!

@Toutiao #冬日生活打卡季 #

The happiness of a woman The happiness of a woman is not to eat well, dress well, and live well but to have a person who loves himself and understands himself, no matter how capable he is, always gives you the best and the most money is a thing

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